That’s Life

The Final Countdown

I have about 20 hours left on my book deadline. Really, who’s counting? Apparently I am. Why am I blogging? Because I can procrastinate like a pro, when it comes right down to it. Besides, I work best under pressure. Just wanted to share my favorite quote of the week: Bill Maher: Britney Spears is out of rehab and says she’s feeling much better now. How nice for Miss Spears. After watching her antics over the past year – I just need to know the answer to this question: Is it possible to UN-Masturbate to someone? Queen – Under Pressure

Car Service RipOff

The exhaust on my Toyota needs fixin’. I got two quotes. One from a local Toyota Dealership and one from a locally-owned ‘Mom-n-Pop’ run auto shop that my dad referred me to. Dad told me he takes his car to the Mom-n-Pop place all the time, has for several years, and wouldn’t think to take it elsewhere. I took it to the local Toyota dealership first. This is what they tell me: “The exhaust system on a Toyota is all one piece. The flex pipe on your exhaust system got punctured somehow – which is why it’s making that noise. […]

Running Errands

I love elderly folks – I really do. My favorite is seeing an elderly couple holding hands… or smooching.. or otherwise showing public displays of affection. It gives me warm fuzzies and makes me go ‘Awwww.’ I don’t think older folks get the respect they deserve, quite honestly. Too often, they are forgotten, pushed aside and otherwise disrespected – – even though these are the people who have ‘been there, done that’ and have probably forgotten more things that we, the younger generation, have yet to learn. That being said – – please remind me to NEVER go grocery shopping […]

Long Writing Weekend

I haven’t talked to my friend Tom in a few months. I think we’re both just crazy busy in our lives lately. I need to give him a call, however – because I know he’s thinking of me and the stress I’m putting myself through in getting this book completed on time. How do I know this? I got a package in the mail yesterday – a box, from Tom. I knew what it contained before I even opened it, because I could hear the sloshing around inside. Tom is, after all, my supplier when it comes to all things […]

Easily Distracted

I have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) – or whatever the trendy name is for it these days. Basically, I’m easily distracted…to the point of being downright dangerous sometimes. Its either that, or I have a gazillion things going on all at once and its not usual for me to hop from one to the other and back again. Normally, it’s not a problem. In some cases, however, I can be a walking disaster zone with my distractibility. For instance, it’s not unusual for me to set a kettle of water boiling to make tea – and then a few hours […]

You're Missing That One Final Screw

How’s did your Friday go? Mine was.. well… extraordinary. Happy weekend, everyone! Queen – I’m Going Slightly Mad On a side note – it looks like I’m all official now. Guess I better get to work! On another side note, I jumped on the Twitter bandwagon. Now, I’m not usually one to hop on every single new web gadget that rolls into town – but Twitter looks interesting in a social-networking/instant-messaging kind of way. I read about it at Aaron’s site, then read about it again over by Alex and have seen it on various sites and places around the […]

Meeting the President

I was up late last night. Couldn’t sleep. I know, you’re shocked and amazed that I couldn’t sleep. Anyways, I was up reading the latest Vince Flynn book called Act of Treason. A few days ago, I finished reading his book before that called Consent to Kill. I adore Vince Flynn books and they are perfect for the insomniac because they are page turners in that oh-my-god-i-cannot-put-this-down kind of way. So, for anyone who has read Vince Flynn – you know they are basically the television series 24 in a book, on a larger scale. The topic matter deals mainly […]


I just dropped in here to make mention of how amazing it is that just one teeeny weeeny little shot of scotch can just take that edge right off. Is this how it starts with alcoholics? Should I be worried? Heh – Happy Sunday! Aerosmith – Amazing

Head above water

Been awhile since I posted – and yes, I am still alive. The book is going really well and I’m up against my second hard deadline coming up on March 1st. On that date, the book will be officially 50% complete… so I”m getting there. This project is taking way more of my time than I initially thought it would, so that’s why you’re not seeing me here much of late.. but I do appreciate the emails asking if I’m still upright and breathing. I’m here to say that I am. 🙂 Some exciting news – I gave Chris an […]

This is my brain on quiet

So, Chris is in Chicago, on business. My son is out with his friends and my daughter is out with her friends. The house is quiet, except for the low howl of the freezing cold wind outside. It is ridiculously cold here in Wisconsin – today was the second day in a row that they closed the schools because of the subzero temperatures. So, I decide to leave my office.. grab my laptop and head into my bedroom where we have a cozy sitting corner with and overstuffed sofa and chair, TV and, most importantly, a fireplace. I started a […]

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