Just In Time – Thursday 13


For those of you who aren’t aware, this Thursday Thirteen thing is a weekly sorta gig. You just babble about 13 random things for the week – – nothing specific. It’s not topical (thank god – – cuz with my ADD, I find it hard to stay on topic!). Just 13 random things from the week. This is harder for me than you’d think . . . maybe because I don’t think 13 things from my week are blog worthy?? But then . . blog worthy according to who? So here it is. My 13 random bits:

  1. Leanne has a great thing going with this Thursday Thirteen thing . . it’s fun. I have confided in her that it’s nothing personal, just doing it every week is too much of a committment for me. I suck. I know it. She loves me anyways.
  2. Vacations are great! When you can take time away, spend some fantastic time with friends and family! The drawback? The piles and piles of emails, messages and work waiting for you when you return, making you wish that you never went on vacation in the first place. Oy!
  3. WordPress 2.0 is coming out as a final release soon. The blogosphere is all a flutter with excitement. Seems most of the changes are internal … meaning, unless you’re a developer, you won’t really notice them, visually. My question is – – with the auto-thumbnailing of images finally work out of the box? What’s new in this version? Glad ya asked – check it out I’m a big WP fan, for sure – so every new release gives me thrills. God when did I get so boring?
  4. You can grab Thursday Thirteen over by Leanne – the fabulous creator of this fun . . thing!

  5. The domain: blogging.com is for sale. The asking price? A cool 2 mil – – I’m seeking venture capital. Anyone?
  6. My dad is a big Johnny Cash fan. My daughter is a big Grandpa fan. So, today, she called him and asked him if he wanted to go see “Walk The Line” with her tomorrow night. He then called me and said, “I have a date Friday night!” How cute is that?
  7. Since I’m going to be the wife of a multi-million dollar business owner . . is it bad form to try and weasle my way out of their company Christmas party in Atlanta this year?? That’s not very corporate-wife-like behaviour, is it? Damn. Thought so.
  8. Speaking of Chris – he sent me the following IM on Yahoo today:

    him: i feel a need to tell you i love you
    me: awwww.. you’re so sweet – I love you too

    Sickening, isn’t it? Nah.

  9. For anyone who read about my sons U.S. History Chronicle Project last month? He got an A++ on the project. A total of 180 points out of a possible 160. Yay him!! He was SO proud!
  10. Random thought: Too many business ideas. Not enough time in a day. Need solution.
  11. Chris picked up a Treo 650 and it rocks. I’m thinking of getting one, myself. It’s a phone. I’ts a camera. It’s a camcorder. It’s a computer. It’s a PDA. I’m liking it a lot. And it’s his. It’s not mine. I want.
  12. Today’s Note: Jealousy is a really ugly thing. It makes people do all sorts of bizzare stuff, act in really strange ways and creates a lot of negative energy all around. Avoid it. Completely.
  13. I’ve been asked by several people lately if I Skype. I don’t. Should I? do you?
  14. It’s December and still not enough snow on the ground to get in any decent skiing. They are making snow at our ski hill and have opened on one run so far. One run. Imagine all the desperate ski bunnies out there trying to feed the beast on one run. Major skijam. We’re waiting until all runs are open. Time to build a fire, mix a drink and relax

Other Thursday 13’s:

Colleen aka Chickadee
Judy @ Insecure
Texas Ivy
Sage @ A Cluttered Mind
Lily Bleu
Better Safe Than Sorry
“D” @ Straddling the Line
Carolyn @ PrairieRose
Sleeping Mommy
Mary @ Fireflies & Frogs
Mrs. Fun
Jen @ Jen’s Horde
Lisa @ The Shizzle
Twisted Cinderella
Squashed Toad
Angie @ Big Red Couch
Carolyn @ Geeky Mama
Shelli’s Sentiments
Janet @ FondofSnape
J&J’s Mom
Jennifer @ Open Book
Jessica @ Daydreams & Musings

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24 thoughts on “Just In Time – Thursday 13”

  1. Pingback: Petroville » Blog Archive » Thursday Thirteen - 10

  2. Hi Lisa!..I’m with Momma K…purple is my favorite…I don’t Skype but know about it…sounds like a good alternative to regular phone lines and cheaper too! And I have never heard of the Treo 650 til now…very cool!

  3. I’m with you — I am sooo looking forward to the release of WordPress 2.0. For the most part, i am clueless to what they are talking about. But. When looking for a blogspot for my son, I checked out WordPress.com (vs. WordPress.org for us that “do it ourselves”). And, if 2.0 does what some of the things there does … I would love WP even more than I already do!

    I do have a question about WP? where is it that I go chance the number for CDMOD (or something like that). In my WP theme editor, it says I can’t write in the file..and it sorted proceeds to tell you how you can. But, I still haven’t figured it out. I do all my changing via Front Page … but, still haven’t figured it out how to do the galleries and such. But I’m learning new stuff every day:)

    Enjoyed my visit here. Great list! Mine is at: http://www.myprairierose.com/PrairieView

  4. Carolyn – if you have FTP access to your hosting account, you should be able to login and change the permissions of a particular file there. If not – – if you have access to a Cpanel for your account, you should be able to login and use whatever file manager they give you and change the permissions that way for a particlar file.

    Here is a cool How-To on changing CHMOD in various different programs.

    Good luck!

  5. Pingback: Prairie Rose

  6. Pingback: Leanne Wildermuth : Artist by Nature Blog

  7. Mark (Leanne's Hubby)

    Hi Lisa,
    Was surfing and thought I would rub this in, I am no Skier, but I am in between Vial and Aspen, all runs are open and they or we are excpecting another 10 to 20 inches of fresh snow tonight :d
    Take Care, Mark

  8. I KNOW!! I heard that from Leanne!! And here I just posted about jealousy and how one should avoid it completely – – but dammit, I’m jealous as hell! :((

    I would love . . . I would UBER love 10 inches of snow right about now. Skiing is my release and I miss it.

    But, most important – – be safe out there. winter weather can be as much your enemy as your friend 😀

  9. My Thirteen is purple too!! I like this finding others who don’t mind blathering in streams of thirteen. Now I will be here all night catching up on your blog.



  10. You know… That corporate Christmas party in Atlanta might seem a bit more interesting to you if you also look at it as an opportunity to drive 40 minutes South of Atlanta so we can finally have that weekend bender. 😉

  11. Damn girl, do you know it’s been a year and 1/2 since the last time I drove south of atlanta to visit you?

    We’re due. Definitley due. <:-p

  12. Tommi – Thanks! I should do it more often, you’re right . . . but, as stated, I suck. =:)

    Leanne – you know better than to ask that question! Of course I sleep! 6 am to noon – – at least that was last night’s schedule 🙂

  13. Pingback: Just Another Boring Blonde

  14. Pingback: Thursday Thirteen #15 | Thursday Thirteen | Leanne Wildermuth : Artist by Nature

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