Blog Design

Goodbye Purple

Change is good. I’m getting tired looking at my purple template I currently have up here. Anyone who has been around my blog long enough knows that I almost always revert back to shades of blue. Purple has been nice. It kept me calm throughout my wedding jitters. It’s been a good color for the past few months. But, as always, I miss my blue. I’m about to re-arrange things around here and I’m not sure how it will go. I’ve tested and re-tested this redesign of mine, but it does require some big changes in the back-end code and […]

Who says blogs aren't useful?

Blogs ARE useful! If I didn’t know this before – I know it now. How do I know this? Back in April of this year – I did this post about my engagement ring irritating the skin underneath it. It was really very bothersome to me and for the longest time (even after we got married) I couldn’t wear it. Well, I could wear it for a few days – until the blister and rash started showing up again – then I’d have to take it off for a week or two until it healed. I could then wear it […]

mtv on the brain

Talking about taking work to bed with you! Over the past few weeks – I’ve been working pretty hot n’ heavy on this site owned by a guy who is a producer for a show on MTV2 called Subterranean. His site is all about music, music reviews, artists, record labels, etc, etc. The project has been super involved and we’re quickly nearing the end of the project. I’ve talked to Dave so much on the phone this week – he almost feels like part of the family, ya know? Like I should invite him over for turkey on Thanksgiving. I […]

Back to school

Quote of the day? “freshmen are the most annoying…. things. i swear they get more and more cocky every year” This bit of wisdom is brought to you by a teenage girl who is 2 whole days into her sophmore year of high school. Heh. I’ve been under the weather. Down and out. Sick and tired (literally sick and tired). I’m behind on email. I apologize. Tonight is my mass-emailing night to get myself caught up. In the meantime – have a look at my new photoblog – – well, it’s not new, really. I’ve had it since June 2005. […]

Ready for ie7 ?

I’m not – but that’s besides the point. IE7 is coming to many computers near you, whether you like it, or not. The soon-to-be-released update to everyone’s favorite browser will soon be packaged into automatic Windows updates (by the way – do yourself a favor and turn those off, eh?) – and Windows users all over the net will be subject to an upgrade. Sigh. And people wonder why I stockpile food in my cellar? So when IE7 is released, I can lock myself inside to avoid the mob on my front lawn of past clients dating back lord knows […]

Validation Funnies

Can’t remember where I came across this – but I chuckled, as only a developer could: Our W3C, which art on the net: Hallowed be thy markup. Thy workingdrafts come. Thy Specs be done in Mozilla as they are in Opera. Give us this day our daily XHTML, and forgive us our hacks and workarounds, as we forgive all tablebased designers. And lead us not to invalid code but deliver us from IE5. Amen.

Upright and breathing

Since returning from our honeymoon last month, blogging here has been light, at best. I’ve gotten a few emails asking if I’m ever going to start blogging here regularly again. It seems since my return, I have very little time on my hands for actual blogging – – I’ve been mostly posting pictures and such. To say the least, things have been downright hectic and busy around these parts. I love blogging – and really enjoy the interaction . . . but this blog is low on my list of priorities at the moment. Back in March – I went […]

Losing My Mind

Why didn’t anyone advise me to elope? Let me just say – I could NEVER be a wedding planner (ala’ J-Lo). All the nit picky little details have my brain spinning! We’re leaving for NY in two days. Pulling together a wedding in New York from Wisconsin is no small feat, let me just say. I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone! However, considering that all the plans are set and done – – all those nit picky little details have been attended to and everyone and everything is in place for this to happen – I’m really excited and looking […]


19 days, and counting…. the wedding is right around the corner, can you believe it??? I picked up our wedding rings yesterday. We got them about a month ago, but they needed serious sizing – – mine was too small and his was too big. Now, they are both just right. Just gotta make sure we don’t lose ’em between here and New York! Question I get a lot these days? “Are you nervous??” The answer is two-fold. About marriage? No. About the actual wedding event? Yes! When you throw a shin-dig like this, there is always a bit of […]

Why the hiatus?

I‘ve gotten a lot of feedback on my self-imposed hiatus from taking on new projects at E.Webscapes. Lots of questions as to why, why, oh why??? We just got done doing some major wedding planning this past weekend… here’s just a the tip of the iceberg about the reasons behind the hiatus: April 6 – 9 – Trip to NYC Going for the second, but not final, dress fitting Meeting with the caterer – finalizing menus. Meeting with the baker – finalizing the cake plan Meeting with the florist and hair dresser – finalizing flowers and hairstyle and appointments for […]

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