I’m leaving this morning – hopping a flight in Milwaukee and arriving in Austin around 3pm for the SXSW Interactive Festival this weekend. I’m excited to go and looking forward to seeing everyone there. It’s been a lot of hard work and several sleepless nights over the past few weeks preparing for the activities at SXSW – but I made it! I got done what needed to get done and now all I have to do is get there! I just fired off an email to my friends at ServerBeach with the 5 premium WordPress themes that they will be giving away at their exhibit booth – so they are all set to go! One final preview of the themes here – and if you’re interested in obtaining them, stop by the ServerBeach booth at SXSW to get them – and tons more goodies and surprises they have in store for you there!
If you’re headed to SXSW – stop by and say hi!
PS – for those of you still waiting to hear from me this week on various issues from active projects to potential projects – just because I’m traveling doesn’t mean I’m not working! 🙂 I will be out of my office today through Tuesday March 17th – but you will be hearing from me. Have a great weekend!
Hi, Are these themes gonna be available online anytime soon? And is it gonna be okay if I list them on my site? Please let me know via comment, or if you could, via email, I’ll appreciate it, really.
They will be submitted to the WordPress Themes Repository within the week, thanks!
Hi Lisa,
I dropped by the stand at sxsw – and filled in the form for the themes. They haven’t arrived in my in box – however a friend of mine did receive his. Any way you can have them resent to me?
Peter – you should have gotten an e-mail from me today. Thanks!
Hello and May peace be upon you.
Let me not be rude and introduce myself first. My name is Muhammad Afandi and I am just joking about my webby, 🙂
I got your book, I’m all over it, in a bad way, as in I don’t even know where I am reading it, pick it up at a library near me.
I have lots to ask but you might just direct me to WP.org/support rite.
I think your on a trip, well I wish you well and hopefully you get back safely and also soon.
And you will be hearing alot from me soon.
I love your book, Mrs. Lisa Sabin-Wilson.
Sincerest regards,
Muhammad Afandi – I’m all the way here from Singapore.
WordPress support is the best place to obtain answers to your burning questions, for sure 🙂
Thanks for dropping by – hope you find the book a helpful resource.
Pingback: kylistah - New Theme, Thanks Lisa!