Friday Five on Saturday


1. List your five favorite beverages.

  1. Coffee
  2. Bailey’s Irish Cream
  3. Apple Juice
  4. Diet Coke
  5. Coffee

2. List your five favorite websites.

  1. Right Voices
  2. Lucianne.Com
  3. Media Research Center
  4. Drudge Report
  5. Scrappleface

3. List your five favorite snack foods.

  1. Coffee
  2. Pears
  3. Coffee
  4. Chocolate
  5. Coffee

4. List your five favorite board and/or card games.

  1. Monopoly
  2. TriPeaks
  3. Blackjack
  4. Trivial Pursuit
  5. Umm…Coffee?

5. List your five favorite computer and/or game system games

  1. Gem Drop
  2. Majhong II
  3. That’s about it,
  4. I’m not much of a gamer
  5. but I did get my son an X-box for Christmas, does that count?
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4 thoughts on “Friday Five on Saturday”

  1. I love Gem Drop and Majhong!

    I don’t think I’ve played Majhong II, but I bet it is lots of fun 🙂

    Board games are lots of fun too.

    I like the new game “Scene It” – – it’s a movie trivia type of game that comes with a DVD and is lots of fun.

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