Deadlines Don’t Care

I have been writing books since 2006 - that's a LONG time! The thing I've learned about book deadlines is that deadlines don't care about your life. They don't care about when you have the flu, or when you have 100 other things piling up in your To Do list, or even when you just flat out don't feel like writing. Deadlines are unforgiving.
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WordPress All-In-One by Lisa Sabin-Wilson

The Apprentice

I sat down with a cup of coffee today and realized that C. flys back home exactly a week from today. Where does the time go, I wonder? It’s been pretty wonderful having him around – as always…things are just different when he’s here. I’ve discussed this already in my blog, I hate to sound gushy and repetative . . . however, the realization of his departure date always puts me into a little funk every time. My only saving grace this time is that on January 31st – I hop a flight out to California to be with him […]

Happily Computerized

I’m computerized again. The new motherboard came in this morning and C. spent the day working on my system getting it up and running again – along with my new sound system which is just incredibly kick ass! (big smooches for you, gorgeous man!!) I guess the new motherboard is quite a bit better than the other – – very expandable and a faster processor with some other bells and whistles that I don’t quite understand, but C. does – and if he says it’s good, then it’s damn good. He even cleared up the clutter underneath my desk – […]

Merry xmas

Today turned out to be pretty awesome, really. I would have to say one of the best holidays I have spent in a very long time. So weird that somewhere in the back of my twisted little mind I had this little tiny feeling that the other shoe was going to drop. Ya know what I mean? I guess over the years holidays have been really kind of disappointing in a lot of different ways, and if it weren’t for my kids – I’d really be quite a little scroogette for the most part. So it’s not really that I […]

It moves us

We got our tree last night. It wasn’t too difficult, really – – some years I go through dozens of trees until I find the one that moves me. And usually it’s way below zero and freezing cold outside when I do this. Last night was warm, relatively speaking (warm for Wisconin mid-December) – and C. and I went through about 6 trees. On the fourth tree, I said “Nah, it doesn’t move me” – he laughed and when he found the sixth tree – – he stood it up and said “Baby – this moves me”….and I said “Gorgeous […]


The xmas spirit abounds tonight. We’re finally going for the xmas tree tonight. We’ll put it up and then decorate it tomorrow night after all the branches have fallen. Just for the occasion – I found a cute lil site where you can build your own snowman at Frost-O-Matic. Here’s the one I built, kinda corny – but still kinda fun. lol Mom and Dad came over today while I was at work to deliver some things from Grandma’s house. C. was home and helped Dad move things from the truck into the house. Some furniture items and things – […]

On call hell made easier

I was on-call today for work. It wasn’t a bad day as far as weekend on-call goes. Started bright and early at 8am and didn’t get home until 6:30PM. Not as bad as my last weekend on call which went from 8am until 10:30pm. Had a pretty hard death to deal with today – – it was the husband of a friend of mine. He was admitted into Hospice about a month and a half ago – and it was pretty rough for him and for his wife – – kind of draining for me, too. I have to say […]

The day has come!

Not planning on writing a whole lot while C. is visiting at all. For obvious reasons He flew in tonight – – and true to form, we didn’t get 100 ft. away from the airport baggage claim before my nipples were already screaming for release!! lol The man is a sadist *meow* He came out of baggage claim and got great big hugs….didn’t want to get back in the car and make the hour drive home, but we did anyways – – along with a stop off at Starbuck’s for some coffee for the trip back home. It’s been WAY […]

Crab legs galore!

Went out to dinner last night with two friends, Carol and Kim. We went to this little pub on the south side – near the airport called “Jetsetters”. This place has all you can eat crab legs on Wednesday night – and let me tell you, we took advantage. Today, I’m still feeling stuffed and probably won’t eat for the entire day! The three of us went through 4 pounds of crab legs, believe it or not. By the time I left the place – I felt like I just couldn’t move! I used to work with Carol and Kim […]

When good has an edge

If there is anyone on this earth that knows me inside and out – it’s my father. Oh, there’s plenty he doesn’t ‘know’ about me . . . but there is a lot that he does know ‘about’ me. Make sense? Ok, moving on . . . My dad used to tell me, in my younger years – that my hugest downfall is my optimism and idealism. He thought me too trusting and overly willing to see the good in people and overlook the bad. Not cautious enough. He would say to me – “Lil’ bit – there is plenty […]

Panic Sets In

Now that everything from this past week is resolved, for the most part – – I’m feeling a little panic set in because for the past week I have been putting off things that I know need to be done before C. arrives on Friday. EEP!! I know I know he will tell me not to worry about them. He’s unconcerned about the status of my laundry room – or the little stain on the carpet in the living room, etc. But I get funny about those things. I guess I feel that if I can get a whole lot […]

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