Deadlines Don’t Care

I have been writing books since 2006 - that's a LONG time! The thing I've learned about book deadlines is that deadlines don't care about your life. They don't care about when you have the flu, or when you have 100 other things piling up in your To Do list, or even when you just flat out don't feel like writing. Deadlines are unforgiving.
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WordPress All-In-One by Lisa Sabin-Wilson


Went out to dinner tonight with my friends Carol, Debbie and Kim – we had a blast. Wednesday nights are All-You-Can-Eat Crab Legs for $15.99 at the Landing Strip, a pub across the street from the airport. Last time I had dinner with them was 2 months ago – – I think this is fast becoming a habit now and a regular thing. I used to work with those three – – and they still work at the old place, and I have moved on – – but it’s nice to know that some things just endure. 🙂 I miss […]

Travel update 3

*posted by Shae while I’m on vacation No word from Lisa since the other night. Which is completely understandable. I’m sure she is busy doing…………. well, busy! lol I know she and C. were flying to Reno today to begin their ski vacation. Good luck on the slopes!

Travel Update 2

**posted by Shae while I’m on vacation** Surfing through the clouds wasn’t nearly as easy as one would think it should be. The weather in Wisconsin hasn’t been the best, but then it is winter and Wisconsin. Yesterday Lisa mentioned they had five inches of new snow on the ground, little did we know it would alter her travel plans. She called me at 9:30 last night (her time) and was still on the ground in Chicago. I asked her why she was still in Chicago. She explained because of the snow she couldn’t fly out of Milwaukee as planned, […]

Travel Update 1

(Entry written by S. while Lisa is on vacation): Today I was talking with Lisa and she was so excited about her trip to spend the next several days with C. She also gave me her account info so I could post “travel updates”… lol So here is the first one… Most of the day she was running around packing this, shaving that, exfoliating, polishing, all the things a good girl does before she sees her man. Let’s not forget to mention she packed all the yummy toys! I think she got everything done and am sure she got to […]

Too much to do!

drive myself nuts during times like these. When it feels like there is too much to do and not enough time left to do it. 1. Finish up my paperwork from the week to hand in by noon. 2. See my 4 patient’s up north. 3. See my other patient afterwards here in town – my cranky old guy. 4. Grocery shop a bit for the house sitter. 5. Get two sets of keys made for the house – one for Gary, one for Dad. 6. Finish tidying up the house. 7. Pack the remaining stuff for the trip. 8. […]

2 days and counting!

Two more days! Work is usually pretty slow – – in comparison to the work I used to do. I usually can find time in my week, during the day, to get done things that need doing. (I.E. Grocery shopping, errands, etc). But of course, this week – – work has to completely fall apart when I am trying to use some of my daily free time to get ready for my trip. Of course! We had 10 new admissions this week and 3 of my 11 patients are crashing and burning. It’s been a crazy week for everyone at […]


As I await the State of the Union (in 35 mins from now) my son and I are watching a show on one of these cable channels about UFO’s . . . Area 51. . . Roswell, etc. B. has made a decision. His goal is go get himself into Area 51 and investigate. Getting there is the problem, he said. So he’s going to save up his money and buy a Stealth Bomber off the Black Market. *nod* Oh yea.

Coffee House Crisis

I have this coffee house I’ve been going to for 10+ years. They make the best coffee and sell my most favorite beans there….Panamanian – roasted by Alterra. I’ve gotten to know the owner quite well – – she sees me coming down the street and immediately begins to make my large latte with vanilla because she knows I never stray from my usual cup. About once a week she asks me if I need my weekly pound of beans yet….or will I be doing that later this week? It’s a comfort thing – – they know me, I know […]


C. and I both have a huge move to make this spring. I think his move is bigger than mine – -but still, it’s a big move for us both. We’ve both made the decision that life is awesomely great when we are together – – that we make a great team and we’re happier in each other’s presence. He’s moving here in May. So, naturally, there’s lots to do between now and then. While my place is pretty big now — it’s not nearly big enough to contain both he, I and the kids. Funny how the addition of […]

Life returns to normal

Well, my weekend of blissful silence and peace is all over – – kids got home from their Dad’s a few hours ago and it was back to the grind of homework and chores. It was a much needed respite, though – – I do love my weekend solitude. There’s much to look forward to this week, and much to prepare for. Of course packing for Tahoe is the top of the list – I have to get all that done before Thursday night. I have a friend of ours coming to house-sit for the week I am gone. Basically […]

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