Wordpress Themes
WordPress Web Design For Dummies
Continuing along with my line of WordPress-themed books, I am currently working on adding a new title to my WordPress arsenal: WordPress Web Design For Dummies (published by Wiley Publishing: For Dummies division). WordPress Web Design For Dummies will focus completely on designing web sites with WordPress. The book assumes you already have knowledge of how to use WordPress (ie: you have already read my other book, WordPress For Dummies) – and you want to learn more about designing web sites with WordPress.
iThemes Builder Bootcamp April 23-24th
Oklahoma City, anyone? I’ve never been there before – but I will be this month to join the fabulous team from iThemes for their Builder BootCamp. iThemes creates premium WordPress themes, plugins and they host ‘BootCamps’ for their clients, and anyone else who wants to learn about how they can use the iThemes Builder WordPress theme framework to make awesome web sites.
Headed to Austin for SXSW 2009
‘m leaving this morning – hopping a flight in Milwaukee and arriving in Austin around 3pm for the SXSW Interactive Festival this weekend. I’m excited to go and looking forward to seeing everyone there. It’s been a lot of hard work and several sleepless nights over the past few weeks preparing for the activities at SXSW – but I made it! I got done what needed to get done and now all I have to do is get there! I just fired off an email to my friends at ServerBeach with the 5 premium WordPress themes that they will be giving away at their exhibit booth..
SXSW Craziness!
I’ve been spending the past 2 weeks preparing for my trip to the SXSW Interactive Festival in Austin, TX. This will be my third trip down to Austin for SXSW and I’m really looking forward to attending this year. Normally, there’s always a great deal to do before I take off for 5 days to attend the biggest geek gathering ever! I normally work long hours to make sure that all my client projects are either done, or well on their way to done and make sure everything I need on my home PC is set up for remote access, etc, etc. THIS year, however – it’s been a bit more crazy than usual because I’ve been working on developing five (5) premium WordPress themes that will be released at SXSW at the ServerBeach exhibit booth..
ServerBeach at SXSW
I’m really excited to announce that I am keeping myself busy at SXSW Interactive 2009 by appearing at the ServerBeach exhibit booth in the Exhibit Hall March 13 – 15, 2009 in Austin Texas…
Saying goodbye to 2008
I loved 2008…and I hated it. Professionally, it was really a phenomenal year. E.Webscapes did 409 projects in 2008 – that’s more than a project a day. It’s almost exactly double what we did in 2007 – and the profit margins tripled. I also finished another book in 2008 and have another (different) one in the works for 2009 (more about that another day!) I would have to say that professionally speaking, 2008 was my most productive year, to date, since I quit my nursing job and became self-employed back in 2004. I’m pretty proud of that – and proud […]
post_class(); … Take advantage of the new "Sticky Post" feature in WordPress 2.7
Of the many excellent new features coming in WordPress 2.7, some are applauding the arrival of sticky posts. First – what are they? Sticky posts are posts that you can “stick” to your front page. For instance, if you have a post that you published a year ago and would like to republish it to the front page of your site for a time – you can edit that post and select “Stick this post to the front page” in the Edit Post page in your WordPress admin panel. Just doing that will stick it to your front page, ahead […]
Forgot to mention: Web414 June Meet Up
Tonight is my presentation at the Web414 June Meet Up – I blogged about it earlier this month. They had announced (and I had announced here on my own blog) that the Meet Up would be held at Bucketworks in Milwaukee. Since then, Southeastern Wisconsin has experienced some major storms and flooding and Bucketworks had their share of the flooding, so bad, that they had to shut down for business in order to repair. The Meet Up has been moved to: MSOE (Milwaukee School of Engineering) Rosenberg Hall 1235 N. Milwaukee St, room 201 It starts at 7pm and I […]
Web414 – Milwaukee's Web Community
I’m really excited to have been asked to speak at a local web development/design group in Milwaukee this June. The group is called Web414 – Milwaukee’s Web Development Community, and from what I understand – it’s a group of Drupal fans, mostly – – though Mike tells me that they all appreciate WordPress. (Or maybe he just said that to make me feel more at ease??). The group is made up of mostly developers, with a smattering of designers here and there in the crowd and when I talked to Mike about what topic would be best for this crowd […]
WordPress 2.5 Released & My Needed Fix for Image Upload on servers with Mod_Security
WordPress 2.5 was finally released today, after much anticipation. Matt Mullenweg did a comprehensive post on the WordPress Blog about this new update and the changes to 2.5. I won’t go through all the major changes – – just read Matt’s post.. he’s done a nice job of explaining a few things and includes a video on some the enhancements. The WordPress.Org website has undergone a brand new re-design that coordinates with the new design of the WordPress Dashboard, as well. Some very nice improvements in the design you’ll notice when you upgrade to WordPress 2.5 – – it’s a […]