I was on-call today for work. It wasn’t a bad day as far as weekend on-call goes. Started bright and early at 8am and didn’t get home until 6:30PM. Not as bad as my last weekend on call which went from 8am until 10:30pm. Had a pretty hard death to deal with today – – it was the husband of a friend of mine. He was admitted into Hospice about a month and a half ago – and it was pretty rough for him and for his wife – – kind of draining for me, too.
I have to say – having C. around on days like today really makes on-call hell a lot easier to take – – it’s just nice to come home to him and collapse in his arms and feel his kisses. It’s kinda nice, if I do say so myself .
We had a friend of ours over for dinner tonight. Yes, even though he is from California – C. has friends all over the globe due to his business dealings and some computer groups he belongs to. Heh. 🙂 Luckily I was able to make them dinner and a nice lil desert after I got home from my day on-call – – and my pager didn’t go off once after that . . . so the rest of the night was restful and nice 🙂