Wordpress For Dummies
Deadlines Don’t Care
I have been writing books since 2006 – that’s a LONG time! The thing I’ve learned about book deadlines is that deadlines don’t care about your life. They don’t care about when you have the flu, or when you have 100 other things piling up in your To Do list, or even when you just flat out don’t feel like writing. Deadlines are unforgiving.
WordCamp Savannah – WordPress Q&A
I am attending and presenting at WordCamp Savannah this weekend and am really looking forward to it. From what I understand, Savannah has a young WordPress community full of true beginners and people just getting started with WordPress. Jane Wells is doing a bang up job in organizing a local WordPress community there, and this is just the beginning. I’m thrilled to help!
WordPress Web Design For Dummies
Continuing along with my line of WordPress-themed books, I am currently working on adding a new title to my WordPress arsenal: WordPress Web Design For Dummies (published by Wiley Publishing: For Dummies division). WordPress Web Design For Dummies will focus completely on designing web sites with WordPress. The book assumes you already have knowledge of how to use WordPress (ie: you have already read my other book, WordPress For Dummies) – and you want to learn more about designing web sites with WordPress.
WordCamp Boulder Presentation: Intro to BuddyPress
From WordCamp Boulder (Boulder, CO) in July 2010.
WordPress For Dummies 3rd Edition available
This edition of the book was, almost, completely re-written and covers all the basics about the WordPress platform – including all the great new features that version 3.0 brings to its users, including how to set up and use the new Multisite features, how to use the custom menu feature to build and create your own custom navigation menus, a comprehensive look at the NEW default WordPress theme called Twenty Ten, and more.
My Free BuddyPress Webinar at WebDesign.Com
I’m excited to announce that I am doing a free webinar presentation for my good friends at WebDesign.com on June 23rd at 1pm CST (Central Standard Time). The webinar is on the topic of using BuddyPress to create an online community on your WordPress powered site.
Builder Bootcamp, PluginBuddy and my iThemes experience
I had a really great time at iThemes Builder Bootcamp weekend in Oklahoma and want to send out a big thanks to Cory Miller, Jen Miller and the rest of the iThemes team for inviting me down to their event. There were roughly 70-75 people in attendence, all of them passionate WordPress users, and all of them part of the iThemes community. Many were from the Oklahoma City general area – but there were a handful that flew in hundreds of miles away to spend the weekend with the iThemes crew to learn more about WordPress and how they can use the iThemes offerings to build their web sites with WordPress. Great stuff!
iThemes Builder Bootcamp April 23-24th
Oklahoma City, anyone? I’ve never been there before – but I will be this month to join the fabulous team from iThemes for their Builder BootCamp. iThemes creates premium WordPress themes, plugins and they host ‘BootCamps’ for their clients, and anyone else who wants to learn about how they can use the iThemes Builder WordPress theme framework to make awesome web sites.