A buncha blogs caught my hazel-green irises over the past few days:
Branille at Sit Down & Relax commented here a few times – so I checked her out. What a cutie rubber duck blog! Although, since she blogged about it, my recommendation would be that she make the move to WordPress. Just my opinion, mind you. 😉
John at Castle Argghhh! runs a fabulous miliblog. Who says size doesn’t matter?
Adam takes a break and offers emailed funnies. I forwarded that one to a few people….ha!
Meanderings offering blogging as therapy.
Saved this one for last – so pay attention. Go over and give Dizzy Girl some of your thoughts and well wishes to her and her family – – Her nephew was killed in Iraq. My condolences, D Girl – – go wish her well. (via Vinny)
Blogging as therapy,,,yep, guess it falls into that catagory too! I know I got a few comments from my ‘significant other’ about the present tense I used in “I know a few hardy guys” instead of I KNEW a few. Well, I still know them, just not as well anymore!!! *L* Enjoy your blog, quite interesting, will be linking to it from mine if you don’t mind.
I don’t mind at all – and thank you 🙂
Hubbys need to worry about you knowing a few hardy guys lol – it keeps them on their toes!
Good links! I’m off to hop around now. 😀
ah, thx for the link. lol I’m late on it… I went away for the weekend and my email box is exploding 😛