Deadlines Don’t Care
I have been writing books since 2006 – that’s a LONG time! The thing I’ve learned about book deadlines is that deadlines don’t care about your life. They don’t care about when you have the flu, or when you have 100 other things piling up in your To Do list, or even when you just flat out don’t feel like writing. Deadlines are unforgiving.
If They Don’t Play This Song At My Funeral – I’m Not Going
I find the song so beautiful in its simplicity. It’s delicate, like a breeze or butterfly wings. Written in a minor key, it feels immediately like it wants to be sad, but it’s not sad. It’s hopeful and optimistic and, for me, reminiscent of things that are good in this world.
2023 Book Challenge
I joined the 2023 Reading Challenge at GoodReads and set a goal for 23 books in 2023.
Summer 2021 Reading List
My summer reading list for 2021 has 5 books on it, not sure which I will crack open first, but if you need me, I’ll be in the garden reading.
WordPress All In One Desk Reference
A few months back, I was having a talk with my editor at Wiley Publishing, Amy Fandrei – mostly talking about what it would take for me to finish up writing the 3rd Edition of WordPress For Dummies and what was happening with the 3.0 development of WordPress, etc. That lead us into a talk about some more advanced topics surrounding WordPress – – more advanced than what my Dummies book covers. Let’s face it – a For Dummies book is meant to be for beginners and intermediate users, right? But what about a book that covers the WHOLE gammut?
Unsatisfied Curiosity
I started reading a book written by Jim Collins called Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…and Others Don’t the other night and the book opens with a quote: That’s what makes death so hard — unsatisfied curiosity — Beryl Markham, West with the Night Interestingly, just a week ago we were having a family moment at the kitchen table. My son, my daughter, my husband and myself and the question one of the kids asked was: “Are you afraid to die?” Having worked in home hospice care, providing care to terminally ill patients for a good many […]
Sharing Ella
I picked up this Christmas CD at Starbucks the other day. Christmas music always puts me in a pleasant mood around the holidays. The CD is nice.. it’s jazzy and fun and the songs range from old classics to new holiday tunes. From Nat King Cole to Corrine Bailey Rae. This evening, my daughter and I were on our way to pickup Chinese take-out and I had the CD playing in the car. Track number 5 came on and it was “Sleigh Ride” done by Ella Fitzgerald. My daughter was singing along and then stopped and said “this lady sings […]
Hi's been awhile!
It’s been damn near two weeks since I updated this site – – and in blog time, that’s a long time, hey? Hmm…do you own your blog, or does your blog own you? Ever feel beholden to this thing called blog? I know a lot of folks who do… and in the last 5 years that I’ve been maintaining this lil’ blog, there have been times I have. In the last week, however…I almost forgot it was here! Bad, baaaaaaaad blog owner! I think after finally finishing the book – I needed a mental break. Not too mention a physical […]
When Trainwrecks Comeback
Kind of off my usual line of posts here…but out of pure (sick) curiosity – I tuned into the MTV VMA Awards show tonight. In that same sick way that some people cannot turn their heads away from a car wreck on the highway – I was curious to watch Britney Spears’s comeback performance at the VMA’s. In retrospect, I could have cleaned the catbox instead. Britney Spears – 2007 MTV VMA Awards Performance I could have done anything but tune into MTV to see Britney’s performance. I’ll just say that sometimes the memory of something or someone is better […]
Stevie Ray
Just working..listening to some favored blues over here and thought I’d share some Stevie Ray Vaughn. I love his music. I was there the night he died in East Troy, WI at the Alpine Valley Amphitheatre. It was an awesome concert with a tragic ending. Stevie Ray Vaughn Tribute – Life by the Drop On August 25, 1990, Vaughan and Double Trouble finished up the summer leg of the tour with shows at Alpine Valley Music Theatre, just outside of East Troy, Wisconsin. The show also featured Robert Cray and his Memphis Horns along with Eric Clapton’s set. Alex Hodges, […]