Wanted to pay some appreciation to some way cool blog people – – I don’t know these people beyond the blog, but I appreciate their presence around here! :
I enjoy Sean’s frequent postings of Kerry’s House of Ketchup — he keeps me entertained, keeps me smiling and keeps me informed with these postings. I find the timing of his posts to be highly suspicious! 😉 I need to make a point of stopping down at Mayfair’s Barnes and Nobles one of these days soon!
Mogs posts are always enjoyable from politics to cats – – a fellow masochist in the nursing field, I can relate to her in ways only us healthcare masochists can. Give her posts a read, or two or three. My favorites are here, here, here and here.
Lachlan is a Seattle girl I met when her and I were both guest blogging over at Dean’s World. She’s a sweetheart – – I pop over by her to check and see how life is treating her. She is shareing life lessons over there this week. Meow! 🙂
Vinny, Chelle (who is getting married this weekend, btw!!), Mick, Slobokan and Stageleft are going to play a BIG part in keeping me sane during the next 3 1/2 months until the elections. Stageleft, too??? Hmm…yea, probably.
Gee, I try so hard to forget about that, never mention the N word on my blog.:evil:
Glad I can at least bring some enjoyment in at least one field of endeavor – blogging.
Hey Lisa! Many thanks for the linkage. Life is treating me pretty darn well these days. Seems to be the same for you, too! 😀
I just noticed: it’s not “Barnes and Nobles” it’s “Barnes and Noble.” Sorry for being anal about that.