1. What was your biggest accomplishment this year?
I’ve had a few things that I would consider big accomplishments, actually. There’s my growing relationship with Chris that I consider big, only because I’ve really been working hard at letting go of past demons and ghosts that plagued other relationships in my past and rendered them impossible – and ya know, it’s working! Then there’s my new promotion at work – which isn’t huge, but it’s nice. However, I would say my biggest accomplishment this year would be regarding my son, Ben, and his growth. I made the decision last February to home school him throughout the remainder of his seventh grade year. One, because he needed a HUGE kick in the ass and two, he wasn’t at his level where he needed to be. I recognized that – – the school, however, fell short of recognizing his deficits and short comings. He’s back in public school for 8th grade and the kid who used to got an F in Reading/Language in 7th grade – brought home an A- in the same subject in 8th grade. He’s his own biggest accomplishment, as well.
2. What was your biggest disappointment?
Related to my biggest accomplishment – my biggest disappointment was the realization that public schools are maintaining status quo, no matter how warm and fuzzy their slogan of “Helping bridge the communication between parents, children and schools” may be. It’s bullshit – and it isn’t true. How the public school would continue passing a kid onto higher grades when that kid doesn’t even know his multiplication tables is beyond me.
3. What do you hope the new year brings?
More of the same for this year – – I’m really happy and content at this point in my life.
4. Will you be making any New Year’s resolutions? If yes, what will they be?
New Year’s resolutions put so much pressure on me. However, if I had any – it would be to drop about 15 – 20lbs in preparation for our trip to South America next summer (nude beaches anyone?) Another goal would be to fatten up my savings account – I’m always lax in that area…would much rather spend than save, that’s me!
5. What are your plans for New Year’s Eve?
Hopefully, Chris and the kids and I will be going to see LOTR: The Return of the King – finally!!