My Free BuddyPress Webinar at WebDesign.Com


I’m excited to announce that I am doing a free webinar presentation for my good friends at on June 23rd at 1pm CST (Central Standard Time). The webinar is on the topic of using BuddyPress to create an online community on your WordPress powered site.

I speak on the topic of BuddyPress often, as a matter of fact, I just finished up a presentation at the WordCamp in Raleigh, North Carolina this past weekend and it’s great to see how excited people are about BuddyPress. It also amazes me how many people do not yet know what BuddyPress is – or how they can use it to add that layer of social networking to their WordPress site!

In my webinar, you will discover the following:

  • What BuddyPress is …. and what it isn’t
  • The features available within BuddyPress
  • How each of the features work to create a social network on your site
  • How different web sites are using BuddyPress today to power their own social community

Click here to sign up for my FREE BuddyPress Webinar on June 23rd at 1pm CST. It’s free. It will last about an hour and is being moderated/emcee’d by my pal Cory Miller of iThemes and

In February of this year, I published BuddyPress For Dummies (Wiley Pub.), which makes a great companion to my other book, WordPress For Dummies.Wiley Publishing wanted to publish a book on BuddyPress because they acknowledge the emerging popularity of the BuddyPress suite of plugins and how it empowers WordPress users to take control over their own social networking content. The book is doing pretty well and is a nice way for people to get introduced to the BuddyPress software, how to install it on your WordPress site, how to set up and use its great social features and how to customize it for your own community. If you don’t have a copy, pick one up today!

13 thoughts on “My Free BuddyPress Webinar at WebDesign.Com”

  1. Hi ; Thanks for the mail I am recieveing from you, but I must admit, at this point I am totally lost as to what and how I might take advantage of this to promote my busniess with a blog by you, J. Walker

  2. Darryl Mitteldorf, LCSW

    I am also looking forward to the webinar. Off topic….where on your website is your contact info????? I am struggling to find a way to email you regarding a project.

  3. Hey – I’m looking forward to it – but I’m trying to charge ahead with a current BP project anyway. I’m having limited success with creating what I want. I have lots of questions. One is – how much generally speaking do you think it would cost to have someone create all the underlying structure of a BP site (separate from the design part)?

  4. Hi

    Is it possible to watch the webinar at a later time? I really want to see it but i am traveling at broadcast time.

  5. I do not know what I am doing, I need to get the professional assistant that you can provide me with.I am requesting off you to make recomendations for my blog. I have attempted to set up a blog, and I am sure you will make recomendations for me I have a domain Name for my Busniess Hosted by Go Daddy, com. org. I don,t know if that have any thing to do with your hosting my Blog site, explain. My Blog site is My blog is Named Update . Could you make recomendations, and the cost of your recomendations, or price to my Blog set up by you I just recieved one of your books for dummies however I do not have time to wait until I get the necessary knowledge my self I need to get going Please make recomendations for assisting me. I will be on the webinar 6/23/2010.
    Joseph Walker

  6. Hi! Lisa,
    I loved your site.its informative.Liked the background.Hope to attend your webinar.I am trying to configure buddypress and definately will need your help.

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