Last Sunday was my birthday. Chris and the kids gave me a $500 certificate for our local garden shop!! Now you know why I haven’t been posting on this blog at all! If I’m not working – I’m outside digging in the dirt and rolling in the mud!
I decided to start building a container garden around the patio. I was happy to find, when we arrived at the garden center, they had whiskey barrels on sale! (sadly, they were void of any whiskey). We got a bunch of those. Filled the truck with a dozen bags dirt and then went to work picking out the things I wanted to plant in there.
At the end of the day – I have 3 different types of roses, hydrangeas, hibiscus and other various and sundry flowers and plants. None of them have bloomed yet – but they all have a bunch of buds just waiting to burst – – so I’m patiently awaiting the results of 3-4 days of digging, planting, getting dirty and digging the dirt out from under my fingernails. It really was a most excellent birthday gift.
Along with the plants, flowers, dirt and whiskey barrels – we picked up a few more finch feeders. We already have a ton of different bird feeders in the backyard – – but I love the goldfinches! So wanted to put up some finch feeders .. fill ’em with thistle and attract those cute little guys. We put up three new ones. And here’s the result, within an hour of getting them hung and filled:
No kidding! Within the hour, we had about a dozen goldfinches in the yard, nipping at the thistle. Do they smell it? Are they laying in wait – – just WAITING for me to put up the thistle feeders, or what?
Wow! Those goldfinches are gorgeous. You’re a garden artist! I think I’m inspired to go plant something…:d
Those whiskey barrels are a great idea! I’ve been trying to come up with something to make my barren patio a little more homey, you may have just inspired me too!
I’m happy to inspire! Now that I’m done with my container, patio garden – – I want to do more and more! It’s can be an expensive habit, though – – so I don’t want to get TOO addicted! 🙂
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