The xmas spirit abounds tonight. We’re finally going for the xmas tree tonight. We’ll put it up and then decorate it tomorrow night after all the branches have fallen. Just for the occasion – I found a cute lil site where you can build your own snowman at Frost-O-Matic. Here’s the one I built, kinda corny – but still kinda fun. lol
Mom and Dad came over today while I was at work to deliver some things from Grandma’s house. C. was home and helped Dad move things from the truck into the house. Some furniture items and things – – they’re trying to get her apartment cleared out because rent is only paid through 12/31. Kind of a nice bonding moment for C. and my parents, huh? lol He didn’t seem to mind it – and they had fun. Plus, big bonus – Mom did my dishes! woohoo LOL She can come over anytime!
C. set up my new computer system this week!! I am so fast on this thing – it makes my head turn! That’s part of the reason my blog hasn’t been updated as usual – although, I have kept up with an entry for every day – – just this week I’ve been posting 2-3 days at a time and you’ll have to read the archives if you’re really very interested in what I have to say. I’ll warn you though, they aren’t very interesting at all. The other part of the reason why I haven’t been current is because C. takes up all of my time and allows me only a bit of time to catch up on computer stuff. C. comes first don’t ya know? 🙂
I’m not quite sure the specs on the darned thing – – I know it has a few gig of RAM in it and 120 gig storage space, a GeForce2 graphics card and an 1800 XP processor with I don’t know how many mHz speed. lol Some geek I make, huh? All I know is that when I do things I used to do on my system before (graphic design, web page stuff, even download email) it’s done in the blink of an eye. Oh! A 48x CDR-RW too. I’m burning CD’s now in about 3-5 mins – – it used to take me 45-50 mins to burn at a speed of 1x . . . now I burn at about 24 – 30x. Totally awesome! I’m thrilled.
BIG HUGE kisses to C. for putting this together for me!