
I have a guy named Bruce coming over this afternoon at 4pm. He’s from NASE – National Association for the Self Employed. He’s pitching me a sale on the benefits of membership. Anyone out there a member that can tell me about why THEY think membership is beneficial for self-employed people?

I know I’ll hear Bruce tell me all about why HE thinks it’s beneficial – but then, he’s a sales person, so you gotta take what they say with a grain of salt. They have benefits ranging from health benefits to tax help and discount incentives and networking benefits. I purused through their website and they seem to have good stuff there – – and membershipt is only $8/month.

I may give it a shot for awhile to see if it’s something worth having. Any input would be greatly appreciated! 🙂

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405 thoughts on “NASE”

  1. I had a meeting with NASE people about 5 years ago. Membership proved to actually be of no added benefit except health insurance for us. Everything else was hyped and mostly not available in our area.

  2. Day late and a dollar short, I know, but NASE is not that good. We did it here, but we quit very, very quickly. They tripled our insurance rates right off the bat, and we were going to have to drive some 30 or 40 miles to see a doctor.

    And then they took more than a year to pay my one claim on it.

    Not happy about them at all. Nope, not even a little bit.

    And then last week I found out they’ve been sued in a class action. I could get the insurance I cancelled for a little cheaper now, but we quit them more than a two years ago.

  3. I have NASE insurance and have for years. The low premiums are what sell it and the coverage is okay, though like most insurance companies when you submit a claim its almost imposssible to decipher what they cover and what they don’t.

  4. Stay FAR, FAR,FAR away from NASE. Their insurance is a joke. Their are so many limits to what they cover that it’s easily possible to owe $60,000 dollars if you have a $100,000 dollar bill. Most agents push their other benefits and quickly go over the actual insurance. They raise their rates like crazy. Look to a reputable broker for Insurance. Someone that sells many companies and isn’t oobligated to sell any one company. They will tell to the positives and negatives of all of the companies. If you want to know more ,email me! Merry xmas

  5. I have the NASE membership and Insurance and have for two years in that time I have used the membership and the Insurance I’ve only received an increase of 8% just this year and my family has used the insurance alot. Craig above recomends you go through a broker been there done that there always more expensive because of broker fees sounds to me like craig is a broker. I’ve done the Anthem thing and Fortis and all the other individual plans and the NASE and Mega stand by there word you want to be singled out based on usage of health care go with an individual plan if not the Goup with NASE is where you should be. And if you are self employeed and qualify for Base 105 there is no question, it sounds to me like some people with no idea what there talking about have given you some bad advise. NASE is today and always the best option for health insurance. take from me I’ve been everywhere else.

  6. I recommend you check with your State’s Department of Ins. for legit complaints. Go online is the easiest way but you could always call ’em. I do know that nase gives the impression it’s a Major Medical policy which in truth it is not. It is a define benefit policy meaning it has a cap on what it will pay and no more. For the most part they do raise rates far above the standard for the industry and there are alot of law suits against nase. Bottom line is you get what you pay for so don’t expect much if what you want is protection thsat a true major medical offers. Most of their agents are new and don’t know but what they are told and really do believe in what they sell but once they get a little experience and have been exposed to what a true maj. med. is their conscience usually get’s the best of them and they become agents with another Co. They do pay their agents very well but most don’t last and nase to my knowledge doesn’t have hardly any veteran agents in the industry seeking to sign on with them. That should tell you something. Good luck!!!

  7. NASE offers association group plans. Group insurance offers long term protection. Most people have an employer sponsored group plans. Individuals can only get access to group plans through associations. If you have an individual policy the insurance companies have figured out how to jettison undesirable policies (sick people) easily by moving the health people out of the risk pool and isolating sick people to the point that their risk pool is no longer profitable, at which point the insurance company can by law cancel their policy. This situation can be financially devastating to individuals with continued health care needs. Once you have a policy with the NASE the only way you can be canceled is by not paying your premimums…you are in control not the insurance company. The NASE has many different policies to fit an individuals budget. Some pay more than others…you get what you pay for. The average cost for employer group insurance is about $350 for individuals and $800 for a family of four. When you get an individual policy for significantly less it is because the carrier knows their liability is alot less because of the loopholes. After all corporate America have experts negotiate the policies for their company. Individuals are generally not informed about the loopholes and they just shop the price…not the nuts and bolts of the policy. Everything is OK until they have a major medical problem and find out too late their insurance (a contract written by the insurance carrier) protects the carrier not the policy holder. Lots of horror stories out there….get as informed as possible and then you can make a responsible decision.

  8. L.B. – I signed up for NASE and for the insurance and am happy with it thus far. I’ve had it since August ’04 and have absolutely no complaints.

    With the insurance – I have good providers (was able to keep my own) and great coverage.

  9. The NASE has not only saved my little business a ton of cash, but my family also has insurance with them. Or I should say, I have insurance with Mega. The NASE got me back close to $3K in my taxes that the year before I got back less than half of that. I’ve used the nurse hotline a few times instead of going into a doctor. The important thing to remember is that the Agent can put you into anything you want. We went with a PPO (PHCS) program here in Michigan. They do actually offer a Major Medical program here – It’s called the Consumer Preference Program. We almost went with it, but decided to keep our outpatient case cost a little lower. If we have any issues with our program, our rep is really on the ball with taking care of us. I’ve referred a few friends to him and the have been very pleased as well…

  10. watch out for their schedule plans. they only pay so much per day per benefit. i used to sell these policies and i got out as soon as i found out they only cover about a third of the bill. i left their and sold legitimate major meds for the next 13 years. my customers went to near bankruptcy. they don’t do a lot of underwriting at the time of the applcation. they do most of their investigations when you have a claim.

  11. NASE & Mega Life

    We get calls constantly from clients wondering about the validity of these companies. We’d like to just provide you additional information before you consider applying for this coverage. Nobody should have a problem with consumers shopping around should they? We’ll tell you up front (because that’s how we do things here) that this is one company that we don’t represent as their agents are captive — meaning they can only sell the NASE / Mega Life Insurance plans and can’t sell the multitude of insurance companies that we can.

    Here’s some of the major points to consider when buying insurance and what to look for:
    — Question a company that has agents that must come see you in person. Ask them to mail, fax or E-mail you a quote.

    — Be wary of companies that use multiple deductibles for different medical services making it confusing to compare their plan to other plans. So, make sure you compare the hospitalization & surgical deductible — as the big items are what you really need insurance for. Don’t let an agent try to gloss over those higher deductibles and dwell on an office visit copay for $10 or $20. Because insurance is designed to protect big losses and a doctor’s office visit does not change your standard of living, but having to shell out $3,000 for an operation certainly might. Again, there’s nothing wrong with knowing how your policy works before you get it.

    — If an agent represents only one company, it’s hard to say that they’ll give you unbiased advice if there’s another company that’s better — that is the “square peg” must fit “round hole” or they go home empty handed. So, if they only represent one company, find yourself a broker that can show you most of the others so you can compare.

    — Finally, if a company makes you join an association to get their insurance, that in and of itself is not a bad thing. There are many companies that do this. However, this, in my opinion, does not make the plan a “group” plan. If it did, the coverage would not be medically underwritten for someone leaving another group plan. They would be covered under the HIPAA laws.

    So take a look around our site and you’ll see we’re very well equipped to serve the self-employed and other individuals and families that buy their own health insurance. Finally, even more affordable health insurance is HERE.

    If you’re a health or life agent (or former agent) that’s looking for good products to sell, please give us a call or use the contact form in our contact section.

  12. I agree with the comments made by Craig on 12/18/2004. Stay FAR, FAR away from NASE. To put it bluntly they are CROOKS:!::!::!:
    We signed papers with them, and paid our initial premium on the last Saturday in May 1999. We were told that the policy would be active that day as soon as it was faxed to the main office.
    On June 4 my husband was hospitalized with a nearly fatal penicillin reaction, somehow this company found out about the hospitalization and made our policy effective on June 5, and then denied all claims from the hospitalization. The only thing we ever got from them in the mail was paperwork for things they refused to pay for……The insurance was completely and totally useless.
    I sincerely hope you did not apply for insurance with them. I recently got paperwork in the mail for a Class Action Lawsuit that has been filed against them. I hope they lose their shirts in this law suit!!

  13. My guess is that more than likely, any positive comments that have been made here regarding this company and their plans have been made by agents of this company – I can tell by what they’re saying, and a lot of it is simply incorrect. You’ll be pretty hard pressed to find an independent agent with a lot of experience in the health insurance field who will say anything positive about these people, because we meet their policyholders…

    Currently there is a 25 state investigation being orchestrated by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners regarding the marketing practices of the company and their agents. It is not difficult to find negative info regarding them online. In 14 years of my coming across people who were covered by agents from this group’s sales force, I’ve literally not met a SINGLE one who understood how limited their benefits really were, and still wanted to keep it after realizing it.

    These claims about ‘other’ companies cancelling people and raising their rates because of individual claims usage is COMPLETELY FALSE – NO COMPANY CAN DO THAT!

    They’ve been hit by lawsuits, fined by insurance departments, had bad press writtien about them by sources such as the Wall Street Journal, etc. etc. – almost exclusively relating to misrepresentation by their sales force. Feel free to not take my word for it – you’ve got the internet sitting in front of you – look it up…

  14. Thank you all for your comments here. This has been very helpful in my search for a good self-employed health plan. It would be nice of NASE were something more than a marketing arm of an insurance company, because they are gettting nothing done legislatively.

  15. Take a good look at HSA eligible plans. Typically instead of having a lower deductible and immediate copay benefits, the deductible will be higher and everything goes toward your deductible. This OFTEN makes the plans MUCH LOWER IN COST, and often the premium savings is greater than the potential higher out of pocket costs, which means you save money either way. Plus you get tax advantages with an HSA plan. And every one I’ve ever seen (besides Mega’s) gives you the high end, catastrophic coverage that you really need insurance for. People, especially families are shocked sometimes about the money they can save by looking at an HSA plan. A lot of agents apparently don’t like to talk about them because the premiums are a lot lower so they make less money. A little short sighted thinking there.

  16. We’ve had Mega Life & Health for close to 6 years without a claim until just recently. First of all when we took this insurance out…they told us it was catastrophic….well, this past March 17, I had a really bad asthma attack which left me on a ventolator for 9 days and darn near died. My bills came out to be close to $70,000 for the two weeks I was in the hospital. I think they have agreed to pay maybe $30,000. They were very misleading with their policies. They also told us that if we did not use the policy for 5 years (which we didn’t have a need to use it) we would get a refund of $5000 from the membership. Needless to say they have left us holding a very large hospital bill and other medical bills that we are trying to figure out how to pay…..good luck to the rest of you…Shelley

  17. I have been self-employed for 20 years and have been with various health insurance companies over the years and have never run across a more crooked company than NASE/MEGA. The agent lied about everything when selling me the policy for my family. So while they collected $700/month from me for 18 months, when it came time to pay up for a minor surgery for my son, they came up with every lousy excuse in the world on why certain things weren’t covered, all of which had no merit. They paid a whopping $224 out of $3800. Warning to anyone looking for health insurance, don’t waste your time. You’ll be sorry. I truly believe their days are numbered. And yes, don’t forget to cancel your “membership” when canceling your policy, because they will keep debiting your checking account as long as they can get away with it.

  18. After reading over some of the previous entries, I just had to comment. NASE is an association moniker, just like Americans for financial Security and the Alliance for Affordable Healthcare and MEGA life and Health, all used by UICI. When one of the association names wears out it’s welcome in a certain area, another association name is used in that same area. It’s all UICI. When I first became licenced for the state of Florida, like most other new agents I was unaware really of what constituted a quality Major Medical plan. After working there for 6 months I began to learn the facts and therefore left these people forever! Also, unlike one of your previous commentators stated, there are no additional fees paid when someone buys through an insurance broker. If you buy online,through the yellow pages or from your nephew across town, you will pay EXACTLY the same price for the same plan. Folks, there are federal laws against rebating. The only thing you stand to lose by NOT going through a reputable broker, is the service component of your coverage … which you are paying for anyway ? For the same price, doesn’t it make sense to have someone to review claim / billing information with prior to seeking resolution with an insurance company or medical provider? Finally, don’t take my word for it. Go to your nearest search engine and type in the words “Complaints against NASE health insurance,” I’m sure you will find the experience quite illuminating.

  19. I was approached by NASE for the Health Insurance. Self-Employeed and no longer part of a group plan on the surface it sounded good. Now I am put off alot by what I am reading here. Can anyone tell me if there is a Major Medical coverage for just emergency sorts of health events. ie. get hit by a bus, heartattack, break my leg, or get cancer. Don’t care about co-pay office visites for the flu or other simple stuff, I can go to a no insurance doctor for about $50 bucks if I need that. So who offers just major emergency health insurance? Please email me at

  20. NASE is a scam, visit I get nightmares to think of just how many people I screwed. I was one of the top writing agents with NASE. Sometimes I think ignorance is bliss, I had questions I started looking for the answers and now I do not want to pick up my phone. For a while I was using NASE leads to sell plans that actually cover. Anyone who has anything good to say on this forum about NASE, chances are it is a brainwashed agent. It’s scary when people calling you about how much out of pocket they were and tell you that they cannot afford to pay for it. The last thing that made me leave NASE was when my manager at one of the meeting sad to the room of NASE agent. When company had financial problems in 1999 they came out with this plan that would make more money for the company. That’s the worst plans with the worst coverage for the most money and agents are being pushed to sell this plan because it is the most profitable for the company. It is called Health Choice. Good luck to all of you. If you are NASE agent do remember Ignorance is BLISS.

  21. Everything above negative about NASE/MEGA is true. They are a marketing machine with absolutly no regard for the client or the truth. The WSJ and Business Week have revealed the truth about NASE/MEGA and I notice they have not been sued yet (I would not be surprised if 60 minutes is next).They are especially dangerous in Maine and Michigan ( if you have an appointment with a MEGA rep ask if they are associated with either the Fuller or Zayti Division – then really do your homework) where they derive most of their revenue from. Enormus pressure is placed on their reps to sell. The natural consequence is that they often misrepresent coverage. If you in need of health insurance there are a lot or highly qualified independent agents who will explain the differences in coverages among carriers. It is also worth noting that NONE of these agents want anything to do with NASE. They bring in young inexpereinced people, brainwash them, and when they figure out that the whole thing is a scam they leave.

  22. Can anyone tell me if there are currently any Class Action Lawsuits against Mega Life and Health (NASE)? I heard there were, 11-14 state but I cannot find info. I need help cause this Company is a real piece of work! I am now stuck with with over $30k worth of bills, because after a year of investigating whatever, they have disregarded my physicians medical history and facts on me and said in the “opinion” of their medical consultant they have decided that my condion was in result of a previous condition. But they approved the surgery I had. I have only had this insurance since May 2004, nothing has been paid, I always seem to get a statement anytime anyone in my family saw a physician stating the claim was under investigation and I would here from them soon. Plus the agent that took my application no longer works for them and I made a claim to them regarding his conduct of taking my application home after having me sign it to save time and he would completely fill it out there. Well he didn’t put down certain parts of conversation that pertained to the investigated part of claims nad when I got the policy I thought everything was in order and filed it. There is more to that story, but the moral is the agent was found and questioned of my allegations and of course denied them, how stupid can anyone be to think even if he remembered the application or me would he admit to wrong doing regarding anyone privacy laws. Anyhow they (Mega) gave me 3 choices and none of them would pay my doctor or hospital bills, wanted me to sign a previous condition waiver, drop my name from policy or rescind the policy from the start (they would refund my premiums to date). They gave me until Aug 31, 2005 to decide or they would rescind and file legal action against me for no decsion. I had to sign the recind, but I am filinf with the Insurance commission as soo as I get all bill totals not paid by them. Please help with any info regarding Mega (NASE) to help in my quest. I sure don’t have money to pay those bills. Thanks so much!

  23. Shiela:

    I am responding to your message left on 9/14. I occasionally check back on this forum because I have a friend who is in contact with a law firm regarding legal action against NASE/MEGA. I, too, previously had health insurance with them and have nothing but negative things to say about them. My friend was diagnosed with colon cancer while insured with NASE. Need I say more. They also came up with every excuse in the world on why they couldn’t pay even though her policy should have covered the very expensive chemo treatments. She was also out thousands of dollars like yourself. There is a law firm in Florida that my friend has been in contact with and they are very interested in hearing from people who have had a bad experience with NASE. Their name is James, Hoyer. They have a website, Maybe this will help you. Good luck!

  24. Jill,
    Thank you for the info. I am so sorry to hear about your friend and her problems. It’s very sad to be taken advantage of in time of need, particularly in her situation. I am so stressed out over all this Insurance garbage I can’t explain. I will e-mail James Hoyer to see what’s up? Any other interesting tips or legal suits on our friends NASE/MEGA will still be most appreciated by all or anyone having this information! Again thank you!

  25. I passed my health/life exam three days ago; I was going to sell for NASE… Inexperienced is right, but thanks to all of you I didn’t cheat my friends or neighbors.


  26. I’m currently irate with NASE. I tried to cancel my insurance with them back in September. I even got a letter back stating that my membership has been cancelled. I can’t log on to my online acount because my account has been canceled. However, I AM STILL BEING BILLED $112 A MONTH! This is driving me insane.

    Once they have you trapped, it’s impossible to get out!

  27. Look very closely at the coverage you are getting with a company like this. For example, if you have a $1000 per day hospital benefit today, 10 years from now you are still going to have the same $1000 per day hospital benefit (how much is a day in the hospital going to cost in 2016?). If you never get sick, you probably will not have any problems with a limited plan. However, if you need extensive medical services (the reason you buy health insurance) you will see first hand the limits of a plan like this. In my opinion, these plans should not be marketed as major medical insurance. I have been selling health insurance in Wisconsin for 8 years and I can’t think of one reason someone would want such a limited health plan. The best way to find an individual health plan is to do some research and find an independent agent to help you purchase the plan that you choose. They will give you advice, but make sure it is the plan that is right for you. Best of Luck!

  28. Hey Brad (Fellow Cheesehead), I worked for Cornerstone for 11/2 years. What a scam. I feel bad that it took me a year to figure that out and 6 months to get out. I’m now a broker working with 8 health insurance companies and over thirty life. The one thing I like about these sites is that the longer they go, the less you here from Midwest/Mega agents. Do you think they finally think for themselves and see the light? Part of me wants them to go on because they are so easy to replace. I only have to ask them if they think $1000 is enough to pay for chemo. Most people realize that it can cost $3000-$10000 a pop. (x5-20 pops). The other part of me hopes all of the DSL’s,RSL’s & ASL’s burn in hell for all of eternity. They have NO morals.>:)>:)>:)>:)

  29. Thank you all, I have an interview today at 1:00 for a sales job with an NASE company. Having been self-employed for many years, the last thing in the world I would want to do is rip off (anyone) but especially the hardest working people in the economy.

    Thank you, I would have sold this to many of my friends and colleges and been plagued with guilt as they started to experience what you all have descried here.


    PS, I just hung up from canceling my appointment.

  30. This site is great! I made the MISTAKE of taking a contract with UGA/NASE over 2 years ago. That contract lasted a little less than 2 months before I figured out the scam. Al of what is what is listed above is true. The sales pressure and the twisted stories are all correct. Since that time I have come across new customers that have NASE benefits and medical coverage. Usually, they haven’t had to use the coverage and haven’t been burned but when they actually take a look at the limitations of the coverage they have that’s when the jaw DROPS! Anyone considering this RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN from UGA and NASE. There are more reputable companies out there.


  31. I am an attorney who has successfully filed lawsuits against Mega and NASE and am familiar with Cornerstone and Midwest’s practices. I have helped both former agents and victims who wish to file lawsuits. Please email me at if you would like more info, had any questions or would like a free consultation.

  32. >-)When we decided to enroll in this so called Self Employed Benefit/Insurance.. being the trusting new self employed idiots that we WERE!& ARE:
    Our lives changed dramatically…the $$ we paid for the coverage we thought we had is outrageous!
    The treatments we needed and decided not to have because we could not afford them..not because of the deductable we had set up..because when we called Mega to check we were told that the deductable was $3500.00 per procedure not $3500.00 per year as we were told and understood..again we did not read the fine print. Who in the Hell can afford that amount per procedure! while continuing to pay these we continue to struggle in our business.
    The Premiums went up and up and up…immediately.!! I know we have to assume some responsibility …(To Assume is to make an Ass out of you and me both…) well we succeeded..!!

    NASE/MEGA Corporate’s are the ASS’S that continue to prey on the vunerable…while making their bundle of $$ as we seek and pray! If I could get my hands on the Agent that came to our home…enjoying our hospitality..demonstrating his is quick and precise demeanor… writing and talking a mile a minute(this must be a requirement to leach on someone who needs help) I could only ask him Is it really worth it? Do you sleep at night?

  33. The NASE agents are still out there, talking up a storm to sell their insurance plans. I just canceled the 5pm appointment I had scheduled. The lack of printed material made me wary. His reasoning behind it was that it was too complicated and confusing…
    At least I’m smart enough to get online and do a little research on NASE before buying into the scam.
    Thanks for all the the information. This is my first time buying insurance, and I would like it to be a good experience!
    The site came up easily on a google search, so hopefully anyone else who is considering NASE insurance will read it first!

  34. I made the unfortunate choice to purchase insurance through NASE and owe more than $10,000 for a day in the hospital. I strongly urge everyone to stay away from them and don’t get swindled like i did please

  35. ex- NASE Agent

    I sold for NASE for over 4 years. Was a top agent for 1.5 of the 4. The other 3 years I barely worked. I asked alot of questions like “why is this this way and why is there not enough information about that”. Short of it is, NASE is a joke. Unfortunately most times even to the agents don’t know how bad the products are. I could no longer sell something I did not believe in. Luckily none of my clients ever had major medical issues atleast that I know of. I did call my clients after quitting with the company to tell them I would no longer be selling that so called insurance and when I was asked why, I told them the truth.
    I would recommend VERY strongly against Cornerstone orMega Life and Health Insurance (both owned by UICI). You will pay high costs in premiums and then still get stuck with the medical bills.
    I can not tell you how bad I truly feel for selling even 1 individual this insurance. I am truly an agent that got into the business in hopes of helping people (only to do just the opposite). I now sell only life insurance as I know families and loved ones will one day only benefit from letting me in their doors.
    Its pretty bad when an insurance company/Association has to lie to the agents selling the product about what the product is to get the product sold at all. I hope all agents selling for Mega or Cornerstone would open their eyes and see the only ones their hurting is their clients.
    Stay far away from NASE/AFS & Mega/Cornerstone. It will come back to bite you rather your selling or buying.

  36. 🙂 Oh Boy! I was called by and met with an agent from NASE/Mega last week. I felt a bit pressured (time-wise) into signing up although the policy and the riders I chose seemed awefully good. Too good to be true and I said as much to her. I have had a bad gut feeling about this whole thing though and did my research online tonight only to come across this website. Thank heavens! My gut feelings have been confirmed and I will be cancelling my appointment with the NASE agent for tomorrow morning ASAP! Too many options and I had a lot of questions. No thanks.

  37. I’m compelled to respond once again…having read tonight that someone else was saved from these leachs.

    I retired in 2003 needing to find Ins. My husband is self employed and as I stated before we were vunerable..or should I say suckers. I can only accept responsibility for not researching further…blah blah..

    if these messages will keep someone else from dumping numerous $$ into an Insurance that isn’t, it will make my day. It is ironic that tonight of all nights this new message appeared…

    My husband who had to stay with NASE due to his age etc..sighed up today for Medicare and the supplemental that we chose effective July 1st.. (NASE does not offer supplemental for those who are in the so called program)

    I was able to get out as of March 06 after numerous months of searching. We plucked out a total of $30,000 in Premiums in this timeframe… not allot of money in some peoples lives..a whole bunch in others including ours…we are fortunate that we did not have a medical crisis.

    I watched a documentary on PBS recently about two families that went to Hell and Back with NASE! I hope that people continue to use this site before making decisions that will cost them dearly. God Bless!

  38. Attorney Against Mega

    I am an attorney who has successfully represented clients against Mega, NASE, Alliance for Affordable Rights, Cornerstone and Midwest Insurance. I have helped victims who had been defrauded and have unpaid hospital bills. I have also helped former agents who are being threatened by collection agencies or are having trouble collecting their earned commissions after leaving the co. Please email me at if you would like more info, had any questions or would like a free consultation. All communications are confidential and at no charge

  39. This is for Chris G.
    I am an ex-uga agent. If you read the June 28th post, that might help you. I am not one to sue people but if ever I was, this company sure would be where I would start. I don’t know what your grievence is, but I’m sure it wouldn’t be much different than the rest of us ex-agents that were responsible enough to stop selling for them.

  40. To Chris G.
    Run away as fast as you can from this company.
    All the agents, mangagers, employees are all driven by one
    simple goal, money/greed! The commissions, bonuses, and stock options given to these greedy bastards are unbeleivable.
    They will get in your pocket and never or very seldom give anything back. This is an evil souless company. It all starts at the top.
    PLease call Kerry McGill at Greer & McGill to file a complaint/greivence.(512 476 1133)in Texas, Mega’s home state!
    They specialize in insurance fraud cases; weather you are a former agent or customer who has be victimized.
    Kerry McGill helped me and numerous others out of a very bad situation.
    Good Luck

  41. thanks ex-nase agent and shea. i am no longer an agent for uga/mega/nase. i never sold any policies basically because from the 1st day of training i had my eye on them because they seemed very untrustworthy and i was correct. but i did waste alot of my time and money getting started. i am in massachusetts, is there any attorneys in this area do you know ? do you think kerry mcgill might know ? and how did kerry mcgill help you ?

  42. THANK YOU LISA!!!Mabey it wont be too late for someone else.It is for me.After having Nase insurance for only 5 months i was in an accident and airlifted to a hopital,remembering i had the “accident rider”it put my husbands mind at ease.Only to find out a short while later that we didnt call”the special Number” someone called 911 instead. So i am left with 15,000 worth of medical bills after we were paying 800.00 a month premiums for our family. We also found out they wouldnt cover some of my childrens immunizations, or urgent care bills(ie:ear infections on the weekends visits) so i am probably out much more than that. thanks for making it easier for people to make a better choice.

  43. I love that at the end of this website where you are bashing NASE and MEGA, there is a link to get Mega quotes…..Morons!!!

  44. almost an agent.. whew!!!

    I have signed their so called contract and haven’t started yet with them as I have to take the state exam for licensing. Boy am I glad I didn’t start with them and get scammed. I have morals and standards and what I have read, their coverage and policies aren’t worth the paper they are wrote on. I will not be a part of their schemes. Thanks for telling it like it is on here.

  45. Could someone send me a copy of the new policy’s issued by Mega. my fax is 6305569801. or scan it and email it to me….I would greatly appreciate the help….

  46. almost an agent.. whew!!!

    I was going to work in the Michigan office of Zayti. How can I get back my 250??? I signed the contract but haven’t started yet and I don’t have a copy of it. I read it through for an hour and a half and made them very nervous I think. Thanks for the help on here.

  47. I have dealt quite a bit with MEGA/NASE/Midwest Life of TN/Alliance/Cornerstone. Our website( has a lot more information and links on MEGA/NASE/etc if you go there. After helping over 3,000 different families (10,000 people) apply for health insurance in the last 6 years, I’ve found that there are 5 questions ANYONE should ask about ANY health insurance plan before they buy. Hope it helps.

  48. This might be a a little late, But I wanted to add to the people who feel that they got scammed by NASE – MEGA Life and Health. I needed to go to the emergency room for chest pain, but it turned out nothing was wrong (it now appears it was a possible panic attack). Anyone, I’m now stuck with a $7,000 bill for one 3 hour emergency room visit where MEGA covered virtually none of it because of their $1,000 a day cap, which is not even remorely addiquite to cover the cost of moderm emergency medine.

    I agree with those who say stay FAR away from NASE / MEGA. It is a scam. Which unfortunatly, I found out too late was already being investigated as such when I purchased health insurance through them. Now I am stuck with huge bills I can’t afford, as well as worthless covereage. I don’t know what I am going to do. But I will definitely be seeking legal advice.

  49. It makes me sad to read the latest from Nar.

    I sent a response in June to share what I now is a scam ! My name is Darlene Reed! I was scheduled for a procedure for an out patient 2005 after having paid out the A–

    As I was drinking the dreaded drink to clean out my colon : Boom Boom at 7.30pm..the hospital called to ask me if I knew that my coverage was $3500.00 per procedure! I thank God for that Lady that night.I stopped immediatedly because I had a choice..You didn’t Nar..

    The only thing I ask every day is what in the HELL can or are we going to do about it..Yes, they have a class action suit..etc etc..Corportate America speaks loudly! There has to be a way to stop them.

    God Bless you Nar! I will Pray that you get a settlement$$!

    To all the others that have been or are victems of GREED!

  50. It makes me sad to read the latest from Nar.

    I sent a response in June to share what I now is a scam ! My name is Darlene Reed! I was scheduled for a procedure for an out patient 2005 after having paid out the A–

    As I was drinking the dreaded drink to clean out my colon : Boom Boom at 7.30pm..the hospital called to ask me if I knew that my coverage was $3500.00 per procedure! I thank God for that Lady that night.I stopped immediatedly because I had a choice..You didn’t Nar..

    The only thing I ask every day is what in the HELL can or are we going to do about it..Yes, they have a class action suit..etc etc..Corportate America speaks loudly! There has to be a way to stop them.

    God Bless you Nar! I will Pray that you get a settlement$$!

    To all the others that have been or are victems of GREED! :((

  51. Hello
    I am an agent with NASE. I am so thankful I read these comments. I was not getting the training I felt I needed to sell their insurance. After reading all these comments it seems they want to keep their agents in the dark. thank GOD I did sell any policies.


  53. NASE does not provide major medical insurance. Aetna, Blue Cross, Humana and all the many reputable health insurance companies provide major medical coverage. NASE sells an indemnity plan. The problem with indemnity plans is that there are caps on virtually everything. For example, with NASE you typically only have a $300 or $400 daily hospital benefit. Unfortunately for you a day in the hospital will average $1000. So you are going to lose $600 a day on the NASE plan. Of course they don’t pay anything until your deductible is met. With NASE your outpatient surgery benefit is only in the neighborhood of $1000/day. Unfortunately for you an outpatient surgery could easily be $5000 or more. NASE pays somewhere in the neighborhood of $1000 day for Intensive Care. Unfortunately for you Intensive Care can easily be $2500/day. So you are losing $1500 a day with NASE. There are capsy on prescription drug benefits, doctor visits, testing, just about anything you have done there is a limited benefit. That is why major medical insurance is the only way to go and what is unbelievable is that even tho the NASE coverage is lousy their rates are expensive. (Gotta pay those big commissions, you know) If you have anything major with NASE and you don’t have any savings you are jeoparding your house, your car, your wages, and whatever other assets bill collectors and attorneys can take frome you.

  54. NASE tells outright lies to potential agents to get you to join their team. They prey on people looking to get into the insurance business who are inexperienced. Don’t work for them and don’t buy from them!

  55. hi when is the state of california going to follow suit and have a class action suit against these frauds???if anyone has any info for this let me know!!! or post here–come on ca wake up!!!:((

  56. Almost an agent….As an honest law abiding citizen and military vet of this great country sites like this really get my blood pumping. for over 10 years I was fighting for democracy and for a better way of life for all and when I see fellow citizens getting ripped off like this with little of nothing from my government (locally or nationally) to enlighten me on legitimate crooks and robbers (I call it like I see it) it makes me believe that all it really is about is MONEY, MONEY, MONEY. Thank you for this site and I hope other future potential NASE/UGA agents become aware of this. This site is also saving me some gas by not wasting my precious time for the interview so thanx again.

  57. nase-mega does not pay they just take take take, stay far away from these scammers they are legalized crooks….. where can i find out about a class action suit

  58. nase-mega does not pay they just take take take, stay far away from these scammers they are legalized crooks:(( let me know abuot any class action suits

  59. nase-mega does not pay they just take take take, stay far away from these scammers they are legalized crooks:(( let me know about any class action suits

  60. hi has anyone heard about a class action suit in california against nase? please post it here so everyone can get in on it!!

  61. 😕 I dont understand the issues that everyone seems to be having with the NASE. I have had NASE membership and Mega insurance for several years now with no complaints. I read something above that is true though. Through the NASE, there are no actuall insurance plans. The NASE is the group that you join to gain asseccability to the Mega insurance. Mega is the company the does all of the underwriting and provides the insurance. Many people may not know, but you can actually cancel your NASE membership after 30 days and keep your insurance if you dont feel like the benefits you get through the NASE are worth what you pay for them. Many of the people above may not have had an agent as professional as mine, and not had the benefits explained in detail. The benefits are there to use if you can navigate the website. As for us, my family is thrilled with the mega insurance and Nase. Hopeing the best for you and yours.

  62. Everyone is happy with NASE’s Mega, Midwest, etc.,
    until they have that $30,000 surgery and find that
    the surgery fees are capped at a much lower level.
    Why people don’t read the first 3 pages of their health insurance policies is beyond me..but it happens all the time. I’m a broker who has seen several ongoing family financial crises’s created by the NASE endorsed plans. The people have huge bills and are stuck with the horrible policy because no one else will take them. It’s so sad..but I do my best to get the word out.

    Insurance agents who read this. When you come across potential clients with Mega or Midwest, simply print out the well-known Business Week article and mail/fax/e-mail it to the person. Then, follow up with a phone call and offer to show them their policy limitations at no cost. They will hug you dearly and ask for an alternate health plan ASAP. Works every time with the intelligent clients. You’ll sleep very well! -Allen in Chicago:)

  63. Hello. I had an 18 year career in sales/marketing with a Fortune 200 company until they went bankrupt. I got into the health insurance business with MEGA due to a friend working for them. I worked for MEGA for a few months until I realized that the plans they sell are mostly LIMITED BENEFIT plans. I decided to work for myself and become an independent agent representing several companies (Blue Cross, Humana, United Healthcare, etc). My site is A broker can not legally charge any additional fees for selling a health insurance policy. And, for a given policy the premium is the same no matter where you purchase the plan. Anyway, back to MEGA/NASE, just READ the brochure carefully and compare. You can also do to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners website to review the companies complaint ratios (VERY high in Kansas and Missouri where I work). Again, READ the policy you are reviewing and don’t rely on the hype of the MEGA agent. They are now also using the name Health Markets. Tom M in Kansas City

  64. Hope this is of help

    UICI (NASE,AFS)Announces Settlement Reached in Association Group Litigation
    May 14, 2004 12:08:00 PM ET
    NORTH RICHLAND HILLS, Texas, May 14 — UICI (the “Company”) today announced that, without acknowledging any fault, liability or wrongdoing of any kind and subject to satisfaction of certain conditions, it has agreed to settle a substantial number of its pending “association group” lawsuits.

    In particular, UICI, The MEGA Life and Health Insurance Company and Mid- West National Life Insurance Company of Tennessee (UICI’s principal insurance subsidiaries), together with the National Association for the Self Employed, Inc., Alliance for Affordable Services and Americans for Financial Security, Inc. (the principal membership associations that make available to their members the Company’s health insurance products), have executed and expect to shortly file in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas a definitive Stipulation of Settlement and Release agreement contemplating, among other things, the full and final settlement of a class action case originally filed in Mississippi and a representative action originally filed in California challenging the relationship between UICI’s insurance companies and the membership associations.

    Pursuant to the terms of the settlement, MEGA and Mid-West have agreed to include enhanced disclosures in their marketing and sales materials with respect to the contractual relationships between UICI and the insurance companies, on the one hand, and the associations, on the other hand, and MEGA and Mid-West have also agreed to enter into an injunction with respect to certain business practices. In addition, members of a to-be-certified nationwide class of current and former MEGA and Mid-West insureds and current and former members of the associations will be entitled to relief in the form of free insurance coverage for a period of months under a personal accident policy to be issued by a UICI subsidiary (covering, among other things, accidental death and out-patient and hospital costs incurred as a result of specified accidents) and discounts on association membership fees. The settlement also contemplates the payment of attorneys’ fees to counsel for the plaintiff class. The proposed settlement does not contemplate a release of specific claims by individuals for insurance coverage benefits.

    The Company believes that the terms of the settlement as contemplated by the Stipulation of Settlement and Release will not have a material adverse effect upon the financial condition or results of operations of the Company. As previously disclosed, in the year ended December 31, 2003, the Company recorded a $25.0 million charge associated with the reassessment of loss accruals established for the lawsuits that are governed by the settlement and for all other pending “association group” cases to which the Company and its insurance companies are currently a party.

    The settlement of the to-be-certified class action litigation is subject to preliminary approval of the terms of the settlement and certification of a nationwide plaintiff class by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas; mailing notice of the settlement to members of the plaintiff class; and final approval of, and granting of a final judgment by, the Court. There can be no assurance that these conditions to effectiveness of the settlement will in fact be satisfied.

    Separately, the Company has also agreed, without acknowledging any fault, liability or wrongdoing of any kind, to settle an association group case pending in state court in Texas and an association group case pending in Federal court in California. As the Company has previously disclosed, the Company has also recently executed agreements fully and finally resolving, without admitting liability, all of the Company’s association group litigation brought on behalf of individual claimants in the state of Mississippi. All of these cases have been resolved on terms that will not have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial condition or results of operations.

    UICI, MEGA and Mid-West continue to be parties to certain other pending “association group” cases in other states, and the Company continues its ongoing efforts to bring such cases to a successful resolution. The Company currently believes that resolution of those cases will not have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial condition or results of operations.


    UICI (headquartered in North Richland Hills, Texas) through its subsidiaries offers insurance (primarily health and life) to niche consumer and institutional markets. Through its Self Employed Agency Division, UICI provides to the self-employed market health insurance and related insurance products, which are distributed primarily through the Company’s dedicated agency field forces, UGA-Association Field Services and Cornerstone America. Through its Group Insurance Division, UICI provides tailored health insurance programs for students enrolled in universities, colleges and kindergarten through grade twelve and markets, administers and underwrites limited benefit insurance plans for entry level, high turnover, hourly employees. Through its Life Insurance Division, UICI offers life insurance products to selected markets. UICI’s stock is included in the Standard & Poor’s Small Cap 600 Index. For more information, visit .


    Certain statements set forth herein or incorporated by reference herein from the Company’s filings that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act. Actual results may differ materially from those included in the forward- looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to, the Company’s ability to maintain adequate liquidity to satisfy its obligations; changes in general economic conditions, including the performance of financial markets, and interest rates; competitive, regulatory or tax changes that affect the cost of or demand for the Company’s products; health care reform; the ability to predict and effectively manage claims related to health care costs; and reliance on key management and adequacy of claim liabilities.

    The Company’s future results will depend in large part on accurately predicting health care costs incurred on existing business and upon the Company’s ability to control future health care costs through product and benefit design, underwriting criteria, utilization management and negotiation of favorable provider contracts. Changes in mandated benefits, utilization rates, demographic characteristics, health care practices, provider consolidation, inflation, new pharmaceuticals/technologies, clusters of high- cost cases, the regulatory environment and numerous other factors are beyond the control of any health plan provider and may adversely affect the Company’s ability to predict and control health care costs and claims, as well as the Company’s financial condition, results of operations or cash flows. Periodic renegotiations of hospital and other provider contracts coupled with continued consolidation of physician, hospital and other provider groups may result in increased health care costs and limit the Company’s ability to negotiate favorable rates. In addition, the Company faces competitive and regulatory pressure to contain premium prices. Fiscal concerns regarding the continued viability of government-sponsored programs such as Medicare and Medicaid may cause decreasing reimbursement rates for these programs. Any limitation on the Company’s ability to increase or maintain its premium levels, design products, implement underwriting criteria or negotiate competitive provider contracts may adversely affect the Company’s financial condition or results of operations.

    The Company’s insurance subsidiaries are subject to extensive regulation in their states of domicile and the other states in which they do business under statutes that typically delegate broad regulatory, supervisory and administrative powers to state insurance departments and agencies. State insurance departments have also periodically conducted and continue to conduct financial and market conduct examinations and other inquiries of UICI’s insurance subsidiaries. State insurance regulatory agencies have authority to levy monetary fines and penalties resulting from findings made during the course of such examinations and inquiries. Historically, the Company’s insurance subsidiaries have from time to time been subject to such regulatory fines and penalties. While none of such fines or penalties individually or in the aggregate have to date had a material adverse effect on the results of operations or financial condition of the Company, the Company could be adversely affected by increases in regulatory fines or penalties an/or changes in the scope, nature and/or intensity of regulatory scrutiny and review.

    The Company provides health insurance products to consumers in the self- employed market in 44 states. A substantial portion of such products is issued to members of various independent membership associations that act as the master policyholder for such products. The two principal membership associations in the self-employed market for which the Company underwrites insurance are the National Association for the Self-Employed (“NASE”) and the Alliance for Affordable Services (“AAS”). The associations provide their membership with a number of benefits and products, including health insurance underwritten by the Company. Subject to applicable state law, individuals generally may not obtain insurance under an association’s master policy unless they are also members of the associations. UGA agents and Cornerstone agents also act as field service representatives on behalf of the associations, in which capacity the agents act as enrollers of new members for the associations and provide field support services, for which the agents receive compensation. Specialized Association Services, Inc. (a company controlled by the adult children of the Chairman of the Company) provides administrative and benefit procurement services to the associations. A subsidiary of the Company generates new membership sales prospect leads for both UGA and Cornerstone for use by the enrollers and agents and provides video and print services to the associations and to Specialized Association Services, Inc. In addition to health insurance premiums derived from the sale of health insurance, the Company receives fee income from the associations, including fees associated with the enrollment of new members, fees for association membership marketing and administrative services and fees for certain association member benefits. The agreements with these associations requiring the associations to continue as the master policyholder and to make the Company’s insurance products available to their respective members are terminable by the Company and the associations upon not less than one year’s advance notice to the other party.

    Articles in the press have been critical of association group coverage. In December 2002, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) convened a special task force to review association group coverage, and the Company is aware that selected states are reviewing the laws and regulations under which association group policies are issued. The Company and its insurance companies are also subject to several lawsuits challenging the nature of the relationship between the Company’s insurance companies and the associations that have made available to their members the insurance companies’ health insurance products. While the Company believes it is providing association group coverage in full compliance with applicable law, changes in the relationship between the Company and the membership associations and/or changes in the laws and regulations governing so-called “association group” insurance (particularly changes that would subject the issuance of policies to prior premium rate approval and/or require the issuance of policies on a “guaranteed issue” basis) could have a material adverse impact on the financial condition, results of operations and/or business of the Company.

    UICI press releases and other company information are available at UICI’s website located at .

  65. Hello. I recently interviewed for a position as a sales agent for NASE. It sounded like a dream job – complete autonomy plus a company and product that I could believe in… Now, after reading all of these negative comments, I am seriously having my doubts. I had a feeling it was too good to be true. With that said, does anyone know of any companies that offer similar services that does have the integrity that they purport to have?

  66. Lisa,

    The insurance industry can be very rewarding if you enjoy sales and helping people. Do your background research on the company or agency you are considering going to work for just as you might if you were going to purchase a product from them. If you don’t know where to start looking for this type of job, I would suggest a couple website for trade groups in the business (National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors or Association of Health Insurance Advisors to name a few). Check with the local chapter in your area to see if they know of anyone hiring and/or contacts. If you are in the Kansas City area, you can contact me. Good Luck! Tom M in Kansas City

  67. Hi Lisa,

    I interviewed with MEGA/NASE/Cornerstone/Midwest Life of TN/Affordable Health/etc. 7 years ago. I ALMOST took the job. Boy am I glad I didn’t!!! Now that I’ve been in the business (helping people find affordable health insurance) for 7 years and running my own company the last 4 1/2, I have come across a lot of other deceptive practices and agents. I’ve also, though, run across a lot of very good, honest, reputable companies and agents. What state do you live in? I’d be happy to at least let you know about a few other opportunities out there. Then, at least you’ll be able to compare. Feel free to go to my website if I can help in any way. Hope I can help.

  68. Thanks everbody for your input. I was just surfing the web last week looking for insurance and three days later received a call from NASE. I was told by the agent that they are a not-for-profit group and they try to help those that are self employed. The agent gave me a brief run down of the plan wich sounded great. Obviously it is great ~ for them! But I’m going to let him keep his appointment with me for next Sunday (8/12). By doing so I will accomplish one of two things: (1) enlighten him as to the crappy scamming insurance he is partaking in selling by printing off all of your comments and sharing them with him or (2) waste the greedy chump’s time by stringing him along right straight through lunch and dinner. If nothing else he will at least miss his appointments for the rest of the day and hopefully those potential clients will blow the bloody company off. So, thanks again everyone….Looks like I’m going to have a fun evening this coming weekend.

    P.S. Please keep this blog up so that others can be spared of NASE’S trashy business practices.

  69. I recently attended a NASE conference and had the opportunity to meet my sales agent collegues from across the country.

    One of the speakers actually brought up your blog post and displayed a screenshot in his PP presentation. (this one:

    He also encouraged us to visit these URLS from google searches (where your blog post appears high in rank).

    NASE Class Action

    NASE Fraud

    NASE Scam

    All this in an effort to gather recommendations on what NASE can do to combat negative PR like this.

    Just wow. Thought I’d share. (prefer to remain anon, pls.)

  70. Its so interesting to read all this bashing. Please tell me what company gives you life insurance and a hospital payment for illness/injury plus 119 other benefits that have saved my company alot of money.Thats the Nase – the Health Insurance is Mega a separate and distinct company – the plan is Care One and its a catastrophic plan. I know insurance and the people that have been burnt were shopping on price, but blame the agent when the claims
    aren’t paid. Only a dumbazz agent would sell a
    cheap plan it cuts his commission. By the way,
    look up any Health Insurance company and you will find complaints / lawsuits . Lawyers are even on here plying thier trade of being a tick.Shame shame

  71. When you read the 1 out of 20 people who defend NASE/Mega, they NEVER eplain how their plans actually work. Here are 7 SIMPLE questions to ask of ANY health insurance plan, whether it be Blue Cross, Humana United Healthcare, Mega/Nase, etc.:
    1) Is the deductible yearly or “per occurrence”?
    What if 2 “big” things happen in the same year? Make sure it is yearly! ALL honest plans are yearly, not per occurance

    2) Is there a separate deductible for surgeries?
    ALL honest plans do not have another deductible for hospital stays or surgeries.
    3) What is the maximum benefit a day for a hospital stay?
    In 2005, the average hospital stay was over $3,000. ICU was over $11,000 a day. If your plan only pays “up to $600 a day”, it is a terrible plan.
    4) What is the maximum benefit for surgeries?
    What if you need a $50,000 surgery? What about $200,000 surgery? If it only “pays up to $20,000 per surgery” that wcould be a disater.
    5) What is the maximum benefit for prescriptions?
    What if EACH Rx costs $300 a month? If the maximum benefit is only $2,000 a year, you may want to know this.
    6) Is there a separate charge for covering cancer or diabetes?
    An honest plan, always includes this. A bad plan charges extra or won’t cover cancer/diabetes at all!
    7) Is the lifetime maximum per person only $1 million?
    A good plan has $2 million or more of lifetime benefits per person. One incident can cost $1 million! If the lifetime Max is $1 million, don’t buy it.

    One last question EVERYONE should ask before buying ANY health insurance plan from Mega, Blue Cross, Humana, etc.: If I were to spend 5 days in the hospital ($15,000) and needed a $100,000 surgery, how much would I need to pay out of my pocket. With an honest insurance plan, you will be able to get an EXACT ANSWER in writing.

    The bottom line is: MAKE SURE YOU GET THE ANSWER TO THESE QUESTIONS IN WRITING. Do not rely on the answers ANY OTHER WAY! Hope this helps.

  72. I’d like to ask ANY NASE/Mega defender: Are your plan details posted on the internet??? I can find Blue Cross, Humana, United Healthcare, Assurant, etc. details (what the plans actually cover and for how much) online. Where can I go online to see IN WRITING what your MEGALIFE/Midwest health insurance plans actually cover??? Do you post how much your health insurance plans cost???

  73. If your plans are so great , why are you on here whining about NASE ? The plan I have has a stop
    loss and is a 5 million dollar plan. Time/Assurant was just on NBC getting blasted for recending policies when people get sick, Anthem is being
    fried for doing the exact same thing in Calif.
    Not to mention what the association does for sick clients like pay cash to them to offset out
    of pocket, does yours ? NO
    Take your lame azz marketing elsewhere.

  74. I’m an independent agent in Wisconsin. I’ve cleaned up several messes that NASE created. Their plans are what they are, they are not bad, they are not great. If a hospital/surgical or limited benefit plan is what you are looking for, then that’s fine. The problem comes from inexperienced agents that follow deceptive training techniques from the company. Plus, they only represent NASE/Mega Health, where an independent agent represents you, while shopping all the insurance companies to find you the best fit for price, benefits and comfort level. I will not say, call me if you are interested, but I will say an independent agent if interested in health insurance, espcially one that is a member of the National Association of Health Underwriters that keeps their code of ethics in mind when heling you find insurance.

  75. Steve is wrong, the plans are not limited or basic. They are catastrophic coverage – 5 million to be exact. I’m suprised how other agents come on here to bash on Nase. They all are experts though, and have a better deal for you. Yeah I bet they do.

  76. I am amazed that people actually believe the crap that is posted on sites such as this. They only exist to allow someone to carry on their agenda.

    If you want true, non-biased info about an insurance company don’t read this propaganda. Contact the Dept of Insurance in your state and request the complaint index on several companies that operate in your state. You will see that ALL companies get complaints, but that the MEGA plans through NASE have fewer complaints than most companies. Most of the posts here are from agents that can’t compete against MEGA based on the plans they sell, so they lower themselves to slamming MEGA. Remember, ins agents earned their reputation!!

    I too have had my insurance through MEGA/NASE for many years and have used it many times. It always does exactly what it is supposed to do.

    Most importantly, you have to read your policy as soon as you receive it after being approved by the ins company. If you don’t like what you see, cancel it and get something else. If you don’t read it and you later find that it doesn’t perform as expected, it’s your own fault for being so irresposible.

  77. Hi Everyone,

    I’m an insurance broker in WA state with over 25 years experience selling health insurance.

    Here in the state of WA, we got lucky…sort of. Our insurance commissioner ordered NASE/Megalife/Midwest to stop selling their “limited indemnity” policies in April 2005 and forced them to sell true “Major Medical”, which is the standard in the industry.

    So they complied but found every which way to stick it to their policyholders anyway. Their own agents have shown me their plans and what I saw was this: In addition to large decutibles (which are normal these days), their clients may not be aware that AFTER the deductible is met, the “co-pays” begin. Normally, a co-pay is instead of a deductible and is considered a good thing. But with NASE, they are in addition to it, and for some procedures they are $250 and up for EACH separate procedure or service.

    And if that’s not bad enough, their 80% plan has a $20,000 “out of pocket” maximum, per person. That means that in addition to the co-pays and deductibles, the insured has to keep paying 20% of everything until he is out yet ANOTHER $20,000, per person, not per family!

    And the price they charge for these policies is more than most catastrophic plans offered by the “Blues” in WA state, (Premera Blue Cross, Regence Blue Shield, Lifewise of WA and Group Health, our HMO), which have both lower deductibles and only $5000 (or less) out of pocket max’s for a similar or smaller price.

    So leave it to NASE to continue to rip people off, and not adequately explain to the client what they’ve gotten themselves into. Very sad!

    Even sadder is that I get 2-3 calls a month from NASE customers who’ve lost thousands of dollars, filed bankruptcy, etc, all because they believed their NASE agent and didn’t read their policies until they needed medical care.


  78. Ok everyone who bashes the NASE/MEGA Life and Health insurance company. Here is the Deal every individual insurance company is the same. if you are looking for an individual health insurance and want your rates to increase because you got cancer or had a serious illness or dont get a letter from another company to move you over to a new and better insurance plan thats beacuse its individual insurance. No matter who you go with you need to go with an Group Insurance Company, the NASE is an Association Group that then contracts with MEGA to have insurance, just like if you got it through your employer, here is the main diffrence, NASE offers everything group, like real Dental and Vision insurance not just a discount plan, Your rates will not go up do to any type of usage. I dont think i would personally care how many deductibles i would have, 1 or 3 but i would hate have my insurance company drop me or raise my rates up astronomicly, The NASE with MEGA will not do that. And if you are self employeed you probally do not have workers comp on you, think about it if you dont have workmans comp at work and you get hurt you think your individual insurance plan is going to cover you think again, the NASE w/ MEGA will. Also the NASE with MEGA does not ever determine what is medical necessary or tell you what hospital or docotor you can go to, I will take that any day of the week, say i get cancer then i could go to the best cancer facility I want to go to in the whole united states (texas is the best), or say my kid gets diagnosed with Hotchkins disease are you going to take them to a local Insurance provider hospital or are you going to take yor child to the best facility in the U.S. I would take them to the Best faciility it the U. S. no matter what, The NASE with MEGA you can no questions asked. Compare that with any insurance company out there, You can’t. The NASE/Mega Life and Health insurance company is the smartiest choice for a Self-Employed person or an individual.

  79. Just a person,

    You are very wrong about much of which you write. I’ve spent 17 years in the employee benefits market. NASE is NOT group insurance, they do not abide by any state mandated laws for group insurance and do not fall under HIPAA guidelines. Do you understand HIPAA? Do you understand the difference between indivdual and group? Obviously you are a new NASE recruit. Please feel free to email and I’d be happy to give you a proper education of insurance and employee benefits. And, every individual insurance company is NOT the same. Many suck, but they are not the same, there are some great ones out there. I can compare NASE with many different companies and have…they don’t measure up. Again, if you understand the limits of the plan, it’s not that big of deal, but they put new recruits/agents like you in the field and it’s obvious you don’t understand insurance (as a whole) yet. Hope you have E&O insurance for yourself…by what you’ve said here, you’re going to need it.

  80. At the end of 2004 I was diagnosed with Cancer. I had Mid-WestHealth Insurance through the Alliance for Affordable Services for the Self Employed. My out of pocket expenses were over $30,000. It would have been an additional $20,000 if an advocate didn’t intervene and set up an agrteemnt that the insurance would pay up the the $100,000 limit for Chemo and Radiation without the $1000 a day limit. I had 3 $1500 deductables which was in the small print in the policy. They considered each procedure like a PET scan seperate from a biopsy and seperate from my visit to the Cardiologist to make sure I was strong enough for the procedured they had in store for me. Mid-West has NO out of pocket limits on their policies, unlike ALL other health insurance plans that have a $5000 or so limit. That’s how I got to $30,000. Yes their insurance is inexpensive, and if nothing goes wrong it’s fine, but when somethoing unexpected happens you want health insurance that will cover your expenses and give you a limit on how much out of pocket expenses ypou will pay. I now pay 2x as much as I was paying before, but at least I know I have insurance and I wont be paying medical expenses for the next 10 years.

  81. Hi Steve,

    Prior to forcing NASE to sell true Major Med plans here in WA, our insurance commissioner’s office worked hard to warn people about Mega Life and Midwest. I recall one bulletin that encouraged people to read their documents carefully before replacing their full major medical plans with limited policies such as these.

    I’ve always been a consumer advocate when it comes to making sure insurance companies treat insureds the way they are supposed to. I’ve been on the front page of the Seattle Times on two occassions, speaking against assorted things that companies (even the best ones) sometimes do.

    I’m looking forward to the day when we have universal health care, like every other civilized country. Despite all my years as a health agent, I want my job to become completely obsolete…and I want insurance companies to be out of the health care business. They have lots of other things they can do, as can I.

    I hope there will come a day when quality care is free to individuals, supported by our tax base, and available to everyone, so sick people can focus on getting well…and not on paying for their medical bills.

    Have you and other agents worked with your Insurance Commissioner’s office to get companies like NASE to stop selling their limited plans? They do nothing but hurt people when they need the most help. And they are still allowed to sell these plans in the vast majority of states. I really don’t understand this level of greed. Here in WA, they pay out approximately 50% of the premium the recieve, in claims. Our regular carriers pay out 75-85% depending on the year.

    I agree with the free enterprise system EXCEPT when it allows a purposefully deceptive sales training system to create a naive and unaware sales force, that well meaning or not, makes victims out of perfectly intelligent people whose only crime is to trust the person who is advising them.

    To all the NASE agents, you may see yourself as sales people, but you are not…your clients see you as their advisors. Honor this by READING the fine print of what you are selling…due your “due dilegence”, and compare it with the other individual and “group of one” plans in your state. There aren’t that many. Start reading…ask questions…and join the ranks of the reputable insurance agents who truly serve people. They ARE out there!


  82. Any and all NASE/MEGA/Midwest/Alliance for Affordable health/Cornerstone officials who work at the UICI home office ALWAYS say, “It says everything clearly in black and white right in our brochures”. The problem isn’t so much WHAT they sell (a LIMITED benefit plan). The MAIN PROBLEMS are the Sales Managers and the Agents. Almost without exception, they are the ones who deceive and say things that are completely untrue. Also, if a sales manager or agent doesn’t put it in writing, there is very little recourse. Unfortunately, the average consumer has no idea how to understand a complicated policy and its fine print. The average consumer relies on the agent to “explain” everything. I say, NEVER rely on an agent’s verbal answer. A good agent shows the consumer what is says in black and white. I kind of feel sorry for most Mega/NASE agents. Most are duped by a regional/local sales managers who make their fortune off them.

  83. I was one of those nieve MEGA agents for nearly a year. I didn’t know a damn thing about how health insurance. And, shame on MEGA for not teaching us. They only taught us how to SELL their products….not how they worked. That is the MEGA strategy….hire rookies, show them how to SELL and send them out. When they quit after 3 months, MEGA keeps the renewals. Our office had in excess of 20 new agents every month….a year later there were only 4 still around!
    I only sold about 1 or 2 policies a month and each one of those KNEW what they were buying. I ALWAYS showed the clients the printed material and explained the plans and what they covered. I personally met with the Missouri Insurance Commissioner in 2001 and he showed me what their plans did NOT cover. Oh My! I quit and started my own health insurance brokerage representing Humana, Blue Cross, and United. I now sell 10+ policies a month and I can SLEEP AT NIGHT!

    By the way, I agree with Nina…except for a single payor system of govt health care!

  84. I know, I know Tom :-). Most folks in our industry don’t support a single payor universal health care system as they are afraid of change, long waits for elective surgeries, etc, and that is scary…though I notice this hasn’t happened to Medicare folks so why not just expand Medicare to include everyone. the over 65 ground uses the majority of the medical care anyway.

    And, most MD’s are equally nervous about it since Medicare already pays them 15% less than what they feel they need to survive. At this point ANY improvement would be welcome.

    Here in WA, in 1999, our legislature forced the few companies we had (that sell individual insurance) to cover 92% of individuals who apply, without exclusionary riders, and at the same rate as everyone else. We have a point system and it’s designed by the state, and we know instantly if someone is going to be accepted or rejected with ANY company.

    And our premiums and benefits compare VERY favorably with what I’ve seen in other states. We can only reject the unhealthiest 8% of the population, and for them, we have the high risk pool at double the rates.

    For those at 200% of the poverty level (or below), we have a state subsidized policy with tiny premiums and totally comprehensive care.

    But then…we are definitely a BLUE state so you know how we vote and operate. Sorta halfway between the French and the Dutch (kidding!)

    I don’t know how it is in Missouri but from what I’ve heard, most states reject 40-70% of their applicants due to pre-existing conditions.

    That’s what opens the doors for limited benefit policies like NASE who, I think, cover people more readily (since they pay so much less in claims, they can afford more risk), though I wonder what they have for pre-existing conditions clauses.

    You know how people say “Well…it’s better to have something than nothing”. With NASE kind of plans, that is not the case. Almost every state has high deductible true major med plan that will beat NASE’s rates since they are simply an over priced, extremely profitable limited benefit plan.

    To clients who absolutely can’t afford any insurance (or are turned down), I tell them to save your premiums that you’d be paying on a limited plan, and make your best arrangements with your hospitals and doctors. And don’t worry, the MD’s and hospitals will simply pass along the cost of your medical care to those of us who pay health premiums (employers and individuals). It’s been going on forever. Cost shifting is our form of socialized medicine, I guess! And I’m sort of kidding and sort of not about recommending no insurance but in truth, there are millions who simply can’t afford it, and others in less “socialized” states, that have NO options.

    I’m interested in hearing from a NASE person regarding the issue of pre-ex conditions. How far back do they look when considering something pre-existing? In WA, it’s only 6 months which again, is very flexible in favor of the consumer.

    It’s no wonder we have only three companies here in WA that sell individual health insurance…all non-profits. Luckily they still offer decent policies at reasonable rates.

    BTW, congrats Tom, for doing the right thing! Sleeping at night is a precious commodity.


  85. Nina,

    Don’t be fooled by any universal model, they don’t work. Medicare works because premiums for private insurance help cover the required discounts the gov’t forces on providers. Also, the lie that goes around about administration being only 2% for medicare and 25% for private insurance is just spin. 2% is literally for medicare to just write the checks, it takes no other cost into consideration, and the 25% for private is false as well. It’s more like around 12% for both private and medicare, very close in costs. What does this mean? That is not who provides the administration or insurance if you will, since they are both around 12%…it’s the .88 of each dollar that needs to be controlled. It’s the health care costs, not the insruance cost that is problem. Switching to a gov’t run system does nothing to address the 88% cost and eventually will lead to rationing of care like you noted, and then ownership of the providers by the gov’t.

    I’m in Wisconin and they are considering a “Healthy Wisconsin” plan here. That’s short for universal state run health insurance. We’ve run the numbers, most all of my small groups under 20 lives have realized if this happens they will close their businesses. Why, because Healthy Wisconsin will be paid for with a minimum of a 13% payroll tax for employers (I say minimum because we expect those percetages to incease even before the plan gets off the ground, just like Romney implmented in MA). It also requires a 4% employee payroll tax. We expect that to increase before it starts. We’ve put out a calculator to most all of our groups, and when they plug in the payroll, and compare with what they’re paying now…well, let’s put it this way…nobody saves money with the gov’t plan. AND, everybody is eligible for it in Wisconsin, non-employed workers and even illegal immigrants. We already have 7 gov’t programs providing coverage to those in Wisconsin right now…most run in the red, and all require private insurance to help fund the difference. Switching to any gov’t run system doesn’t address the real problem with health care costs, and that’s the cost of health care…not insurance.

    As much as I can’t stand NASE and deceptive trade practices performed by some agents, I would also have to disagree that limited benefit plans, including mini-meds, if educated properly to the insured, are good things for the consumer. It’s our job as agents to not worry about what company pays what commission, and to place individuals properly in the right program for them, that they are comfortable with. I volunteer for the National Un-Insured Help Line, where I take calls for people that either can’t find private insurance or don’t qualify. I then help them (without commission or pay mind you) get into a gov’t program so they are covered.

    In your State of Washington, the actual uninsured stats are only 2.60% of the poplulation that are long-term, about 154,000 citizens. The 50 million uninsured figure thrown around by gov’t run advocates and the media is just flat wrong. I have the documents, studies and numbers to prove it. Our percentage in Wisconsin is only 1.37% or 73,000 citizens. We have less uninsured and we allow individual companies to exclude and decline. However, we also have our state run plan right now called HIRSP, we have Badger Care, Medicaid, Weisconsin Well Women Program, VA Medical Benefits Package, Medicare and Wisconsin Chronic Disease Programs. All current gov’t run programs to help those few that actually fall through the cracks. We need people to learn to pritorize in their better. Meaning, I know people without insurance that pay more for cable, booze, hobbies and other things instead of getting a catostrophic policy. Next we can discuss the problems with HMO’s and first dollar coverage in this country…but I’ll need Lisa to get more server space! 😉

  86. Hi Steve,

    Very interesting! I’d love to discuss more on this privately as I have no access to accurate numbers on these issues and would be quite interested in doing more research. I get so many calls from folks who’ve been uninsured for years, that I can’t believe this 2% number. In fact, when it comes to people in their 20’s, I know almost no one who IS insured privately if they don’t get something through their job. They are so healthy, and figure they’ll stay that way, that even though premiums are low at their age (something they don’t bother to find out, believing all the hype about how hugely expensive health insurance is), they don’t get insurance.

    My email addy is just my first and last name, at yahoo (in case Lisa’s system doesn’t allow us to put email addys in), if you care to get in contact. I’d also love to know more about the Uninsured Help Line.

    I do what you do…I help people get on whatever program they need to be on, regardless of who pays me and who doesn’t, and still, I have more clients than I know what to do with, so I can and do spend approx 25% of my time with no compensation.

    Thankfully, the business has been good to me so I can afford to do this.

    Thanks for the great info.


  87. Wow! USA Today (.com) did a major expose on Mega Life yesterday… a real tell-all and a must read for those of you interested in this. There were 281 responses to the article in the first 24 hrs.

    So what say you, NASE agents? Are you simply the underdog that everyone is picking on, or will you finally WAKE UP to the harm you’ve been doing…even unintentionally? You say you explain everything to your clients. Is there even one NASE agent who has told their clients they could end up tens of thousands (if not more) in debt if they happen to get the wrong disease and need the wrong kind of care for the coverage the policy provides?

    Here’s the link:

    And if for some reason you it doesn’t work, just email me nina.florenz @ and I’ll forward you what I was able to copy and paste.


  88. Nina, thanks so much for the heads up…I didn’t catch it. You crack me up with your statement “What say you, NASE Agents”…as it sounds like Bill O’Rielly (who I like) but he unfortunately endorses Mega Life & Health. What Say Bill may be a better question? You know, Bill O’Rielly, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh better watch out, and mind you, I enjoy all of their shows, because they are endorsing LifeLock as well, and as a Certifield Identity Theft Risk Management Specialist, I can tell you they’ll eventually regret that too. Nobody can guarantee identities won’t be stolen…it’s IMPOSSIBLE to do.

    On another note, one of my companies founder was on the front page of the Money USA section just two weeks ago (8/22/07), Harland Stonecipher with Pre-Paid Legal. We are also involved with State Attorney Generals, however, they either advise us, represent us, or are our members! 😉 7 former AG’s work with us now!

  89. My husband and I joined NASE back in the spring. I was so stressed about not being insured at all that I probably would have taken anything that day. Now, 6 to 8 months later, I don’t feel insured at all. After we signed up, I took my kids and myself to dentist – a place we hadn’t been in almost 2 years. Thankfully, my sons’ teeth were great – no problems. But my daughter and I both had to have some work done. Our work together – which included some fillings for her, replacement fillings for me, and my getting two wisdome teeth pulled – cost me almost $1400. ALL Mega covered was our X-Rays and cleanings. After that, they paid maybe $18 per filling, and they still haven’t paid on the wisdom teeth. It’s been over 2 months… I’m sure they’re trying to get out of it.

    We are in the process of finding new insurance. I wish I had read these comments before we met with that agent. And I’m so glad none of us have gotten really sick…

  90. I am in the process of trying to get my money back from the NASE. I joined strictly to get the health insurance which seemed too good to be true. Well, it was not true. I was turned down because I have indigestion and take medication for it. In the meantime, the NASE took my $130.00 and I haven’t heard back from them yet.

  91. Anyone see the latest Dilbert cartoon? The manager with weird hair had a meeting with Dilbert and said, “We can’t compete on price. Also, we can’t compete on quality, features or service. That leaves fraud, which I like to call marketing” Sound familiar, NASE???

  92. Wow! Great information – thank you all for posting so much! I had an appointment with UGA this week, and everything sounded warm and fuzzy and great. And yet… and yet… not quite right. Now I know why! I know that I will not be an agent with them. Thank God!


  93. I posted previously – just an update…

    I just got back from the dentist’s office. Their total payout on our stuff – $428
    My total payout – $2022

    My question is this: What have I been paying them over $530/month for? I’m so pissed…

  94. I just met with an agent and signed up today.

    Then I googled and found all this great stuff about mega….

    I called the agent to tell her to cancel the policy and that half the stuff she told me was incorrect (after reading the plan material she left but only went over verbally without bringing out the actual written material), She acted like she could not hear me, “what, I can barely hear you”, I repeated, “cancel the policy, we dont want it” about 5 times and then she hung up on me.

    I’m thinking it would be wise to cancel the checks we wrote out (one for mega, one for NASE) which totalled over 600.00, sounds like these people will probably try to cash them anyhow… any advice? How do I get out of this since I signed the papers today?

    I am so pissed at how they lie and pray on people in need. My 5 and 3 year olds were there during the “meeting” at my house this morning and I cant believe someone could go ahead and try and screw someone with 2 small children and no insurance.

  95. In close to 20 years in the business I have NEVER met anyone who has had a NASE plan (who try to use it) and was happy. The plans are very limited with per-incident deductibles (not yearly), and none of this is ever told to the person who is buying the insurance. Why????? Because the inexperienced agents that NASE trains to their liking don’t even know. And anyone who defends this company obviously works for them. I am an pre-licensing and continuing education instructor for insurance in the state of MD, and I’ll be the first to tell anyone who has or thinking of having NASE to read the fine print. And to you guys selling NASE, don’t take the word of any recruiters or managers….. call your state insurance commissioners office and do your due diligence.

  96. I’m a NASE agent who is licensed to sell Mega and Midewest. Each day I sit down with individuals who want a Cadillac for VW prices. They flat out demand that I strip back their coverage(which I refuse to do). The Health Choice was designed for people who flat out cannot afford real insurance and it lets them widdle it down because something is better than nothing.

    We have a plan that caps out at $4500 plus what the insured chooses for a deductible. I have had clients who’s chemo bills go over the $1000 per day cap and the assigned case managers have always had that cap waived. That way, when I look people who get the Premier plan in the eye and tell them that Mega will cover their big bills at 100% from a certain dollar point, I’m not lying to them.

    I have NEVER been instructed to lie, gloss over or hide the truth. I turn our exclusions and limitations page around so my potential client can see them all then ask me about anything.

    I will not sell the Health Choice plan because there are too many ways to turn it into crappy coverage.

    I work with an agent who had the Mega Premier and had cancer and had her bills covered to the letter.

    I think there are a lot of people on this board who tried to cut corners and got bit.

    The Mega plans give people the flexibility to lower their premiums by increasing their exposure where they choose. I’m constantly astonished by the gambles people want to make in order to save a few bucks. If you were misled by an agent then shame on them and I hope they get what’s coming. If you mad a bad gamble and lost then I feel bad for you but you must accept the consequences like an adult.

    I’m even more astonished by the ex-agents who blame the product instead of themselves.

  97. Christel,
    You are paying $530 mainly for the Health Insurance. If you look at the brochure and the certificate that was mailed to you, it is clearly stated what is covered for Dental. See if Bob can help you find good Dental insurance. It really does not exist.

  98. Just met with someone who told me that cancer is not even a remote possibility for them and to please take the outpatient chemo coverage off their plan. I refused to and referred them to the competition. That person now has a plan that guarantees they won’t even get a friggin scrip filled until they’ve paid out 5 large……and they still get chemo cuz it comes standard…….:d

    Christel…it is extremely hard to find a dental plan that actually covers things that doesn’t cost more than most people can afford. This is because the insurance carriers know that a lot of what goes on at the dentist is elective. Remember the word insurance and what it applies to. You’ve been paying for the fact that you’ve shifted almost all your risk to your insurance carrier. This is a prime example of the difference in how people perceive health/dental insurance. They expect to use it instead of have it protect them.

    Oh…and for you Nina….your little quip about how much Mega pays out in premiums is quite misleading. the members in NASE make up Mega’s largest group. Read the acronym….people who try not to use their insurance because they would rather take care of their business……makes sense…don’t it?=d>

  99. Chris, after objectively reading this thread, how can you in good conscience sell Mega stuff?

    I mean, why dont you sell reputible stuff? Are the commissions that much better for Mega agents?

  100. Ryan, Chris only sells Mega because she doesn’t know anybody better. Almost EVERY NASE/Mega agent is somebody, usually younger, just out of college or new to the workplace/marketplace. They do this so they can mold and shape them (indoctrante) to sell their products their way, and teach them to ignore the negative stuff, it happens in every business. They’ll say, just look at Microsoft, they’re in lawsuits everyday, yet we all use Mircorsoft.

    No current health insurance agent, or one that started with a reputible company would last more than a few days in the NASE training because they understand the difference. Don’t blame Chris, she’s ignorant. And, NO the commissions are NOT better, plus Chris doesn’t “own” her business, it’ll go to a manager or regional director when she finally quits, which she will, just like 99% of all the other NASE/Mega agents.

    However, she does now know the problems with NASE & Mega and should consider going off on her own as an idependent or getting hired at an independent agency. If she doesn’t, I hope her E&O is paid up!


  101. If anyone hasn’t figured it out yet, the TRUTH & the FACTS are rarely allowed to get in the way of a NASE/Megalife “sales pitch”.

  102. Chris, a $5,000 HSA plan, like the one your client went to is a great plan if they understand it, because the company they went too, will actually cover a 100% from $5,001 to their policy limit of probably $2,000,000 to $5,000,000. This is good! They can then take the savings in premium and fund their HSA up to $2850 per single per year or $5650 per family per year and soon they’ll have their deductible covered, and can also use their HSA money for other services such as Dental/Vision/Accupunture, etc…

    It’s clear from your comments that you don’t understand insuance, too bad your selling it. I’ve been in this industry for 18 years, my brother for 25 and my dad for 40 years. I’ve served on the board of directors for our state health underwriters association and can tell you, no NASE/Mega agents have ever been members or particpated…that should raise a red flag for you, as NAHU is the most respected benefit association in the US.

    If you’d like some more insurance lessons, please let me know through this thread and give me your contact information and I’ll call you. Seriously, you need to unlearn what Nase/Mega has taught you for your sake and your clients!

  103. Chris – I appreciate your comments. I did not, however, come up with this idea that I was jipped on my own. The people at the dentist’s office that have been helping me were embarrassed to show me how little was actually covered by my insurance. They felt bad for me when I went back to the office thinking my bill was paid and it was actually over $730 because Mega didn’t pay what they had said they would when the lady in billing called at the time of service. They point blank told me that this is some of the worst dental coverage they have ever seen. These are ladies I trust – and I’m sure they see many different dental plans.

    I understand that the risks are higher for insurance companies where dental insurance is concerned. But the only thing I’ve had done that was elective – I gladly paid for out of my own pocket. I didn’t even file a claim. The other stuff I had done was not elective. Wisdom teeth pulled, cleanings for me and my kids, fillings for me and my daughter. What am I supposed to do? Let our teeth fall out of our heads because I can’t afford to pay the huge bill after the measly discount my insurance paid? That’s just ridiculous…

    Ok – now I’m done. 😀 I’m off my soapbox for now – but I’m sure I’ll be back on it eventually… :)>-

  104. Ryan,

    Just what in your mind is reputable stuff? I’m not here saying Mega is some shining city on a hill in the insurance industry but I’ve talked to enough people who have been burned by the Blues, the Aetna’s the Kaisers etc. and have enough knowledge about how my clients were handled to know that I am giving them a better option on a dollar for dollar basis.

    The bad stuff about Mega is probably deserved to a point. These plans give people the power to really screw up their coverage if they are buying on price. When I help design a plan, I make damn sure I point out the risk and exposure. I help them decide where to fill in whatever gaps there may be. The plans I sign people up for pay %100 from a certain point. The insured decides that point as a factor of what they are willing to spend on a monthly basis.

    I live in an area where the incomes are low compared to the state. People are forced to choose between plans that either keep them away from the outpatient facilities or cap their inpatient care well below what may be needed.

    I just got someone off an HSA. For the same monthly price I was able to get him access to physicians, testing, Rx and outpatient accident with his largest deductible being at $500 for testing. His inpatient OOP max would be $7000 and I put $20000 of a direct benefit for a critical illness in there. I also got him a return of premium rider that gives whatever premiums are not paid out in benefits back to him.

    He’ll also get guaranteed renewability and the ability to take the plan with him if he moves out of state. He is also getting a dental savings plan that makes his exams $21, his cleanings $40 and so on. He didn’t even have any dental help with his HSA.

    I don’t think I put him in a worse position. He had to pay out of pocket $2500 per year before his old carrier had to pay dollar one.

    Where am I wrong?

  105. Chris,

    I sold MEGA for nearly two years. I was ethical and always showed people the “holes” in their plans. However, if you show people all the holes, you won’t sell enough policies to make a living. Why? Because dollar for dollar MEGA is usually NOT better. There is a reason why MEGA plans are called limited benefit plans.

    Now to answer your previous question, I would like the details of the situation you reference. What specific plan did they have and the premium? What excat MEGA plan did you sell and the premium? What are the ages, smoker status and zip code?

    Also, are there any limits to COVERAGE? If so, what was the policy limit on Rx? What is the limit on the testing? Are physician office visits covered? Does the plan include ER coverage and are there any limits? Does the plan include Outpatient accident coverage, are there any limits? Is wellness covered? Also, what are the limits to hospital coverage (dollar limits or otherwise)? Is the plan deductible an annual deductible or per period of confinement?

    This comparison could take an hour………but I’m willing to take the time.

    Regards, Tom

  106. Hi Chris,

    Oh boy!! You say “Where am I wrong?” and that gets me back into posting here! What an enticing question!

    You’re not “wrong” and clearly your heart is in the right place. You want to do the right thing and I admire you for that. What you aren’t understanding is the purpose and need for true catastrophic insurance.

    Instead you see a need for more immediate benefits and there is a point to that. Many folks with high deductibles and low incomes, tend not to go for preventative care or check-ups for smaller symptoms and instead, wait till they are really sick. That can lead to catastrophic illness.

    However, I’ve never seen one of the limited pay Megalife plans pay much of the “little stuff” OR pay enough of the big stuff either. Only somewhere in the middle and that doesn’t protect people enough. And certainly not for the amount of premiums they are charging.

    Claims payouts are so low, as you said, because you don’t pay the little stuff….but then Megalife shouldn’t be charging as much premim as they are charging. It’s highway robbery in the world of health insurance to charge twice as much as you are paying out, and we are talking about AGGREGATE numbers here, not individual ones.

    Does this make any more sense to you? Or perhaps I didn’t understand what you were asking.

    Eighty percent of the folks who call me are self-employed and many prefer higher deductibles (like I think your people do), bu people need a solid contract beyond that deductible, one without the Mega loophole limitations. The vast majority of people who buy Megalife have NO CLUE that insurance exists without those loopholes, even the ones they are dropping to buy MegaTrouble, because they are mad about a rate increase or unpaid claim.

    But back to catastrophic insurance (major medical) vs the limited pay policies: It’s the BIG claims that bankrupt insureds. Although people with larger deductibles are sadly forced to pay cash for the “small” stuff (and $2500 is “small” and can be paid off slowly to the provider unless he/she is heartless), it’s the big claims that leave folks in irreparable financial conditions.

    In a split second, people can and do lose everything they’ve ever worked for…..instant bankruptcy and financial devastation, in many cases FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES… unless they have catastrophic coverage with out limits on the basic and necessary services. Even the Blues don’t do quite ENOUGH any more….as they now offer plans without RX, but they still do FAR more than Megalife, which doesn’t do it at all!

    At worst, your customers with businesses and other assest will lose everything if they get really sick or injured. How much loss would depend on what decisions they made in the absence of that crystal ball that no one has, but that is sorely needed if you’re gonna buy a policy from Megalife.

    I actually appreciate the woman who says “I’ll never get cancer”. At least she’s open and direct in her assumption that she can predict the future…and maybe she can (mind/body awareness and all that).

    Most clients come away from a Megalife appt saying “I’ll cover the little stuff and Megalife will cover the big stuff” and they sleep well that night and the next and then next…unless they become a statistic…in which case, they’ll never sleep well again because only then do they bother to really read the limitations in their contract.

    At best, those customers of yours with no assets will have their credit ruined….unless they know how to find the free medical care that some areas have available to the indigent (and then the REST OF US, pay for that).

    At the very worst, they’ll owe money (big money) for the rest of their lives if they end up needing expensive treatment that Megalife has contracturally limited.

    Most folks on this list have already said this, Chris, but if you want to know you are doing the right thing, then INDEPENDENT of your trainers, get a full contract from a decent Major Medical plan (even one with a huge deductible), and read it carefully alongside one of your Megalife “pick your poison” plans. Compare the limitations line by line…compare the exclusions the same way. See if there is ANY similarity between a limited pay policy and a true major medical policy. Common sense will tell you what so many ex-Megalife agent learned after months and sometimes YEARS of truly hurting peopel.

    You must always ask….where is a person is better off if he’s had a catastrophic loss. And DON’T let those that have trained you pick the major medical plan for you. Pick a decent one at a decent price and if you are not sure, tell me what state you are in and I’ll find you a regular plan (no bells and whistles) and you can compare.

    Also, if you are in one of the few states where Megalife is forced by state law to sell true Major Medical plans…like here in Washington State, then everything I just said doesn’t apply….but….a host of other defects are still there, making them the last plan you’d ever want to choose. Better than it used to be, but still leaving the subscriber to lose 20-30K in the event of a major catastrophe.

    You mentioned a 7K out of pocket maximum. I’m not used to hearing about “out of pocket” maxes on a Megalife policy. I’m curious to see one of the summary of benefits on a plan that you like to sell. Even one with all the bells and whistles.

    I’m sure we are in different states so I have nothing to gain from looking at what you are selling and giving you my two cents. I’ve been a health broker for 25 years and have ONLY sold true major medical. And you have nothing to lose by corresponding with me. It’s all in the contract, Chris. And even with Megalife policies, it’s not that hard to read and compare.

    Thanks for looking and asking Chris. And if you’ve read this far….thanks. At least it’s clear to me that you are trying to understand what all the fuss is about.


  107. I’ll use my own plan as an example. In the interest of disclosure it is one I’ll be dropping soon because my wife will be working for a hospital which sponsors quite a robust group plan even though I am tempted to trim down my plan and hang onto it because it is guaranteed renewable and the employer plan will last only as long as my wife is employed there.

    My plan:

    $2500 Deductible-Per Occurrence
    $4500 co-insurance maximum.

    Rx-$50 annual deductible than $10 copays on generics
    Outpatient Accident-$100 co-pay then plan pays 100% up to $1800 per incident. Nase also pays $750 for fractures or dislocations.

    ER-$250 co-pay then plan pays %80 up to $1000. Waived if admitted.

    $20 Dr. co-pays per visit.

    Testing-$500 deductible then plan pays %70 up to $2000 per day.

    Wellness-Plan pays $100 per year for a physical exam.

    I also have the NASE membership that has hospital confinement benefits of $200 per day, up to %70 off of all testing, labs, etc.

    A critical care rider that pays $10000 for a critical illness.

    A dental savings plan that blows our insurance away.

    My premiums are $227 regularly but I get %25 off my premium. I have looked far and wide and have not found a better value for myself….discounted or not.

    This is the Premier plan and not that crazy Health Choice which I do not sell since I wouldn’t get it for myself.
    I have used the plan for testing and Dr. visits and have had zero problems. I even had a doctor request information for himself because my bill was paid faster than he’s ever seen.

    So there it is……have at it.


  108. Christel,

    I’ve looked very hard for an affordable dental insurance that pays the majority of necessary procedures. I could not find one that I felt most people including myself could really afford. I don’t like our dental and it has never been presented to me as anything other than an afterthought. I sell away from it because I personally don’t find value in it.

    I’m sorry it didn’t work for you. I hope you weren’t misled into purchasing it.

  109. WOW, $2,500 per occurance? That sucks! Plain and simple. It is not better than even an $5,000 HSA plan. Plus you have other “caps” on what Mega will pay. Don’t get me wrong, I actually do sell Limited Benefit Plans myself, when they are needed and when they fit. In fact, I’ll sell them in conjunction with an HSA when it makes sense. However you are selling considerbly “lessor” plans to people that I know think they have more coverage.

    Chris, please trust people like me, an insurance veteran from an insurance family and one that can tell you from what you have written, and no offense please, you don’t understand insurance (as a whole) and especially consumer driven plans such as an HSA. You mentioned in one post that there is no dental help with an HSA…that just isn’t true, you can pay for dental out of your HSA account which is tax deductible. It DOES have a benefit. And, quite frankly, individual dental insurance is a waste of money almost every single time. A discount service is ok and usually worth it depending on the program and discounts.

    You mentioned you sold a waiver of premium rider with a policy, that in my mind boarders on criminal, the chances of the insured getting any money back is slim to none, as most people don’t stick with a health plan for an extended period of time. Most reputablie agents will never sell a waiver of premium with health.

    Let’s also talk about the association fees and how much they run your clients, and please don’t give me the “other” benefits of membership, I know them and they’re not worth it.

    Chris, I’m not only an individual producer (independent) but also small and large group. I know insurance laws, I compeltely understand ERISA, COBRA, HIPAA, and know the difference between HSA’s and HRA’s, and FSA’s…you get the point. Please trust me when I say, go off on your own and get some “real” education on health insurance from either an reptuible agency or insurance company. By what you’ve written, you seem like you are a very nice person and do care about the clients you have, so please look into leaving. I can tell by your posts you are not a Mega/NASE type of agent, you have a conscience.

  110. Oh, most all plans are guaranteed renewable…when an agent mentions that, it’s not a wow great thing…it’s expected. So when mentioned, a red flag goes up wondering what it is covering up on caps and exclusions.

  111. Chris, I can understand how learning this information from me and Nina and others can be troubling, but it is true. It’s not just hyperbole so we can sell more policies than you or other NASE agents. Seriously, your company isn’t even a blimp on our radar screen except when I have to clean up the mess left by a NASE/Mega agent. If you’d like to drop the name of the city and state you live in, I’d be happy to give you some names of reputible agencies that would probably love to have you come on board for commission only, plus give you the guidence and training you deserve. Or, just go to the NAHU website to find one in your city. Read the ethics part of the NAHU website too…it’s important. NAHU by the way stands for National Association of Health Underwriters. I know of no NASE/Mega agents that belong to this association…I wonder why? In fact, tell your regional manager/director that you are going to join NAHU or another association like the Big I and see what they say? If they don’t encourage it, run, run fast away.

  112. Hi Chris,

    Could you please answer these questions? I actually have NEVER had a NASE person honestly answer direct questions before.
    You said you bought for yourself (and sell to other people) a plan with:
    1) $2500 Deductible-Per Occurrence
    Question: Does that mean if you/your customer had apendicitis in 2008 (average cost = $15,000), you would have to start another $2,500 deductible completely over if you were hospitalized later in 2008 for pneumonia (average cost of a 2 day hospital stay = $6,000)?

    2) Rx-$50 annual deductible than $10 copays on generics
    Question: What if you/your customer needed a name brand Rx(for something like ALS) that costs $400 a month?

    3) $20 Dr. co-pays per visit
    Question: If the doctor vist was $85 + $65 in lab work at the office ($150 total), would you/your customer only pay $20? Or do you/your customer actually receive “up to $50” or so toward the visit and actually end up paying $100 out of your/your customer pocket?

    4) I also have the NASE membership that has hospital confinement benefits of $200 per day, up to %70 off of all testing, labs, etc.
    Question: If it costs $3,000 a day in the hospital for everything (bed, Rx, Doc, lab, x-ray, etc), what would your bill be?

    5) A critical care rider that pays $10,000 for a critical illness.
    Question: What if you/your customer had a stroke/heart attack that ran you/your customer $40,000 in the ICU?

    6) A dental savings plan that blows our insurance away
    Question: Have you personally ever used it? What if you/your customer needed a cap ($800) or braces ($5,000)?

    7) My premiums are $227 regularly ($2,724 a year) but I get %25 off my premium ($2,043 a year).
    Question: What is your zip code (or at least the first 3 digits)? I’d be happy to refer you to a plan that offers 10 times the “peace of mind” for the “BIG” stuff AND saves your customer $1,000 a year in premiums (39 year old male, NS) over what you offer?

    I look forward to your answers (researched in your NASE/MEGA brochure) to these questions. Thanks

  113. Chris,
    Please believe what you are being told in this blog. I’ve been in the business 20 years, I’m a pre-licensing and continuing education instructor and basically know this business. Get your eyes open and learn from people who have been around. How many NASE agents in your office have been there for over a year???? That in itself should tell you something. You seem like a person who cares about what you’re doing, and that you’d like to believe in what you’re selling, but do your homework and don’t listen to ANY recruiter or manager telling you that NASE is the best dollar for dollar value out there… it’s far from it. I wish we could talk, I could share some stories with you that would definetley open your eyes. And as for Steve and Nina, my hats are off to you guys.

  114. Some answers:

    The per occurrence deductible is not visited again if the following hospital visit occurs within 6 months of the date of release. My sister had Blue Cross, was in the hospital in November and again the following January-she paid two deductibles.

    We have an Rx plan that covers name brands quite nicely with up to a $40 co-pay. The problem is that most people who have to take a name brand drug do not qualify for it because they have a pre-existing condition. I chose not to get it for myself, risk assessment I guess.

    As far as the co-pays. My Dr. visit(excluding testing) was a total of $85. I paid $20 and that was it, the insurance picks up the next $75. I got a full blood panel which cost me $99 with my testing savings and that went towards my testing deductible. I have no complaints.

    The hospital confinement benefit is cash paid directly to me on top of what my insurance pays to cover my bill. I was in the hospital for two days with a discectamy, my total bill was 33K. If I had this insurance my out of pocket would have been around $3800 after applying my accident benefit and testing towards the MRI I received a month before I was admitted for the surgery. That equates to roughly 8 years of premiums.

    If a patient that had a critical care rider and was in the ICU for a heart attack and faced a bill of $40000 they would expect to pay absolutely nothing out of pocket unless they chose our highest deductible of $7500, even with that they would be out of pocket $2000.

    $7500 deductible
    $4500 co-insurance max=$12000

    Now apply the critical care rider of $10000 and you have a pretty low hospital bill for that event.

    Dental savings-

    Pulp cap-customer pays $32
    Braces is a straight 20% discount.

    I pay $8 a month for this plan.

    Zip code is 959

    Let me ask you this, I have piece of mind for the big stuff, I know that no matter what happens, the most I will be out of pocket is $7000. I also have pretty good coverage for the outpatient needs as well. Can you offer the same “piece of mind” as well as coverage for the things most people are most likely to need for the same price? Then add the direct benefits like the Critical care rider?

    Also, Steve, if most plans are guaranteed renewable then why do see at least one letter a month from people who have been dropped? Why is California fining the Blues for dropping people? Is that guaranteed renewability in writing?

    So I’m not a reputable agent for allowing people to roll the dice, pay a little extra for that return of premium rider? I honestly think you guys just keep assuming we’re talking about that miserable “bucket of money” plan that I DO NOT SELL. It’s the one that has caused so much trouble and my first appointment I ran went horribly because I got in a fight with the person who told me she guarantees she will not get cancer and can I please take the chemo rider off.

    Someone in the thread actually applauded this woman……would you applaud her if I did take the chemo treatment out and found out she needed it? Would you applaud her if she went to the press and acted like she was victimized by me?

    My former employer paid $1200 a month for my wife, my daughter and I and that still had holes in it. My wife’s new employer is paying over that amount and we have a co-insurance max of $7500 but it includes maternity care. This is the world of give and take and I’m honestly tired of people assuming I don’t know squat about health insurance. I talk to people everyday who have been burned badly by the big names and I don’t frankly care whether we are a big or little blip on someone’s radar.

    My clients either choose to get straight catastrophic that keeps them out of bankruptcy or they choose to create some exposure so they can get access to what they think they will most likely need.

    I work in a somewhat depressed area and people flat out cannot afford a plan that covers everything so I do the best I can…….and I’m tired of accusations to the contrary.

  115. Chris,
    In the years that I have been replacing virtually every NASE plan I run across I have never seen the plan you’re describing. I run into the typical NASE plan that has surgeon limits from $5000 and up…… where can you get a surgery for $5000???? They are heavily scheduled, with caps on EVERYTHING, with per incident deductibles on top of that. I just hired a NASE agent today who has only been with them for 6 weeks and already had his wake-up call who said that they did come out with a new plan but no one sells it because it is too expensive. And please everyone stop trying to wake Chris up….. it’ll happen on it’s own if Chris has half a brain.

  116. Mr. C.

    You are right about one thing(if not more:d). We do not have a lot of agents that have been around a long time and I know why. New agents are given recycled leads, if they show some success then they receive the fresh ones. I had zero luck with my B leads so I went out on the street and made my own business. I sold some plans and now get good leads.

    I think so many that come through here either do not do what it takes to survive and give up, they have some bad luck or they miss the guaranteed paycheck and I’ll admit I’ve been tempted from time to time to get a “real job”.

    I was at a seminar where the VP of Health Markets admitted that they needed to change a few years ago and they did. The state regulators slapped them around and they probably deserved it.

    At present I’ve seen nothing to lead me to believe there are deceptive practices. I’ve NEVER been instructed to lie, gloss over or use trickery to close the sale and the first whiff of that would have me headed for the door. What I present to people is there for them to see. I was comparing a Blue Cross plan with my own last night for a potential client and straight up told her that the BC plan was looking like the better option for her because of her needs. My managing agent told me I was doing the right thing and I am constantly told to only move forward if I am certain I am improving my clients situation.

    I cannot speak for other offices as I have no idea what is said. I interact with other agents a lot and have not run into a single person who thinks his/her job is to fool people.

  117. Chris,

    You have the Premiere PPO plan. I am VERY familiar with it since it was the only MEGA plan I sold (I hated Health Choice) I also bought it for my wife and myself. I was on the plan for nearly a year…and then quickly got off the plan once I realized all the “caps” in coverage and excessive potential finanical risk. By the way, you get a 25% discount since they don’t pay you commission on the plan. It works the same way in reverse with other carriers…you don’t get a discount but you do get a commission on your own plan.

    I’m not going to re-hash what the others have said about your plan. If you wish to compare, go to my website ( and type in a Kansas or Missouri zip code (use 64153). You will get free quotes from several carriers. If you want, you can call me and I will be happy to show you the risks inherent to the Premiere PPO plan.

    Remember, the idea with an insurance policy is to prevent MAJOR financial expenses. In my mind, the plan should be a MAJOR medical and there should be NO caps or gaps in any of the coverage…except for an overall policy limit of at least 2 million.

    The biggest risks with the Premiere PPO plan:

    1. Hospitalization is limited to PER period of confinement. There are also caps within the hospitalization coverage.
    2. The Rx benefit has a cap ($1,500 I believe).
    3. The testing benefit has a cap (both daily and dollar amount).
    4. The ER benefit has a cap (for example, what happens if the ER bill is $5,000 and you are not admitted?)
    5. There is a cap on outpatient accident coverage.
    6. The doctor office copay has a cap (4 per year). In other words, if you develop a major illness and require an office visit every month….you have NO coverage after 4 visits).

    And, Steve is correct. Check out NAHU on the web and join. You will meet lots of ethical people in NAHU.

    Good Luck.


  118. I’m aware of those caps, I’m also aware of the fact that the case managers I have dealt
    with have ALWAYS adjusted the coding so a $10000 chemo bill has been fit into those caps. There is no cap on room and board, miscellaneous, surgeons or physician visits.

    I agree with you in that the caps are a bad idea. Especially since they ignore them anyways and just pay the claims. They are in the process of redoing the benefits because that Health Choice plan has really given them that black eye.

    I have had a few clients hospitalized since I’ve started. Not a single one has had an issue with their bills.

    I have NEVER seen a Dr. more than twice in a year and I am very prone to getting strep. We have an option that allows for 8 visits a day and I present that. I present the hospital package as it is and point out the caps and how they are handled. I wish they were in writing but I know the company has changed the way it deals with them in order to serve its clients.

    Tom, look at what the customer pays for these riders. The ER pays to $1000 but costs $8 a month. It is designed to cover people who sensibly assess their situation and decide if they are actually having an emergency. I personally have never gone to an emergency room. If someone went to an ER and was not admitted than it was because they did not manage their situation very well.

    An ER is set up for medical emergencies. Not the sniffles, a broken finger or an ear ache. Granted there are times when you just don’t know but you have to admit that most reasonable people will not use the ER unless it is an emergency and that should indicate definite hospital admission.

    My testing caps at $1000 per day. I’ve discussed that with my local imaging center and they know tocode it so it falls within the maximums. Most people I write choose to forgo the testing because they do not find value in it. They have the testing savings through the association and they are willing to take the risk and save the money.

    Again, these plans allow people to assess their risk, weigh the odds and make an informed decision. Each person I have written was made well aware of their options. Testing is something I don’t mind leaving off because they still get help with it. I always put ER and outpatient accident as well as air ambulance.

    The rest is up to them but I make them aware of the impact of their decision.

    Outpatient accident caps at $1800. I’ve inquired into the pricing of treatment for a broken limb and I might be out of pocket a few hundred after the fracture benefit through the NASE combined with my outpatient accident.

    Paying a few hundred for a broken arm will not kill me.

    The two scenarios that bother me the most are the outpatient surgeries and the possibility of a client being in a situation where they have to have name brand only.

    Oh…by the way, my surgeon’s fees for my discectamy were $4300. I think some in here are really trying hard to create a situation where the insurance company may pay less then the patient.

    A bill like that will NOT bankrupt someone.

    Maybe one day I’ll have half a brain and will be as smart as Mr. C. :d

  119. I present the hospital package as it is and point out the caps and how they are handled. I wish they were in writing but I know the company has changed the way it deals with them in order to serve its clients.

    I dunno. I’m just a ‘lay person’ – – a consumer of insurance, if you will. If an agent said something like “Yea, I know on PAPER it says there are caps…but that’s not really they way they handle them…you’ll be covered, don’t worry”….. I would say “fine – get your supervisor on the phone and let’s get this in writing”

    Any consumer who would fall for that? Deserves to be taken.

    At the end of the day when the Agent is long gone and you’re standing there with a pile of bills to pay – – the only thing you have is the paper you signed.

  120. Chris,

    I didn’t mean anything negative about you, what I meant by my comment was that you will wake up because you do seem to half a brain……and that no matter what anyone says on here, you’re not going to listen because you’re not ready to. What would really be an eye opener would be for you to sit face to face with a real insurance broker, with a client and compete for the same case. No matter what your intentions are and how strongly you feel about what you are doing you would get shaked and baked. Everyone on here knows it to be true. Think about it guys…. what would you do to a NASE agent in a heads up competition in front of a client. Gas to get to the appointment… $15, New note pad….. $2.50, New ink pen…. $13, look on the NASE guy’s face… PRICELESS!

  121. Brian,

    Your concerns are valid. I wish it weren’t written that way but it is, we are looking for a way to change it without modifying the contracts which would be breaking the law because we don’t have a 30 day modifiable clause like the big boys do.

    In the meantime, we’ve assigned case managers to these situations who adjust the billing so that people do not go over the caps. I’ve seen it done, I know people who have had these adjustments made for them.

    It is in our best interest to just pay the claim. Especially when there is kind of a gray area on the coverage where people see “co-insurance max” but then they exceed that because of a cap.

    Mr. C. I’m not offended. I don’t get offended. I just usually give it right back. I go face to face with the Blue’s, the Aetna’s, the Health Choice all the time and have come out on top 90% of the time without badmouthing the other guy or using some slick, deceptive sales tricks.

    I’ve heard brokers and agents for the competition break ethics on quite a few occasions when going against me. It seems like that is what is going on here. You beat up on that per occurrence deductible of ours but failed to address the dilemna my sister faced with two deductibles in 3 months.

    It’s a choice. Per occurrence which resets if you have another even outside of six months or an annual which definitely resets with the coming of the new year. Depends on the individual I guess.

    I am always willing to listen. I shop the competition on every appointment to make sure I am competitive and if I find something comparable, I mention it and then base the differences on my own personal service….which is impeccable by the way.

    If you think you have something that is so much better then I’d take a look at it for sure. Ask yourself this….do you base your coverage on what is reasonable or on what is usual or customary? Who gets to decide what is reasonable?

  122. “…you have to admit that most reasonable people will not use the ER unless it is an emergency and that should indicate definite hospital admission.”

    Chris – as an RN who has worked several years in an ER setting…that is simply not true. There is nothing definite about medical emergencies. There are several cases that come through the ER on a regular basis that are considered true emergencies..however, they do NOT always end in a hospital admission….to say so is naive thinking.

    Since you’re using examples of your own health care (which is not applicable or helpful to anyone else but you)…In the last year, I had a severe allergic reaction. An anaphylactic reaction. I developed painful, itching hives with a red rash from head to toe – – and the anaphylactic reaction also impeded my ability to breath.

    I was rushed to the hospital ER – – given IV steroids…they administered several blood tests and oxygen…monitored me on an EKG for several hours before they released me – without an admission to the hospital.

    You are correct – ERs are for true emergencies. However, it is false that true emergencies should always warrant an admission…not all justified ER visits do.

    My Humana health insurance didn’t blink an eye and my ER visit was covered. I don’t have NASE anymore – – I wrote this post about NASE in August 2004 (over three years ago)… I’m surprised it is still generating this much discussion. 🙂

  123. Chris,
    I hate to burst you bubble on something, but there is no difference between usual, customary and reasonable and usual, customary and regular. That is a sales technique used by NASE and other associations to bash competitors. Any company that is above the 50th percentile is considered usual, customary and regular… or reasonable… it’s called the ucr schedule. And and far as deductibles… most companies that have a yearly deductible have a provision that if the deductible is met in the last quarter of the year it carries over to the next year.

  124. Chris,

    Lisa is CORRECT about ER visits.

    Chris, you may also be “stuck” with MEGA if you are taking advances from MEGA. You need to change to “as earned”. If you have a balance, beware! They are charging you 12% interest on your balance! Do you really need a loan at 12% interest?

    I stopped taking advances from MEGA in the 3rd month there. I even wrote a check to my manager to return commissions for policies that were declined. Besides leaving MEGA, setting my commissions to “as earned” was the smartest thing I did……I didn’t have any handcuffs and was free to move along!

    I know of two MEGA agents here in Kansas City that would change companies and come to work for me in an instant if they didn’t owe $7K and $9K. They feel trapped!


  125. I’m dealing with a potential client whos wife had a gall bladder surgery. The carrier(one of the big guys) paid 10K of a 32k procedure because they felt that was the “reasonable” charge for that procedure.

    Its not a sales technique. You keep trying to chip away at the per occurrence deductible and I’m saying that I would rather go that route because it resets with the beginning of a new event(not too likely) as opposed to resetting with the change in year(very likely).

    As for the ER, I’ve said that one doesn’t know. I have a client who’s father fell and hit his head, drove home, went upstairs and died due to a brain hemmorage. I’ve had a client who had a bad taco, thought she was dying and had a potential $10K bill which we adjusted applying two days worth of testing and outpatient accident coverage to it.

    My new plan has a straight %20 after deductible. My new plan costs about 3 times what I would pay for my family on the plan I currently am on. I weigh the odds on how many times I’m going to be in the ER and put my bet on “not many”.

    I have a plan that has an OOP max that I can sell that covers everything….most cannot afford it. I wish they could…..this plan is an alternative.

  126. Chris,

    I was wondering where I could go online to find a Megalife/Midwest Brochure??? You know, the same one you leave with your customer. I’d like to personally read the “fine print”. Every other company I know (like Blue Cross, United Healthcare, Humana, Celtic, Unicare, Golden Rule and Assurant) publishes all their brochures and prices online. I’d like to read everything for myself. I look forward to reading the information “unfiltered”. The public can go onlinefor this info, right? Thanks

  127. Hi Chris,

    You said “Someone in the thread actually applauded this woman……would you applaud her if I did take the chemo treatment out and found out she needed it? Would you applaud her if she went to the press and acted like she was victimized by me”

    That was me and I was trying to be humorous and it didn’t come accross as I intended. What I was trying to say is that at least HER stupidity is right out there so that anyone can see it, including yourself.

    What I was trying to say to you is that everytime you “roll the dice” as you say, you are doing EXACTLY what she is doing, but you just aren’t aware of it. You think you can “play the odds” and guess what you’ll need in the future when it comes to your health care. You don’t realize you are saying the same thing she is saying: “I’ll NEVER get cancer”.

    The caps in your contract make it such that depending on exactly what you need, you could lose far more money than you could ever repay. Even on the better plan that you have purchased for yourself (from what YOU’VE told us so far).


  128. Hello ANY Mega/NASE/Midwest etc agent or manager,

    Can you please direct me to an online site where I can see FOR MYSELF the same Health Insurance brochure you leave behind at the house of a customer. You do allow the public to go online and see your rates and coverage specifics just like Blue Cross, Assurant, United Healthcare and Humana, right???

  129. I found this:

    Now chris says he does not sell this plan BUT my booklet for a “Select” plan in Michigan (family of 4, 2 healthy adults 31 & 33, 2 healthy kids 6 & 4) that was to cost me around $515/mo is almost identical. There are very minor differences like the max prescription amount per year per person was 1500 vs the 1000 that it is in this plan.

    But my favorite part thats contained in both plans is, “once your deductible is met 3 times in a calendar year…..” WTF? Once its met 3 times?

    So you have your “deductible” that you have to meet (3 times your deductible actually), then you have your deductible for the occurance, then you are capped at some pretty low amount which would basically screw you if something major happened. (like it has all the people in the business week, wall street journal, etc. articles)

    On top of all this, the fine print says it only covers things that are “deemed medically necessary”…. ummm…. again, WTF? Who determines that?

    I just got quoted a blue plan for about 415 a month for my family that is much better and does not contain the BS that mega does. Apparently they get out of being regulated or something because of the association that offers discounts on other things… what a scam.

  130. Ryan,

    I see right through you my friend. I could go through anyone’s brochure and rip it to shreds the same way. We do not get out of being regulated because of the association first of all. The insurance is regulated. The savings plans through the association is not because it is not insurance.

    I would think a Dr. would deem what is medically necessary. You going to tell me that your Blue plan is going to pay for some cosmetic surgery? Funny, cuz my family is getting on a Blue plan through my wife’s work and the brochure says the same damn thing.

    You are not being honest here……that is the scam.

  131. Figures you’d pull out that piece of garbage HCA plan. Riddle me this….what is the most likely thing to put an entire family in the hospital in the same year? Could it be… accident involving them all maybe? Funny how you skipped over that common accident provision that means one deductible for everyone if they are hospitalized for the same accident.

    Again….you are not being honest here.

  132. Bob,

    I cannot find the brochure on line. It may have something to do with the policy that a representative is required to present face to face. The policies are not sold on line. I have mixed emotions about that because full disclosure is best, which is what I do in my appointments.

    I also do not like the fact that people buy insurance over the net. Ive sat with a few people who pointed and clicked on something and had no earthly idea what they got and the person they spoke with on the phone made it worse.

  133. Ryan,

    What is the deductible on your plan. What benefits have the deductible waived? Maternity coverage? I worked up a plan for that family that I’m pretty sure has better access to outpatient benefits for 414.00. It has ER, Testing, Outpatient Accident, Wellness, Dr. visits, Rx and the largest deductible is $500 for the testing. It also has $10k of critical care built in.

  134. I’ll scan my booklet tonight and post it for you (and everyone else) to look at.

    Regarding regulation, I guess I was referring to this paragraph in a Business week article and some other comments from people who seem to know what they are talking about:

    Nor is the problem easy to fix. Some, such as fake health insurers and bogus Medicare drug cards, are outright illegal. Others, like NASE and MEGA, claim legitimacy, saying they play a dual role by providing insurance as well as marketing it, even though NASE doesn’t always tell would-be members like the Christensens that it serves as the insurer’s marketing arm. Many take advantage of a crazy quilt of regulations that often allows them to skirt legal oversight. For example, 40 states exempt associations such as NASE from state insurance laws if they provide other benefits to members besides insurance, such as travel discounts.

    The thing that pisses me off is how the NASE/mega agent outright lied to me about various things. When I asked her to put what she said in writing (because the booklet said different), she refused and said that I would get everything in the mail later.

    After researching it a little bit there seems to be this trend where they hire people who dont seem to know very much and are very green when it comes to the industry and have these *feel good* pep rallies to get everyone fired up about how rich they are gonna be and what an awesome company they work for, etc. When I was 18 I got sucked into one of these type environments where you get a group interview (like 10 or more people), they get you all excited and use you to get to your friends and family then basically dump you when you run out of people for them to screw through you. Have you ever seen the movie “Boiler room”? I picture nase/mega just like the organization in that movie.

    Since we are being honest about things, can you answer 2 questions for everyone?

    1. How long have you been an agent for these guys?

    2. Have you ever sold insurance for anyone else before them?


  135. Ryan….
    You hit it real close to the mark when you compared NASE to The Boiler room. Very similiar. NASE hires newbies, who are not even licensed, many times getting them a temporary license so they can go out and throw as much crap against the wall as they can. If a licensed and knowledgeable agent went to a NASE training there would be chaos. The first time a “manager” would say… we pay the regular amount but “they” pay what they feel is reasonable… sparks would fly. And believe me that’s one of their biggest selling tools, and it’s an out and out lie. There is no difference between reasonable and regular. Try this, call NASE and pretend to be a licensed agent, and to be licensed for 5 years… tell them your looking for a job, and see what they say. They’ll skirt you every way they can. Saying that this “opportunity” is for new agents. And you’ll NEVER find an agent who worked for someone else then NASE. But you’ll find many agents that started at NASE and moved on, some very quickly. That should tell Chris something, but again Chris is still brainwashed.

  136. To Chris,
    One thing I agree with you on… NO INSURANCE PLANS should be sold on the net. I’ve never net anyone who bought insurance on the net who knew exactly what they had, or more importantly… didn’t have.

  137. I haven’t seen anything remotely close to a boiler room situation. Our meetings are a combination of informational sessions, training, product knowledge, acknowledgements for good performances and that’s about it. If someone in my group had a good week then they may be asked if they did anything out of the ordinary to account for it.

    As much as I don’t like the term…..this is selling. There are things you can do to avoid a no answer like losing them in some of the details or talking over or around someone. I ask each person if they have the patience for a detailed discussion or if they want the concepts.

    I’m an analytical person but I’ve lost sales because I gave too much detail, lost the client and got the “let me think about it” response. Some people just want to know how much it is….does it cover doctor visits and will it protect them from the big bills. The plans I sell will protect them.

  138. Chris,

    I’ll ask one last time….and then I’ll stop asking. Why are you hesitant to talk to a health broker on the phone? I’m thinking that some part of you knows that would be the last time you’d do business with NASE, even on your better plan, without a guilty conscious.

    For now, you pick things out of your plan as if they are something special, trying to highlight a few non essential things that you can brag about, and avoid looking at the what is insufficiently covered ….. that is far more damaging since there is no true cap to catastrophic losses on ALL medically necessary illness and services (unless I misunderstood your plan entirely and you are now selling true “major medical” insurance.)

    Notice that you’re all alone out here, Chris. Prior NASE insureds have posted to you. Agents have posted to you. Everyone is relaying the same message. This will be my last (long-winded) email. My last attempt to convince you to start looking for other ways to make a living. And I’m only writing again to you because I did some research in CA, where you write business.

    I feel absolutely awful for you if you are indebted to NASE in a way that you can’t easily leave and THAT’s the main reason for your resistance to talking to a “real” health insurance broker.

    But…you wouldn’t be writing on this list if you weren’t questioning what you are doing.

    Though I’m a WA agent, it was easy to look up California plans on ehealthinsurance where no one should buy health insurance (because there is no one employed there who is competent to give advice), but they are a handy way to look at the various plans offered in other states.

    When comparing health insurance, you must compare actual CONTRACTS and plan summaries, not stories about one person’s experience, good or bad, with any plan or company, including yours. Every company gets complaints. But where are all the webpages dedicated to slamming the Blues? How come everybody’s pickin’ on Megalife and Midwest? Are they all just crazy?

    Things are tough in CA(tougher than in WA), but not tough enough to justify what you are selling, no matter if it’s NASE’s very best plan…it’s far worse than what is out there.

    And you, Chris, are paying WAY too much for your plan!

    At the price you are paying, there are comprehensive $1500 annual deductible plans out there (with ONE calander year deductible so yes, it begins anew every January…though some carry over deductibles met in Oct, Nov, Dec). They offer both up front benefits (pre-deductible) and catastrophic (after deductible) benefits.

    And these plans are traditional 70-80% plans, with you paying 20% -30% to a 4K or 5K out of pocket max, up to 5 million.

    And all MD visit for sickness, injury or just preventative physicals are at $20-$35 co-pays…with NO DEDUCTIBLES. There are choices of very wide pref provider networks, made of 80-90% of docs, hospitals, labs, imaging places, etc.

    And if you go with the Blues (their non-HMO plans), you also get the “BLUE” card so when you are out of state or out of the country, you can go to ANY Blue Cross or Blues Shield provider, and be covered as if you were next door, even for sniffles. It doesn’t have to be an emergency. And if there’s no pref provider near by, they let you go to anyone and still pay the highest level of benefits per the plan you’ve picked.

    These are the “standard” plans in the industry…and cost the same for a 39 year old male as what you are paying right now for Megalife. There are no internal limits on docs, bloodwork, x-ray, lab, imaging, diagnostics, surgery, hospitalization; no daily limits, no per occurance limits. No extra benefits for one type of illness over another. None are needed. You don’t have to worry about what makes you sick, and what treatments you need to get well.

    Everything (except a very few standard exceptions and limitations) is treated the same. No part of the contract says that ONLY stated benefits are covered, the way (I believe) Megalife’s does. Forgive me if I’m wrong on that…maybe they finally did away with THAT one so clients don’t have to worry about what kind of benefits they haven’t thought to check for!

    Still, the plans I’m talking about aren’t perfect plans, but the way in which they aren’t perfect are standard in the industry. While all plans have exclusions and limitations, they are minimal…and they are the same exclusions that are on employer based group plan from the very best employer, or even from the Federal government if you are one of their employees.

    Email me if you want… I’m in WA and have no interest in selling in CA so I’m not the competition, but I’m quite familiar with the plans that you “should” be selling.

    Best of luck to you (and your clients). Hopefully, until you are able to get away from NASE, you’ll all stay healthy!!

    Make SURE to keep a full client list so you can get your clients off those plans when you finally do move on.

    By the way…one last hint…NO OTHER health insurance company makes you sign a non-compete clause so that you can’t sell your clients other policies even AFTER you stop working for them (or even while you are with them). That should tell you something, no? How many years are your hands tied?

    These aren’t “golden” handcuffs, by the way…they’ve set you up so that the longer you stay with them, the more you owe…the less easily you can leave. Like the Roach Motel….easy to get in. Hard to get out. Ugly!!

    Again…best of luck to you. Wake up soon, ok? You’re almost there.

  139. Who is talking about BUYING off the net? How about just being able to see IN WRITING what is being sold BEFORE an agaent insisits on coming to my house for 1-2 hours?!. Why is it that Blue Cross, Humana, Assurant, Golden Rule, etc. have NO PROBLEM publishing their DETAILED Health Insurance benefits brochure and rates online, but Megalife and Midwest won’t??? Chris, why don’t you scan YOUR brochure with the details of the plan you insist is so great? Anyone can SELL a plan. Until I see it in writing and read it for myself, though, you just have no credibility.

  140. Bob!!!

    I just tried calling your number and some freaky answering machine picked up.

    Not sure how I feel about that.[-(

  141. Ok…I never answerd this one and meant to and when I use the words “regular plans”, I mean plans that are standard in the industry. You might want to read this one Chris…I’ve picked out a perfect plan for you for $90/month. last long email. I really mean it this time.

    Chris says: I’ll use my own plan as an example. In the interest of disclosure it is one I’ll be dropping soon because my wife will be working for a hospital which sponsors quite a robust group plan

    Nina: Most individual and small group plans are “robust”…you just mean low deductibles, which are not at the expense of comprehensive catastrophic coverage too…with TRUE out of pocket max’s. Everyone can buy one of these plans, and adjust the deductible and oop max to fit their pocketbook.

    Chris: then even though I am tempted to trim down my plan and hang onto it because it is guaranteed renewable and the employer plan will last only as long as my wife is employed there.

    Nina: No one needs to duplicate their group coverage. That’s a total waste of money, in my opinion. Yes, there are issues on insurability but if the plan has greater than 20 employees, you can go on COBRA when you leave (at full cost, of course), and after that there are HIPAA guarantees. And if all that costs too much, there are usually other options. But…do what you want.

    Nina: Whatever you spend on a “trimmed down” NASE plan however, will only be giving you false security. You’d be much better off keeping a really cheap HIGH DEDUCTIBLE “normal” plan with full benefits and NO internal caps, once the deductible is met.

    Nina: At your age, you can pay $90/month for an excellent BC of CA plan with a $3500 annual deductible and 100% coverage thereafter to $5 million. Even drugs are covered after the deductible, though there are copays that don’t apply to the OOP max.

    Nina: They even have an annual physical with the deductible waived. You’ll save $100 a month in premium that you can use for the occassional office visit that’s only covered after the deductible. Not a lot of risk when the most you can lose in a year is $3500. You say you are a risk taker, no? It’s only $1000 more deductible than you have now, and much less oop max than you have now, and no internal caps like on your plan….and at a FAIR price.

    Chris: My plan:

    $2500 Deductible-Per Occurrence
    $4500 co-insurance maximum.

    Nina: Aside from the per-occurance thing, this isn’t a true oop max since other (very expensive) things are capped.

    Chris: Rx-$50 annual deductible than $10 copays on generics

    Nina: And brand names?

    Chris: Outpatient Accident-$100 co-pay then plan pays 100% up to $1800 per incident.

    Nina: No per incident limits in real health insurance, or extra copays.

    Chris: Nase also pays $750 for fractures or dislocations.

    Nina: Same thing as above, unless you are talking about extra benefits from NASE membership? Or does your plan really limit fractures to a $750 benefit? I take 400 individual health apps a year and get to hear 400 health histories…and I can’t begin to tell you how many expensive fracture stories I’ve heard.

    Chris: ER-$250 co-pay then plan pays %80 up to $1000. Waived if admitted.

    Nina: No such limits in regular health plans, and the additional copay on regular plans is actually a penalty for going to the ER instead of urgent care or an MD’s office. Normally it is $75-$100, not $250.

    Chris: $20 Dr. co-pays per visit.

    Nina: No limits on these visits per year?

    Chris: Testing-$500 deductible then plan pays %70 up to $2000 per day.

    Nina: This is the WORST thing! No such limits on regular health insurance. Can you imagine saying to your doc: “don’t run that test on me till tomorrow because I’ve reached my cap”

    Chris: Wellness-Plan pays $100 per year for a physical exam.

    Nina: Most plans pay $300-$500 for annual physicals. No biggie either way.

    Chris: I also have the NASE membership that has hospital confinement benefits of $200 per day, up to %70 off of all testing, labs, etc.

    Nina: Wow……and how far will that $200 go?? Around here, that’ll buy an aspirin while you are inpatient. Ok, I’m exaggerating but not much.

    Chris: A critical care rider that pays $10000 for a critical illness.

    Nina: No need for this in regular health plans, as ALL illness and injury, critical or otherwise is covered. These bells and whistles are sales techniques that deflect from the plans grosser insufficiencies.

    Chris: A dental savings plan that blows our insurance away.

    Nina: I’ve seen the one NASE sells here in WA and I like it. But you have to have a NASE membership to buy it and it didn’t seem to add up.

    Ok….now I’m totally done. Sheesh… I have nothing better to do! Ooops…I’m two minutes late for my next phone appt.

    I do all my appts on the phone by the way, and I break it up into 2 appts at least, because unlike you, Chris, I WANT folks to think it over. I’m not afraid they’ll find something better or get away.

    I explain everything while sending them email with plan summaries WHILE we are talking, and I go over the things that aren’t so easy to understand in the printed material. My first appt takes 40 minutes to an hour.

    I then immediately set a second phone appt giving them time to think it over. During that appt I usually do the apps on the phone with them (or online). Sometimes, it takes a third appt…I don’t care. I have endless patience (even with you!).

    FYI, I sell 75% of the folks I’ve quoted. Seriously.

    And…as so many others have said. I sleep REALLY well at night.


  142. Nina,

    Is it your mission that you write such long posts in the hopes that I skim over it and miss something? 😉

    This is too funny, I looked into that very plan and the premium jumped about $100 when it got to the house. Can you say that the BC plan won’t change month to month? I can say that ours is a contract that does not change. My co-worker just had his premiums and deductibles raised on him.

    Nina, I’ll honestly admit that the BC plans look better on the surface and I hate the fact that the Mega and Midwest plans have printed caps in them because I’ve seen the insurance company waive those caps when it becomes an issue.

    I’m not so far in with NASE that I wouldn’t consider changing allegiances if it gave me better piece of mind. I had bad experiences with the Blues, got called every name in the book because of some of the shenanigans they pulled but I will not make myself look stupid and say that my plans are the best thing out there either.

    I’ve gone in and taken people off their BC BS plans because people got sick of never reaching their deductibles. I’ve never signed people up for a plan that I was not sure would protect them…..even with these silly caps because I knew there were ways around them and it was in my company’s best interest to pay it. I know they really effed up a few years ago but I think a lot of it had to do with that dreadful Health Choice plan and some poorly trained agents.

    Believe you me…the first time one of my clients gets left out in the cold I will:

    1. Leave NASE
    2. Create such a public circus that they will take care of my client.
    3. Be like Bob. :d

    I’d say I would be like you but you’re a girl who likes socialized medecine. Boooooooo

  143. Chris,

    I see you visited my website (I can tell from your IP address), got your quotes and then entered a bogus phone number and email address. At first I did not realize it was from out of state since you entered the local zip I gave you on the blog. I actually wasted my time trying to call. Thanks….you’ve now pissed me off.

    You know, I don’t trust you. You are probably a MEGA manager assigned to post on this site.

    I suggest to everyone who is trying to convince this nut the error of his ways….to not waste their time.

    Since I worked for MEGA long enough to know better, I KNOW he is taking advances and now has a large debt to MEGA. He is like most who get financially handcuffed…..too proud to own up to the error.

    I quit selling MEGA for several reasons, but the final straw was this: I sold a young lady a policy…she shortly thereafter had a back injury and was required to take expensive treatment, therapy and drugs. I FOUGHT with MEGA and made DOZENS of phone calls to get claims paid…and many were finally paid 4-5 months LATE. She was getting collection notices from the hospital. She then called me one day and said her drug benefit had run out……it was MARCH! Her drugs were over $400 per month! She had run into one of MEGA famous caps! She had hit $1,000 annual limit on Rx coverage. The worst part is she is STILL on MEGA since no one will take her now and she can’t afford the high risk pool! I feel like SHIT.

    Chris, you are putting people in financilly risky situations. You should be ashamed since you can not claim ignorance. We have warned you. I wish I had found a blog like this soon after starting with MEGA.

    We are waisting our time. I’m done posting to try and help Chris. The only good thing about all these posts… the other potential MEGA clients and agents will get to read this blog! Trust me…I will send them here to read!

  144. Tom,

    So you track people by IP’s? Isn’t that just a bit odd? I did indeed visit your website. I put in a bogus name because I didn’t want a flood of calls. I tried to make it obvious so I wouldn’t waste your time. Maybe you should stop assuming the worst about people.

    I was doing just as you suggested, I checked your quotes using the zip code you provided. Why on earth would I give you my home phone number?

    I am not a manager sent to post here. I lost an appointment because someone had gone on the net and found these threads so I thought I would check it out for myself and found that so many people were giving the impression that the Health Choice plan was the only thing available and that all NASE people are crooks.

    I thought it fair to try and correct the record. If you had a client who got screwed by MEGA then you should have been on people’s rooftops making it known. I would have been on every media outlet that would allow me on.

    I am not handcuffed by Mega. I’m nowhere near the point where I couldn’t drop my appointment. You are once again assuming the worst about me and you haven’t even met me. What do you think that says about you?

    You keep judging me on that Health Choice plan. I took the Premier plan into a local broker today, ran the numbers on a few hypotheticals and he actually said it wasn’t as bad as he had heard. He(like myself) did not like the caps on some things but said that it isn’t so unusual for us to get a course of action from the doctor regarding chemo and coordinate the billing….like what has been done before.

    Like I’ve said…I have not experienced a problem yet. Can I guarantee there won’t ever be a scenario like what you are describing….no. Then again, can you guarantee the company’s you’re appointed with won’t do some manuevering to try and get out of paying a claim? Probably not. That doesn’t make what I am doing better because I would rather be able to tell someone Mega pays their claims instead of saying “everyone does it”.

    I think every health insurance company that is fairly established has enough money to pay the claims that are legitimate. If someone pays their premiums and was honest on their application then there should be zero tolerance for the shenanigans. If you have a course of action for me to take to “save myself” then feel free to contact me. My isp is comcast and the name would be sackoflamb.

  145. Chris,

    EVERY website tracks IP addresses!!!! It is called a weblog. It is not odd, it is normal. Since I own the website, I can view the logs anytime.

    When you entered your data, what did you enter that would make me realize it was you? You put NOTHING of the sort. You put in a legitimate name. You put in a legitimate phone number and therefore I called the person. Of course, they had no idea why I was calling. Two persons time was wasted…theirs and mine. Next time, put in something like Chris WithMEGA and 111-222-3333 as your phone.

    Chris, I know you sell the Premier PPO. It was the only plan I sold (see my previous posts). It is still a LIMITED benefit plan. By law, it can NOT be called a major medical plan. It has caps and gaps and puts people at risk!

    Please, only sell your plans to people with no assets and no money. That way, when they get their bills that are not covered they won’t lose anything they have worked hard to obtain. Think about it!

    Also, why don’t you post the Premier PPO brochure here? There are electronic copies of the plan available to you on your MEGA agent website. I DARE you!

  146. Ryan,

    Thats it! Perfect!

    Notice all the gaps and caps!

    You know two things about this plan: #1 Coverage needs to be maxed out to remove some of the risks. However, it is still would be a LIMITED BENEFIT plan. You can’t make dog krap smell like a flower! #2 If the coverage is maxed out, then it would be so expensive Chris wouldn’t sell many. I know, I have first hand experience!

    I would like to get my hands on some of their new plans.


  147. Yeah…you got me Ryan. I was really trying to suppress that brochure. I knew there were at least a million of them floating around, I guess I was only able to destroy 999,999 of them.

    Guess I should have hire Jason Bourne to get that last one but Ryan may have been too good for him as well.

    The viciousness and dishonesty in this thread is very eye opening. Every insurance company has screwed its clients at one time or another. I can take any example to a broker and ask them how they can sleep at night representing a company that has done its people wrong……..I choose not too because I usually assume the best about someone until given reason not to.

    I came in here to correct some misrepresentations by some people who would lead others to believe that Mega only wrote people onto that miserable HCA and that anyone selling Mega was a scam artist.

    There are things about the Premier I don’t like….the three deductibles in one year thing is just silly, I don’t like the Rx cap, the chemo cap and the outpatient ER cap. Most people will never exceed these caps and when they have, steps have been taken to keep their bills from spiralling out of control.

    My clients and I discuss the odds of 3 hospital visits in one year by three different family members…..pretty friggin slim. We weigh the odds of them exceeding $1500 in Rx…possible but not very likely. We weigh the odds of an ER visit exceeding $1000 and them not being admitted….pretty unlikely and I let them either decide to say yes or no. I don’t use a jedi mind trick.

    I’ve read about families with 200k in medical bills because they got that Health Choice. They must have opted to not get that Safety Net that pays their bills at 100% should their total bills exceed 75k. The first(and only)HCA plan I ever sold had 80-100% coverage up to about 67K then picked up at 75k at 100%. That left them with a max of 11k in hospital bills and I was giving them something at least $100 a month lower than anything they had been presented.

    I believe so many of these complaints come from people who gambled to save some money and lost or were misled by the agent. Since I have seen nothing in my experience that makes me think the company is making it a practice to deceive people, I have to assume that a fair amount of these incidents were because someone was gambling so they could pay rock bottom premiums.

    It would be nice if some on this board just took the plan for what it is…..faults and all then run the numbers. Its an option…nothing more, nothing less. I have a high closure rate because I’ve usually showed them a better value.

    I don’t care if some in here don’t see value in the NASE benefits. The hospital confinement benefit alone costs about $25 per month in some of the supplemental plans out there. Add in the testing savings, the teledoc, the accidental death benefit, the life insurance policy, the home office insurance, the legal aid, the motor club, the group protection, the discounts on entertainment, the HRA105 assistance…..I think its worth the $40 per month for a family.

    I know the games being played in here. I could play them as well but it is really a silly form of debate.

  148. Chris,

    Games? Gees. Think about all the disclosure documents you (as a MEGA agent) have to get a client to sign before you can write the insurance. Why? MEGA has been in court more than any other carrier.

    Insurance is about protecting against financial RISK. Who are you to ask someone about the probability? Are you an actuary? Do you give them exact statistics?

    What do you have in the Premiere PPO? A LIMITED BENEFIT plan by LAW. I’ve SOLD it before, remember?

    I prefer to sell a MAJOR MEDICAL Humana HSA plan that has a $2,500 deductible and then pays at 100% after the deductible is met ($126/mo for YOU in Kansas City). And, preventative care is covered at 100% NOT subject to deductible. How much will MEGA charge you in KC for your plan(use your MEGA Digiquote software to calculate and then post the premium here)?

    Then, take a real world scenario and apply YOUR MEGA plan (2,500 ded).

    On Jan. 1, you fall off the ladder (removing Christmas lights) and crush your face and skull on the sidewalk. You’ve lost a lot of blood and are critical with skull fractures, facial fractures and serious concussion. You are sent by ambulance to the ER. ER works on you to stabilize you and then you are sent to surgery. You are in the hospital for 1 month with several surgeries and reconstructive surgeries. Then, released and required to have therapy 3 times a week for 9 months and take $250 each month (after discounts) of an Rx for a year. Then, in month 10 you are required to go back in the hospital for another reconstructive surgery. Ooopps… have another deductible and coinsurance to meet.

    Your bills (after PPO discounts)?

    $1,400 for ground ambulance (the charges are based on what equipment and treatment they use during the transport)
    $6,000 for ER (remember you were critical, required several pints of blood and required trauma center care)
    $200,000 in hospital bills in month 1.
    $150/day in therapy
    $250/mo in Rx for 12 months(after discounts)
    $25,000 in hospital bills for the last admission.

    Let’s compare:

    Me: I’m out $2,500 and EVERYTHING is FREE afterwards.

    1. $7,000 obviously up front (ded and coinsurance).
    2. Ambulance trip is only covered to $500. You are out $700
    3. Rx – you are out 1,500 since your cap was 1,500.
    4. Who knows the rest of the claims.

    Total so far: $9,200

    I’m out 2,500 and you are out 9,200.

    Now, you get admitted for the final reconstructive surgery. Mine is FREE. You are out at least another $3,000.

    I’m out $2,500
    You are out $12,200.

    I like my plan better….and the premium was cheaper than your plan to begin with!

    And you ask who is playing games?

  149. Chris, I thought you had a conscience and/or brains. My guess after reading your postings is you have neither.

    Nina, Bob, Ryan and all of us have nothing to gain by posting to this thread trying to help you. In fact, we’ve all wasted quite a bit of our time doing so. It’s obvious you are either not ready to be educated properly in insurance or like you said in your last post, “I don’t care if some in here don’t see value in the NASE benefits”. You should. Personally, I’m done, although reading the post are entertaining. God speed, sleep well?


  150. RATS! One last thing I forgot to mention…if you’d like a pdf of ANY of the companies I represent SPD including exclusions, I could have it emailed to you within seconds. Chris, if you are unsure what an SPD is, consider that a clue!

  151. Hi Chris,

    We are STILL waiting for you to post the ACTUAL brochure with benefits of your best plan. YOUR words mean nothing. ONLY what is IN WRITING FROM MEGA/MIDWEST/NASE matters. Why can’t/don’t YOU (We don’t need it from someone not selling MEGA) post this for EVERYONE to see??? Any of us can produce a Humana, Assurant, UHC, Blue Cross brochure AND price. Still waiting…

  152. Chris,
    It’s not that your fellow agents don’t do what’s necessary to make money and quit…. it’s that they see what else is out there, then they do their homework and move on to other companies. And it’s not that they feel they are out there to fool anyone…. they actually believe in what they are doing. The problem is that they are listening to a manager that is training them to lie. I just ran into a NASE agent that told a client of mine that I put with Assurant that they weren’t covered on the job. WRONG, Assurant like everyone else out there is 24/7 coverage. However if the client has workman’s comp, the workman’s comp will usually pay first, and NASE agents use that clause to twist. I had another NASE agent that told a prospect not to do business with me because as a broker I would raise their monthly premium or charge broker fees to make money… WRONG, there is no premium change or broker fees with ANY health broker that I know, and for one you cannot raise anyone’s premium. This is the kind of crap we run into every day with NASE agents.

  153. Just wanted to thank you guys for this thread, although lately it has turned silly with plan comparisons. I am a new NASE/MEGA agent in my third month, and have been seriously considering leaving for the past month. I am very concerned about owing the company money. I met an agent from another company who is recruiting me, and owed MEGA close to $10K when he left Mega. I make sure I explain everything in detail, and as a result, have lost alot of business. I have been out with other agents who either don’t know the plans that well, or intentionally withold information, just to increase sales. I agree that the District Managers in charge of hiring do target new, even unlicensed agents to mold, because the product is simply inferior. Yet there are people who will elect to have a high deductible to save $30 a month. Basically, they have done everything they can to make me believe in the product, and I still don’t. I am in the process of leaving to take another opportunity, but am reluctant to tell my District Manager I am leaving. My contract state that If I don’t turn in any applications in an 8 week timeframe, my contract is terminated. So i was thinking of turning in 2 or 3 apps over the next 6 months so that I won’t owe the company any money. Anyone else have experience with how to not owe money when you leave?

  154. Locke,
    They will threaten you with repaying your debit balance…. and you’re reply should be…. ok, well what about when my account clears? Tell them not to threaten you until your clients stop paying premiums. As long as they are paying premiums “they” are repaying your debit balance.

  155. I just ran across this web sight. WOW! There are a lot of negative comments about NASE-mega health & life. I have been with them since ’01. Fortunately I am very healthy. The only thing I have had use my insurance for is the routine check-up (annual physical, mammo, doctor’s visits, a few prescriptions and the like).

    I think the prescription coverage is very good. I have never had to be hospitalized, so I know nothing about comments on this. The premiums do go up quite often and I usually raise my deductible to accommodate the price change. It is going up in Nov.

    The biggest reason I stay with this insurance is because I have the Return of Premium Option. When I retire, then, minus any payments that have been paid out, I will recieve the remainder as a Retirement Fund. This is the whole reason for my keeping this policy. I figured I was killing 2 birds with one stone. I was getting health care coverage and putting money away for retirement at the same time.

    But, as I said before, I am very healthy. I really do not anticipate being hospitalized. And I have triple coverage if I get cancer. I guess I am optomistic. I thought this was a good insurance for me since I am self-employed.

    I did have the dental and vision. I dropped the dental (I was paying out more on the premiums than they were paying out on coverage. But, I have checked. No dental is good anywhere. I dropped the vision (mainly because I have had Lasik and only need glasses for reading).

    I have had no problems with NASE-mega health & life. But, at the same time, I have had no reason to use this insurance for hospitalization either.

  156. Sharon,

    Return of Premium Riders (option) are just fine with Life Insurance Policies, but they should be outlawed for health insurance policies. The likelyhood that you will actually have this insurance when you retiree is slim to none. Insurance should NEVER be used as an investment tool, except for annuities and possibly some whole life agents may argure this point, but definately not for health insurance! Also, what is their definition of retirement? You are self-employed…when do you retiree, what are the rules?

    If that is your only reason…I suggest you call a local INDEPENDENT agent in your community. If you are in Wisconsin, feel free to call me…otherwise look for an agent that is a member of Health Underwriters Association, Independent Insurance Association or the National Association of Independent Financial Advisors…all three are great associations and members have ethic standards to uphold…I’m willing to bet my next commission check that your NASE agent is not a member. In fact, he’s probably not with the company anymore and you’ve been transfered to another agent or regional manager. All the best! Steve

  157. Sharon,

    Have you noticed that none of these turkeys have a single positive thing to say about NASE? Is it possible that its all bad? Could it be just some outright bias that is permeating this thread?

    Can you give me an idea of how much your rates have gone up? I haven’t seen one yet and I would like to give my clients a heads up.

    Also, the return of premium rider will allow you to get your premiums(less claims paid out) back to you when you do cancel, whether it be because you’ve reached Medicare or you just found something else. You do have to have the plan for at least 10 years to really see any significant return. It shouldn’t be viewed so much as an investment but more like an option that may or may not pay out. We actually had 2 people this month get pretty sizable checks on their ROP’s after crossing the Medicare finish line pretty well intact. I truly hope you get almost all of it back because that will have meant that you stayed pretty healthy.

    I totally agree the dental is not worth the money and I haven’t sold the option at all. I sell away from it because I personally don’t find the value in it but like you’ve said, there really isn’t any really affordable dental that pays out a lot for individuals. Have you looked at the Careington dental through your association membership? I think that plan is very good for the money. Even though its not insurance it still has some pretty good avenues for savings.

    I hope you’re taking advantage of what you can as far as the membership benefits go. My wife has used the grocery coupon and the motor club and they seem to work quite nice. A co-agent of mine had his laptop stolen out of his car and the home office insurance replaced it.

    Oh…and by the way, Steve is suggesting you may have an agent who is without standards…which actually violates some very basic standards in the insurance industry. I’ve never had to bad mouth another insurance company to get someone to change carriers. I am joining the NAHU and my manager happens to be a member as well as a few others in the group. Maybe we’re not all demons afterall.

  158. Chris,

    Please, Please, Please, provide a link so anyone can look at the “fine print” of your best plans and rates. Your words mean absolutely nothing. Only what is in writing matters. ARE YOU GOING TO DO THIS??? YES or NO??? Don’t you feel people like Sharon should know EXACTLY what she is paying for BEFORE something big like a week long hospitalization or major surgery happens??? I always thought people bought health insurance in the event something major does happen??? If we knew FOR SURE nothing would ever happen to us, wouldn’t it be a waste of money to purchase insurance???

  159. To Sharon and Chris,
    Chris… first off, you haven’t seen the rate increases because you haven’t been around long enough to see anything. You’re a new agent and you’re bucking heads with insurance brokers and agents who have been in the business for way longer than you have. You’re sitting there defending an organization that has more complaints that any other company out there, that has hundreds of law suits against them for NOT PAYING CLAIMS, that has several class action suits against them for NOT PAYING CLAIMS, that has the absolute worst policy on the market for the money, and who hires new agents that don’t know what they’re doing LIKE YOU!
    Sharon, how can you say that you satisfied with that plan when you admit you’ve never used it. Read the policy. Look at the caps on what it covers, and look to see if you have a per-incident deductible or a yearly one. I hope at this point you don’t have a big claim that’s not paid because now you can’t claim ignorance. You’ve seen all these postings, and some by ex-NASE people. Also, just do a google search and you’re eyes will really be opened.

  160. Boy their managers sure do a good job at teaching their agents the spin…they should politicans!

    Chris, if you actually go back and read the threads, I actually am in favor of Limited Benefit Plans and sell them where they are necessary, just not all the time, I would say less than 1% of the time. ALL of NASE/Mega and Healthnetwork plans are limited with caps as compared to regular major medical insurance that goes to the plan limits of $2 million to $5 million or more.

    Your return of premim propaganda on this site is what it is…Sharon, I’ve spent 17 years in this business…DON’T BUY IT!

    I think we all agree Dental/Vision is a waste of money for indivdiauls and self-employed, groups plans are different.

    Chris, I never said Sharon’s agent is without standards, just more than likely uneducated and un-experienced like most every new NASE/Mega agent, again, go back and read what other NASE/Mega agents have said about their own experiences and their dealings with their managers. All I did say is find an independent agent that belongs to one of the three big health associations to give yourself a better chance to make sure you have an experienced, educated agent! And, by the way, I think everyone buying insurance should go to an idpendent agent, not a captive agent alone. Look at both, an agent that knows their stuff will encourage this! Independent agents work for the client, captive agents work for the insurance company.

    If you’re manager is in NAHU, what local does he belong to? Can you give his name or any other that belongs to NAHU? Anyone on this list can verify it by going to and clicking on find an agent to verify. If they actually are, do they attend the meetings and CE classes. What are you state reform laws and the new proposed ones that will affect your clients? Have you been to Capital Conference in DC to lobby for your clients interest? Do you contribute to the NAHU PAC, and your local & state’s legisilative funds? There’s much more involved than just joining and paying you monthly or annual dues. You have to particpate. Did you tell you self-employed clients what Hillary’s proposed health plan will do thier pocket books? Do you know? Most Nase/Mega agents do not…and honestly, so do most captive agents with other companies…thus the importance of idenpendent agents and involvment in these associations. Like anything, there are always a few exceptions to the rules, just like with NASE/Mega..and those exceptions usually go on to work in the industry with another carrier or agency.

    Oh by the way, I’m not trying to “steal or get clients”…I’m trying to educate people on the truth, just the facts. I enrolled two individuals yesterday, one in an HSA and the other in a PPO and I had both read through the exclusions BEFORE signing the applications.

    I have a friend in our church that has NASE and I’ve showed her everything from the to the investigations within 16 state insruance departments to educate her alog with countless other articles that I have not written. In fact, I told her if she does decide to leave, I would not be her agent, but refer to one or two others so there would be NO conflict of interest. Because, there is a fine line when discussing these issues. In fact, on NAHU’s discussion lists, this is a very hot topic…some members want NAHU to take a stance against what we called Sub Standard Carriers (limited benefit plans) and others do not, like me! I don’t want them too, but I’ll do my best to show everyone I can, without concern for compensation what each plan actually does! We are concerned because we’ve all had experiences cleaning up messes that Health Market agents have caused in the industry.

  161. Chris,

    Sorry, please don’t give out your manager’s name on this list, not that you would anyway do to privacy. Point of my asking was to prove that I don’t believe he’s a member. Instead, just give the first 3 digits of ANY MEGA/NASE agent who is a member of NAHU and on their website we can do a search to find them. In my state, there has never been a Mega/NASE agent in our association either in the past or now,
    to the best of my knowledge and I’ve been in it for 11 years. So I’m sure you understand my skeptisim. Would love to see you prove me wrong…then there’s hope!

    With your past comments about UCR, 24 hour coverage, and not posting the SPD, it’s clear you are being told what to do and say, and have very little knowledge of this industry, which is what it is. However, there’s a saying I live by and it’s this, “Documentation beats representation everytime.” Bob, I and the others are still waiting for the documentation.

    My original comment was to Sharon, not you, and I’ve caught myself responding to you. As I said a few days ago I was done because you are not ready to open your mind and be educated. Darn. Sorry. See ya!

  162. I think this site is filled with too many negative comments. I think it would be good to hear some good comments that people have had with NASE-Mega Health & Life. People should hear both sides. Then leave it up to them to decide for themselves.

    I inquired into what my Return Of Premium would be if I cashed it in back in June of this year. If I cashed it in now, I would only get 17% of the full amount paid in ($5,324.00). In June of ’08 the percentage goes up to 31% return.

    My premiums will go up in Nov., but it is a minimal amount ($11.00 more/month). However, I have had increases as high as $30.00/month.Every 6 months they do a review and may or may not raise my premiums. There have been times when they did not raise it It has nothing to do with me or my policy. It has more to do with the raising cost of health care.

    I have had to use the prescription coverage in the past. I have a recuring case of that toenail fungus. I use Lamisil to get rid of it. I have a $100.00 deductible/year. After that is met, any prescription I get in that year cost only $30.00 (and if you do the mail order you can get a 3 months supply for the same price-$30.00) My doctor told me if I did not have this insurance, I would have to pay about $450.00/month for Lamisil. And you have to take it for 3 months. That would cost me a whole lot of money. The only other prescription I have had to get was when I got a cold that went down into my bronchial tubes. But it was the same, meet the deductible of $100.00 and then $30.00 for the prescription.

    The agent I bought the policy from told me he had been on the Insurance Board in Montana or Wyoming, I forget. He had sold policies for numerous insurance companies in the past before he moved here. I am on the North Shore of Lake Tahoe, CA side. He said his previous job was to find loop holes on insurance policies so they did not have to pay on a claim. I asked. I asked him if he paid out money very often on these claims. His response was “No, Never”. He said he even sold a policy to his Mother for another insurance company, she was hospitalized and the insurance company he worked for and sold for would not cover his mothers hospital bill. He told me he could not morally continue to do this job.. That is when he started working at NASE.

    I think all insurance companies do things we do not like. But you still have to get insured. It is a necessary evil. The health care system is in bad shape. I think everyone will agree. It’s not just one company or 2. It is all of them. We all need help in figuring this out.

  163. Dear Folks,
    It almost sounds like Sharon is a Mega agent posing as a client to rebut what everyone else is saying. In my 20 years in the business I have never seen or heard of anyone ever getting a return of premium check from NASE. They get out of it by raising the clients rates so high that they can’t afford to keep the plan. And as far as NASE paying out 31%…… give me a freakin break! I’ve just about had it with all the bull from these Mega agents on here….. it’s as close to being a cult as I can imagine. You see how they twist everything on here…. imagine what they do to a client. Hopefully all these suits going on(oh but they’re unjustified right NASE guys) will put a stop to all their crap. But in the meantime, keep selling NASE…. us real agents have a field day replacing them.

  164. Hi Sharon,

    Tell me, do you even care what you plan does or doesn’t cover??? Do you even want to know how your insurance works if you DO HAVE a 7 day hospital stay (at $22,000) along with an $80,000 surgery??? How about $500,000 in bills like one of my clients? Don’t you want to know THESE things in writing? That is ALL this blog is about. It’s about WHAT IS IN WRITING versus what ANY insurance agent (whether it’s MEGA, BC, Humana, UHC, Unicare, Assurant, etc) SAYS. When it comes to major claims (I’ve personally written over 3,000 plans), it WILL NOT MATTER what you were TOLD. It will ONLY MATTER what is IN WRITING. Don’t you want to know what your plan actually says in the event of a catastrophe???

  165. Hi again Sharon,

    Just read your last comment about two sides. I agree that there are problems with ALL insurance companies and their practices. And I’m glad things out well with the laminex…that is expensive stuff.

    Every insurance company, including yours, pays out claims. But the only way to determine if you have a good POLICY is to read the actual benefits, and compare it’s exclusions and limitations with other plans.

    Do not go by people’s stories about what was paid and what wasn’t paid and how great one company “sounds” over another. You are buying a CONTRACT. You should read it and understand how it compares to other contracts because that is what a company has agreed to, and not a penny more. The policies are all in simple English. You can start with different companies “summary of benefits” which are VERY easy to read, and then compare it to NASE’s summary of benefits and go from there.

    The obvious reason why there aren’t tons of great posts about NASE…is that they just aren’t great. Check out other non-insurance websites and see for yourself. Google Megalife or Midwest or NASE and do your homework before you keep putting in good money after bad.

    You and many others are fooled by their sales tactics and don’t even know it. They have an incredibly well trained sales staff that is told to bad mouth the better companies practices, pointing out whatever stories they can find where something has not been paid, all the while avoiding the comparison of benefits between their contract and anyone elses. THAT is what drives agents like me up the wall!

    I wish you only the best, and that you stay so healthy you’ll never discover how bad a contract you bought. But IF you do find out, come back and tell us so it can help someone else from getting hurt.


  166. To Bob and Nina…
    By the way hello Nina WAS UP??? You better remember me. anyway guys, by the way Sharon speaks and by what she says I would lay money on it that she’s a MEGA agent. Who in their right mind would say what she has said. Saying she never used her plan, but she’s satisfied…… and after everything that’s been said on here SHE WON”T EVEN LOOK AT THE POLICY! Come on guys.

  167. WOW,
    Did everyone read that link by The Delaware Insurance Commission. But wait a minute…… that’s right…. it’s just another biased article by someone else who is “out to get NASE” …. Chris…. Sharon (if that’s your name) WAKE THE F UP!

  168. Nina, Bob, Mr. C, Ryan,

    It’s been a pleasure listening to your responses and trying to help what we thought were actual concerned agents and consumers, however, it’s obvious to us that have been in the business as long as we have, to realized we’ve all been bamboozled here and Chris and others have no intention of becoming intelligent, ethical, smart fiduciaries…maybe they forgot they are actually a fiduciary…wonder if they even know what that means.

    The Delaware notice from their Dept of Ins says it all, nothing more needs to be said here. I know you 4 will take care of your clients best interest and I’ve been happy to get to know you here on this list. All my best!

  169. HOLY CRAP!!!! Don’t just read the Delaware notice overview from their Dept of Insurance, click on the bottom line titled:

    “The complete market conduct examination report can be found here”

    Then read the entire 130 page report. Wow, I knew they sucked but I had no idea how bad they were!! Everything we suspected and MUCH MUCH more is listed in this examination.

    Chris, sorry, if you read this and continue on with Mega/Nase, God help you and your clients! This company is DIRTY, CRIMINAL and down right SUCKS!

  170. Well…the fact that the state of WA, in 2005, stopped them from selling these plans (even Chris’s “premier” won’t fly in WA), should be proof enough for ANYONE out there, in any state, thinking they are buying something decent from Mega/Midwest/NASE.

    I was talking to one of the NASE agents here in WA yesterday, who sells their “major medical” policy. One of my newest clients sent me their summary of benefits and rates for her age….and it costs twice as much as ANY other plan, so if a client shops AT ALL, they’d never buy their plan.

    But right in line with their deceptive sales practices…NASE has taught this well meaning sales woman to focus on things that don’t matter at all, and ignore all the deficiencies in their plan that could still leave people bankrupt…and it’s right in their contract! Luckily my new client declined the home visit (their trademark) and called other brokers…and ended up with a decent plan at half the price.

    And generally, folks just don’t want to take the time to read and compare. Even I had a rough time with the 18 page PDF on that state of Delaware order. So who can blame customers for just trusting the agent that is sitting in front of them, and NASE takes horrible advantage of that.

    Keep trying to find and talk to your local NASE agents, guys. It does make a difference. I have an open dialogue now with this one NASE agent and hopefully, she’ll see what’s up before more clients get hurt.

    After reading this strand, I plan to reach many more NASE agents.

  171. No, I am not married or associated with Chris. I am not connected to NASE/Mega in any way, shape or form. I just one of their members insured by them.

    I will take out my policy and read over it. I did not even know NASE/Mega was even having problems. I think I did get a letter from them about a class action suit, but does anyone even read these things. I have gotten them from my car insurance company, credit card companies I have and other similar things. I just discarded it.

    I am just stating that I have not had any bad experiences so far with this insurance company and I signed up at the end of 2000, or first of 2001.

    I misquoted the % for Return of Premium for this year. It is not 17%—–it is 18%. And next June it does go up to 31%. I was 50 yrs. old when I started this up. I have only 15 yrs. to build up the ROP, so my percentage is obviously going to be higher that someone who is in their 20s. You, however, do have to wait 1st of the 6th year before you can cash it out. I am 56 now. I have only 9 more years to reach the 100% withdrawal rate.

    And, although it may be hard to believe, I have not been hospitalized since getting this insurance. I am very physically active (I clean houses and do power walking with weights). When people see me, they think I am around 40. However, I have 2 grand children.

    My hospitalizations consists of delivery of my 2 children, a tonsilectomy when about 25 and having a lipoma (fatty tumor) taken off of the back of my neck about 22 Yrs. ago.

    Quit trying make me into something I am not. I am just one person insured with NASE/Mega who has had no reason to complain about how I have been treated.

  172. Hi Sharon,

    I appreciate your clarification and truly do understand your position, having put so many years into the plan.

    There is only one comment that begs a response.:)

    You said:

    “I am just one person insured with NASE/Mega who has had no reason to complain about how I have been treated.”

    It must be obvious to you by now that this is because you’ve hardly used the plan.

    Again…I wish you the very best of health and hope that it all works out.

    As an aside..I’m curious…will the amount they paid for your meds be deducted from your cash-out? I believe that any drug benefits you use might not count against you because drugs are paid by a completely different company. But you should check as Lamosil is costly as you said.

    And please don’t get too upset with us. We are not helping ourselves in any way. We just hate the phone calls we all get (and most of us have been health insurance brokers for MANY years), from NASE/MEGA clients that HAVE had claims and found out, too late…that they were on a really bad plan with a lot of bells and whistles to cover up truly important benefits amounts that are simply not there.

    Remember that NO ONE needs health insurance when they are healthy.

    And if you somehow intuitively KNOW you’ll be healthy for the next 9 years, why not go without it all together? Put your money where your “intuition” is! Think of how much savings THAT will generate….plus interest.

    Just don’t fool yourself into thinking that if something REALLY goes wrong…that you have coverage that will protect your assets or prevent bankruptcy.

    That’s all I am, respectfully, trying to say.

    And I’m so glad you’ll be reviewing your written material. But make sure to COMPARE it to something or it won’t mean anything to you.

    Go onto and find out what is available for the price you are paying…and compare plan summaries so you know what is out there, particularly from Blue Cross or Blue Shield, not that they are the only good companies or that they don’t have their share of complaints…but most of their CONTRACTS are comprehensive…even the ones with the high deductibles.. and for the price you are paying, I’m certain you can do better.

    And if you need help comparing contracts…just ask. Again, I’m not licensed in CA so I can’t benefit by helping you. It would just be a pleasure to “rescue” one more person from a plan can really hurt them when they need it the most.

  173. To Sharon,
    OMG… are you kidding me? You received a letter from your insurance company about a class action suit….and you didn’t read it? And believe me that suit is just one of many. And as far as NASE or anybody else paying out 18% and then 31%…. BS! If that was really told to you, you were truly mislead. And like I said before… NASE will raise your rates to the point that you cancel the plan way before you’re going to collect any return of premium. That’s already started. After everything that’s been posted on here from numerous very knowledgeable agents and especially after that thread that was just posted about NASE in Delaware… by the way did you read that thing? Make sure you read the pdf files attached to it. Anyway after everything that’s been said, if you are truly insured by them, and decide to stay…… well you know what I’m going to say next. But my guess is that you’re not really insured by them, that you are probably a NASE agent, or a friend of one because of the things that you’ve said. And if you’re not an agent or someone else related to one…….and you actually think the way you’ve posted on here I really do feel sorry for you because you are EXACTLY what NASE and companies like them are looking for. Someone who will pay that big premium and not question anything till it’s time to bail out. The only real loser is going to be you, and the thing is…. many agents on here are warning you and you won’t listen. So when it happens you’ll know who to blame…. yourself.

  174. You may not know this, but Massachussets filed suit against HealthMarkets too…the 2nd paragraph is the most telling Sharon, this article comes from Employee Benefit News:

    The Massachusetts lawsuit, filed in August 2007, alleges that MEGA violated state law by misrepresenting policy provisions, failing to cover health benefits and services required by state law (such as maternity health care, contraceptive services, infertility treatment, mammography and preventive care for children); disclosing personal health information about patients to third parties; and illegally requiring self-employed individuals and small businesses to pay fees to join associations to gain access to small group insurance.

    “Our complaint alleges that MEGA and Mid-West routinely mislead people about the benefits in their health insurance policies,” says Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley. “These companies targeted individuals and small businesses looking for low cost health insurance, but the coverage they provide is not what MEGA and Mid-West’s advertising and sales agents make it out to be, and it falls far short of what the law requires.”

    I’d be very interested to hear if you think the State of Massachusetts and their Attorney General are lying as well Chris? Any defense on this Chris? Hmmmm?

  175. You know, the only one of the people who are responding to me that seems to care if I understand & how I am being affected by this, is Nina. She is not really pushy like the rest of you.

    I do NOT like being pushed by anyone. My ex-husband found that out the hard way. That is why he is my EX. The Jahoevah Witness found that out when they pushed me to constantly attend their meetings, even though I made it clear, all I wanted was to find out what they believed in. I ended up never attending their meetings again. If the rest of you keep up with your tactics, then it is only going to push me in the direction of NASE/Mega.

    By being constantly suspicious that I am an Agent of NASE/Mega is showing me that you have no compassion for other people and what they are saying. You seem to be someone who is only interested in making yourself look good and the other person to look bad and like an idiot.

    I have said I would read over my insurance policy and try to decipher it. But, I am a self-employed middle class working person. It is going to be a while before I can do that because I have to make a living right now.

    Why can’t you believe that I actually am going to get money from my Return Of Premium. I have it on writen paper right infront of me. You are the ones who told me the written contract is all that counts. I HAVE IT IN WRITTING. That much I have been able to research in my policy. It says right in writting that this year I can cash out my policy and get 17% and next year it will go up to 31%.
    17%——Yr. 6
    31%——Yr. 7
    42%——Yr. 8
    52%——Yr. 9
    61%——Yr. 10
    69%——Yr. 11
    77%——Yr. 12
    84%——Yr. 13
    92%——Yr. 14
    100%——Yr. 15 (I will be 65 then)
    I can cash out my policy at any time now and get what ever % applies to the time that I withdraw it.
    So, I am going to get some money returned to me, even if you dont’t want to believe it or not.

    Lighten up, will you! I am just trying to find the time to read my policy, decipher it and understand if this is good for me or not.

    And do not insult me again with your supicions that I am a NASE/Mega agent or married to one of them. I clean houses (in laymans terms-I am a maid). But, I do not look at it like that, because I clean multimillion dollar houses, do construction cleans and have a very respectable business in one of the most beautiful year round playgrounds in the world where very influential, prominent, famous and RICH people visit.

  176. Sharon,
    No one is trying to bash you on here. But when you are semi-defending something that all of us know is un-defendable it gets frustrating. And you weren’t clear on what you said about the percentage payouts on your return of premium rider. You made it sound like they were paying you 18% on your money…. but that’s not the case. It appears that you can have access to 18% of the money that’s in the account…. which after year six still stinks. The usual investments out there gives the client 100% access to their money from day 1, or after year 1 depending on the investment. It just gets frustrating as hell seeing someone like yourself being taken by a company like NASE. Read the thread that was posted on here, read your policy and do your homework…. don’t be a statistic. And trust me on this….. all the things you’ve heard on here have been meant to help you.

  177. I am not defending NASE/Mega. I am just telling the truth about my experience in being with them. Perhaps what you are saying is true. But do not shove it down someones throat. Let them find it out for themselves. I have never been one who believes something just because that is what someone else says.I am the one who has to find it out. You can not do it for me. Let it happen, when it happens and where it happens.

    As far as me throwing the Class Action Suit letter in the garbage, this is why I did it. One of my credit cards sent me a similar letter about a class actin suit. When all was said and done, they were required to send each of their customers a check to repay for the suit. My check arrived in the mail. I was really excited to open the letter. Imagine my excitement when I held the check in my hand and looked at my portion—–A WHOPPING BIG 7 cents. BOY, THE TELLERS AT MY BANK SAID THEY WERE NOT SURE IF THEIR SYSTEM COULD HANDLE SUCH A BIG CHECK.

    Start realizing that we are just ordinary people out here and don’t put us down anymore.

  178. Sharon,
    Are you kidding me????? No one on this blog is trying to shove anything down anyone’s throat! The only thing we are trying to do is save people from loosing everything they have due to unpaid catastrophic medical claims. And as far as your statement of “just let it happen” that is the most idiotic statement I’ve ever heard. That is exactly why you have insurance! To stop it from happening. And it’s not just one person telling you something that “may be true” it’s numerous professional insurance agents, brokers, instructors, The Attorney General and many Insurance Commissions. Read the threads on here, they are from The Attorney General’s Office and several departments of insurance. Myself…I have been in the business for close to 20 years, I’m a pre-licensing instructor as well as continuing education instructor for life, health, property and casualty. That makes me as close to a “professor” of insurance as you can get. Yes Sharon… I teach this crap! I’m not going to respond to you anymore, you are way too frustrating. But do yourself a favor, and talk to an INDEPENDANT AGENT who represents multiple companies and listen to what he tells you and take his advice for a change.

  179. I am sure all of you are very qualified, but you do not seem to know how to respond to someone in civil and courteous manner. I did not rip into any of you until I was dished it out by this site. You all assumed I was your opponent.

    I was just a person who wanted my view point heard. That I could not give a bad experience with NASE/Mega. Yes, I realize that it is because I have as of yet to be hopitalized. Then I will probably have my eyes opened to what you know. But I do not know this as of yet.

    The agent I had did sell for other numerous insurance companies. He gave me a choice. He did not push NASE/Mega.

    With my experiences with Class Action Suits, it profits the attorneys and high up people, but it does not help the little people like me. And I did go down to Reno last winter at the Pioneer Performing Arts Center and attended a guest speaker event-Erin Brockovich, so I know it can benefit the little people. But, so far, it has not happened with me.

    I have taken people to small claims court myself, for failure of payment with my business. I have won 3 cases. A 4th, which was my first, I lost. I was too inexperienced to realize you should not take on an attorney in court.

    I am in the process of suing someone right now, I have not been paid for a clean in May. I am attempting to get a tax lien, their house is in foreclosure. And I have gotten a judge to approve for me to take a lady to Small Claims in CA (even though she is in NV) for the maximum of $7,500.00 for Defamation & Libel on the internet. She even Libeled the judge from a previous court case we had together. The catch is, she has to be served standing on CA ground. I keep driving by their house here, waiting to catch her there.

    Now, maybe you all can understand why I am so cynical and striking back. I am not an idiot, and I did not take well to being portrayed like that.

    I have credentials also. I used to clean for Diane Fienstien. My sister-in-law is a state representative in Minn. I used to work in the show room at Ceasars and have met a lot of very famous people. I even was about 3 ft. from Donald Trump at one show. Now, do not talk down to me anymore.

    I, myself, am done with this site. I have not enjoyed being made to look stupid.

  180. Sharon,

    You go girl!!!:)>-

    As for the insurance….I just had a client hospitalized for an anuerysm who had the Premier plan. He has 30K in critical care….he is going to be just fine financially. His total out of pocket is going to be close to 8K. His wife has already found a speech therapist who charges well below the daily max on outpatient therapy. I feel good about what I did for these people.

    Seems you guys can’t debate a point without the insults. Even Sharon “my wife” agrees.8-|

  181. Sharon,

    It’s natural to get defensive when you start to realize someone/some company has taken advantage of you.

    You dont have to tell everyone who your “friends” are or whose toilet you scrubbed to get some respect.

    No one attacked you, they just asked you to read your policy and compare it to a true catostrophic plan.

    When you defend something you have never used, its very difficult to take you seriously. If you care about what you have worked so hard to get, you should at least be willing to take the time to read/research what it is that you are paying for to ensure that you dont lose everything when something major happens (and trust me, it will eventually).

    If you actually read through this thread you will realize how many people this information has helped. (both customers and actual agents)

    For the record, I have nothing to do with insurance. I am actually a 33 year old network engineer with a family. The only reason I am even posting here is because they almost scammed me. And when someone puts my family and way of life in harms way you can bet your behind I am going to try and help to make sure that as few people fall victim to these predators as possible.

    The thread speaks for itself. The policies (or lack thereof) speak for themselves. The state AG speak for themselves.

    I want to thank everyone (especially those of you in the insurance business) for taking the time to post here and educate people so at least some can be saved from a terrible fate. I thank God for people like you who go out of thier way for no other reason than to help others. There truely are still good people in the world.

    Thank you!

  182. Sharon,
    Here’s just another one of your untrue statements which tends to tell everyone on here that you’re affiliated with NASE. You said your agent represented other companies and did not push NASE, it was just the one you chose. BS! NAse is a captive agency that does not allow their agents to represent other companies. They do that so the NEW agents won’t see what else is out there and start making comparisons. Anyway, I said I wasn’t going to respond back to you and here I am again…. you just say so many things that need addressing.

  183. Chris,
    You feel good about having a client have 8,000 out of pocket???? And you said close to 8k… is that just a prediction? Is it going to be more or less?? And why even write a plan that you have to worry about out patient maximums? Are you kidding?? Every plan I write has out of pocket maximums far below that, on a yearly basis… not per incident, and the rates for their policies are far less than NASE. Just another example of an unknowing, new agent.

  184. Mr. C,

    Yep, Sharon’s lying, not doubt about it now. I still wasn’t sure until I saw your reponse to her post. I was giving her the benefit of doubt, but that’s a flat out lie, they don’t show other companies, and they certainly push their product. I didn’t read Sharon’s post and have stopped reading Chris’s as well, no need too since we have proven that both have lied at one time, their words mean nothing anymore.

    Way to go to Ryan, tyring to help people even though they don’t want it and don’t care, it gets frustuating doesn’t it?

    NO MEGA/NASE/MidWest/Healthmarkets agent sells anything else, because they are captive like you mentioned Mr. C. Plus, they have been so brainwashed by their RD’s and Managers that they actually think they have a superior product that is actually good for the consumer!

    You know, it’s funny Mr. C., We still haven’t seen a contract (not a brochure), still haven’t seen the 1st three digits of a zipcode with just one Healthmarket agent who is a member of NAHU, and haven’t heard one reply about what Delaware & Mass Insurance Dept’s and what they’ve found after 2+ years of investigations.

    Chris for sure, and now I’m sure Sharon are just playing a game here. Too bad it’s actually with people’s lives.

    It’s hard to do Mr. C., but the best thing to do is to not reply to either.

  185. Hey Guys….

    Look, I don’t really feel I was particularly “nice” to Sharon or Chris, as I repeated my points ad nauseum, paragraph after paragraph, hoping against hope to make some kind of a difference.

    Buttt….we are getting NO WHERE when we get self rightous, let alone warning other readers that “so and so” is lying. Including Sharon’s mention of her agent, saying he worked for other companies too. That is not proof she is lying.

    How do I know? I was on the phone with that MidWest agent I wrote about yesterday (whose prospect I “saved” from on of their policies), and she knew she was speaking to a health broker, and still called herself an “independent agent”, who is able to sell all companies IF SHE CHOSE TO.

    She says she CHOOSES MidWest, and then later in the conversation, she clarified (I didn’t even ask) saying: Don’t get me wrong, I’m a “captive” agent and don’t actually sell any other company.

    So maybe NASE/MEGA/MIDWEST people are trained to say they have researched and can offer other policies but CHOOSE “this one”.

    Is that a lie? No one forces anyone to work for NASE.It’s a personal choice.

    Is it misleading? Sort of because it implies they use other companies and but are making THIS recommendation just for this one client.

    But I remember my very first insurance appt a thousand years ago, and how my general agent taught me to say “I’ve been in the business a little under a year”, so that I wouldn’t admit that this was my first time out….and I happily said what he told me to say, convincing myself that word “little” is a relative term! 🙂

    Bottom line (and yes…my little finger is wagging [-x), is that here on this list…we don’t need to go after someone’s integrity, whether we think it’s there or not. We should never imply they are dumb just because we wouldn’t buy (or sell) what they do.

    We can just stick to what we know, speak our mind, and “play nicely with the other children”. We’ll have FAR more impact.

    After all, WE’RE the good guys!!!!! Right?? ^:)^


  186. Hey Guys….

    Now that Sharon has run out of the room in frustration with us, and some of us (including me) have pulled out our hair in frustration with her, maybe we ought to reconsider our approach to those who don’t agree with us, and especially the accusations of lying that several have mentioned.

    Sharon says her agent told her he worked for other companies, however that is not proof SHE is lying, just that HE is.

    I was on the phone with that MidWest agent I wrote about a few days ago, the one whose prospect I “saved” from one of their policies, and she knew she was speaking to a health broker, and still called herself an “independent agent”, who is able to sell all companies IF SHE CHOSE TO.

    She says she CHOOSES to sell MidWest, and then later in the conversation, she clarified (I didn’t even ask) saying: Don’t get me wrong, I’m a “captive” agent and don’t actually sell any other company.

    So maybe NASE/MEGA/MIDWEST people are trained to say they have researched the market, and can offer other policies, but CHOOSE “this one”.

    Is that a lie? No one forces anyone to work for NASE. It’s a personal choice.

    Is it misleading? Yes….because it implies they use other companies but are making THIS recommendation just for THIS one client, implying an objectivity they just don’t have.

    It’s one of the many ways their managers teach them to deceive prospective clients.

    But still, here on this list…we don’t need to go after someone’s integrity, whether we think it’s there or not. And we should never imply they are stupid just because we wouldn’t buy (or sell) what they do.

    We can just stick to what we know, speak our mind, and “play nicely with the other children”. We’ll have FAR more impact.

    After all, WE’RE the good guys!!!!! Right?? ^:)^


  187. Hi Nina,
    In response to your last post… you’re right. But it gets so frustrating reading all the BS like individuals like Sharon who stae that they are satisfied with something that they never used and that others are warning her about…. that she won’t even look at her pla…and then from agents like Chris.. who hasn’t even been around long enough to have an opinion…. who says he feels good about a client having 8k out of pocket for one procedure… OMG….. and that’s on that one procedure…. and he’s only guessing! What happens next month if that client has something else happen un-related…. what another 8k out of pocket. Chris should have his license pulled. And you’ll notice he didn’t even attempt to respond to the thread about what The Delaware Dept of Insurance just imposed on NASE. And it’s not just Delaware, it’s nationwide. Nina, you know exactly where I’m coming from with everything I’ve ever posted on here because we’ve both been around long enough and have both cleaned up or tried to clean up the crap that NASE agents leave behind. Anyway, I’ll continue to replace every NASE plan I run into, and try to educate those who are willing to listen. The one’s who don’t listen and become statistics…. well that’s on them. So what’s next guys????

  188. It would take me days to read the previous posts – very lively chat, I must say.

    Anyway, I sell health and life insurance and must admit – after working in Customer Service within the industry to start off with – I’ve resolved to do the following when I call on the ‘would-be’ applicant:

    1) find out a budgeted range they’re wanting the insurance to cost
    2) find out the type of policy they’re looking for (more preventative than catastrophic? more catastrophic than preventative?)
    3) find out their prior experiences with insurers

    Why? Because no matter whom I sell, I want to be the only one who hasn’t lied to them. I want to be the one who would rather bust my hump and sell 3 adequate policies than leisurely sell 1 policy the insured (probably) doesn’t need.

    Hey, I gotta be able to live with myself – especially since I sell in my own backyard, per se.

  189. Folks,

    I have a copy of the actual policy for NASE/Mega, it was posted on a NAHU discussion board. It’s a .pdf file, about 4.5 mb and I’ll gladly email it to any of you that want to review it. I’ve browsed through it…what a terrible contract! Shame on NASE agents that know better (newbies get a pass until they learn) and even more shame on their customers that have been warned and do nothing!


  190. One of my co-workers has the phrase: “The stupid shall be punished.” posted in his work area…. I thought it was rather amusing.

  191. Hi Steve,

    Would you mind sending me a copy of it to: Thanks

    (I have a copy of the actual policy for NASE/Mega, it was posted on a NAHU discussion board. It’s a .pdf file, about 4.5 mb and I’ll gladly email it to any of you that want to review it.)

  192. Hi Aardvark,

    What state are you in, and what health insurance companies do you usually work with? Are you mostly like a life insurance agent? I’ve done that my entire career as well, with an occassional spurt of health insurance activity….though the last two years, it’s been almost all health insurance. This has kept me so busy my clients actually have to ask ME “Hey, can you quote me some life rates?”, instead of the other way around. It’s kinda nice!


  193. I too worked for Mega. Soon after I quit, I received a paper in the mail in regard to having an agent contact me about the insurance. I think I have one of the best insurances “TriCare”, beat the cost of that.

  194. NASE is just a front for MEGA and MEGA is one of the worst insurance co’s in the country. The agent that took my aplication lied about my previous cancer on the application so if I had had a claim they would not have paid because I had a previous history. I told the agent about my history but he checked “NO” on the application and I did not find out until after the policy was issued which included a copy of the application. They raised the premiums automatically every year for three years and when I had a claim they did not pay one cent. The policy was so full of holes that it was completely worthless. They totally exploit small business people with their NASE scam. Since I got out of their contract I have met several others that had the same experience. They are bad news. Stay as far away as you can. They are theives and their objective is to get as much of your money as they can. You will not benefit in any way. The people in this thread that say the opposite are either totally ignorant or shills for the company. Do your research and go with a well know top rated company. Then when you need it, it will be there for you. If you staty with MEGA you will pay the price, big time.

  195. Hey Guys,

    I’m actually about to start a job with these guys. I’ve actually been trying to do as much research as I can. I’ve gone through the training and have been running the material by my state insurance instructor to see if things check out. I’m new to the insurance game however I would appreciate as much feedback as I can before I start this job. If anything, I’ll probably sign up with in independent broker and offer other insurance products other than MEGA. In the end I want to do what’s right.

    I’ve read some of the horror stories I’ve been finding and for some reason they tend not to match up with what the training on the products states.

    I read somewhere about some guy that complained that pregnancy was not covered and even my manager stated that it’s not worth selling the pregnancy rider to anyone. So I almost feel as though he was being very honest about the ups and downs.

    Still I continue with much caution. If there’s anyone that I may contact to talk insurance, that would be awesome.

    In the training we went through a Blue Cross/Blue Shield comparison with the MEGA product. Premium prices as well. It seemed pretty comparable.

    I welcome any feedback from anyone here.

    Thank you.

  196. Annonymous,

    Feel fre to call me if you’d like my opinion on it. I’ve been in the insurance industry for 17 years and am an independent agent. 608-235-4241


  197. Hi Annon,

    You said, “In the training we went through a Blue Cross/Blue Shield comparison with the MEGA product. Premium prices as well. It seemed pretty comparable”

    What are you actually comparing???


    1) How about OUT OF POCKET MAXIMUM if their is a $100,000 surgery?

    2) What if your client needs $800 a month in RX?

    3) What about a per occurance deductible vs. a per year deductible?

    4) What if a 4 day hospital stay costs $3,500 a day?

    It is very important to know how to compare “apples to apples”.

    If you read ALL the above carefully, it is the DECEPTION you want to be careful of when dealing with some Mega people.

    After something catastrophic happens, it is too late.

    Let me know what you come up with to these 4 questions. After personally helping over 3,000 families by healthinsurance, I’d be happy to help you with EXACT answers to tough questions. Call me any time: 1-800-388-0102



  198. Since we’re back on the topic, just took a case from a NASE/Mega agent…it felt great, know why? Because I gave the client a MUCH better plan at almost half the premium! The client is going to give me the Mega policy, so I can do a benefit comparsion (side by side). To give you an idea, the Mega agent sold them a $10,000/$12,000 deductible and he was SHOCKED to learn it was per incident deductible, something the agent never told him. He was also shocked it was per each covered person, not capped for the family in any way. I sold him a $5,000 (in and out of network)2x per family (maximum $10,000) annually! Mega was at $778 with their wonderful association fees and I got them written with a local insurer for $400 per month, no association fees. Now the client has a FIRM out of pocket maximum that once reached, he’ll have coverage up to $5,000,000 with no limitations!

    The happy part of this for me, was the fact that I know the Mega agent, and he’s not a newbie, so that means, he’s part of the problem, and now he gets a chargeback since they were only covered with Mega for two months. Annon, did your trainer talk about Mega’s infamous charge backs? Maybe you should ask.

    Again, when I get the full comparison completed, I’ll let everyone know and email those that are interested.

    Have another story of a couple that fell prey to Mega as well and now their agent (another agent that’s been with Mega since 2002) will not return their call. They were approved with Mega in September, but never received notice or heard from them, just money taken from their checking account. Mega never gave them an acceptance offer, and claimed they mailed it. For the past 4 weeks they have been trying to call the Mega agent and he will not return their call. They are currently covered with Golden Rule as well so I told them to send written verification (certifed mail) their wish to cancel and have all premiums refunded as they never ok’d the insurance after underwriting. Upon calling the home office in Texas, they said no problem, we’ll refund the money and no need to send us anything in writing…HA, right, I told the client to not only send it certified, but also fax it. Luckily, this client has Pre-Paid Legal, so when they don’t refund their premium, their attorney can get involved.


  199. Hi Steve,
    Remember me???
    Anyway, it amazes me that Mega/NASE is still in business. With all the crap they’ve done, and the thousands of people they’ve scammed… they’re still there. Money talks don’t it. I just hired two NASE agents that are actually good guys, they were just new and didn’t know any better. And you are absolutely right about one thing, that NASE agent that wasn’t a newbie is a big part of the problem. Rescue this guy that you’re talking to, he seems like he’s searching.

  200. Yes…I’m back. In response about whether or not I feel good about 8k out of pocket, considering he is getting a check for 30K, I do feel good about it. But take heart….I have read all these posts and after some soul searching have decided to work for a broker who is appointed to sell several other brands. We did find a few niches for the Mega plans but I am not comfortable with some of the recent DOI reports. On the flip side, California just did an audit of Mega claims and came back with zero citations. This broker has told me about a few situations where the Mega plans may have fit in.

    I have started the wheels of separation from Mega and Midwest because I don’t like the caps any more than you do but they still allow people more flexibility as to what goes on their plan. It is fairly difficult to pick and choose in this manner with the other companies so the Mega brochure may come out when all else has failed.

  201. Go to the NAIC website, run a complaint search and you’ll see they have the highest complaint ratio out of all individual health carriers in the country.

  202. Chris,

    All that work and emails we all put in paid off, way to go! My last suggestion would be to sever all ties with Mega/NASE/Healthmarkets. If you still want to sell a limited benefit plan (and remember, I do sell them when needed, about 1% of the time), you can do so through a number of different companies including Assurant Health. Sometimes they do have a place and need. You should also look into MiniMed programs which are not actually even insurance. The nice part about these is they don’t ask any medical questions, everyone is accepted and they are easy to understand and VERY affordable since they are not major medical. In any case, congrats and now go re-write your customers that you have with Mega on a better and less expensive plan!


  203. You people are so full of shit. No wonder “Insurance brokers” have the reputation that they do!! Bunch of thieving bastards.

    You have nothing to back up what you say about NASE, just a bunch of snivel from other liers like you.

    One lier mentioned Assurant. They have to change their name every once in a while to stay in business, but they are really Time Ins Co. Here’s their complaint info from the NAIC website.

    Complaint Ratios for Year 2006 Score

    National Median Complaint Ratio 1.00

    Time Ins Co Complaint Ratio 3.25

    Complaint Ratios for Year 2006 Score

    National Median Complaint Ratio 1.00

    Mega Life & Health Complaint Ratio 2.16

    Don’t listen to these liers. So the research yourself!!

  204. Mark,

    Well, obviously, you are a Healthmarkets agent. Assurant represents 3 different insurance companies; Time Ins, John Alden and quite frankly, I forgot the third. United Health Care opperates in the same way, they own many different insurance companies including Golden Rule. I’m an insurance broker and your comments offend me. Mega/NASE is the worst of any insurer I’ve seen, or should I say Healthmarkets who own them. Not because of the plans they sell, I’ve said it many many times on this forum, limited benefit plans are ok to sell when needed AND when disclosed to the client. The mega/nase problem is that they almost always don’t disclose the limits to their plans, they tell individuals they are group plans which they are not and quite frankly they are more expesive (especially with those high worthless associaiton fees).

    I have a few cases with Assurant, and just one left with Golden Rule. And Mark, you are right, other insurance brokers lie as well…I just ran into an agent selling Golden Rule who told the client that everything is covered under their office visit copay! That’s just plan bull! Only the office visit is covered and the lab and xray are subject to deductible & co-ins. Anyone in my opinion that sells an ov copay with a PPO is not the best agent in the world to begin with…almost only time it’s ok is when you are selling an HMO. In group, it’s different.

    We have nothing to back up our comments about NASE/Mega? Obviously you have a short memory or haven’t read through this thread. We’ve given you article after article, personal experience after personal exerience and the Delaware Dept of Insurance fines and report, along with the Attorney General of Washington. They are under investigation from other insurance departments right now as well. It’s the training and deception that appears to run rampet within the Healthmarkets orginization that warrents these discussions and the countless website devoted to exposing them. However, with that said, invidiually there are bad insurance agents/brokers that do many of the same things. Difference is, they are independent and are bad because of themselves and their own morals. They were not trained that way by their company. Big difference. And to those bad ones out there, just like the Golden Rule rep I just ran into, they’ll lose too.

    Feel free to do a search of the main companies I sell for on the NAIC website (I have)…WPS (Wisconsin Physicians Service), Dean Health Care, Physicians Plus, Group Health Cooperative and Unity Health Insurance. Remember, all these companies are actually true group insurance companies as well.

    I forgive your comments about all insurance brokers because you are upset about your company being exposed…that’s understandable. But don’t be so blind as to not see what you are involved in, and how 2 wrongs do not make a right. Anybody with some training can make a sale, especially if they mislead and hard sell. However, the key to the insurance business is long term residual income to give you time freedom. This can only be done by putting the client first everytime! Regardless of commission, company or plan.

    Good luck to you in the future.


  205. By the way, I’ve suggested to the home office at Assurant Health that they should have agents get a seperate signed sheet noting any limitations in a plan that is sold with limitations. When I sell an plan with limited benefits, I have the client sign a seperate form I’ve personally created, to verify they understand the limits of the policy. Those that don’t do this risk and E&O claim.

    Integrity is doing the right thing, all the time, especially when no one is watching.

  206. Well Mark that’s nice try, but you’re wrong. You ran group complaint ratios – not individual. You need to change the drop down menu.

    Mega’s 2006 ratio is 6.54
    Time’s is 1.75

    I’ll await your comments.

  207. Mark,
    Are you crazy???? You are obviously a Mega Agent. You’re one of two things…. a newbie who doesn’t know any better or an insurance whore. Just read through these threads on this site and you’ll see story after story about how Mega has screwed clients and agents alike. I’ve been in the business close to 20 years, I’m a pre-licensing and continuing education instructor, so I think that makes me alittle more knowledgeable than you….. so please do your homework and look at what you’re REALLY selling to people.

  208. I’d still like Mark to comment on Mega’s 6.54 complaint ratio which is the highest of any individual health carrier in the country.

  209. I’d also like to address Mark on some Assurant information. Regarding name changes, didn’t UICI just change their name to Healthmarkets? And wasn’t PLF the insurance company for NASE/UICI before they went belly up then went to Mega Life? Just checking.

    Also, Assurant, underwritten by Time, has been in business since 1892. Last time I checked Mega’s since 1981.

    Assurant and Mega are also both association-group coverage. Mega’s association is the NASE, Assurant’s is Health Advocate’s Alliance. Both come with a member benefit package.

    In any case, Mega Life has been the subject of a 32 state investigation and the results will be released in a month or two. That should be good reading.

    I’m not sure Assurant’s been the subject of a 32 state investigation but I’ll check.

  210. To John,
    I’ve been on here several times in the past few months working with a few other agents like Steve and Nina, trying to show some Mega agents the light. It’s really tough though when they want to believe in what they’re doing so bad that they won’t even look at what’s going on with all the departments of insurance and all the lawsuits. Delaware was the first of over 30 states to just hand down their ruling and it was very enlightening. One should look at it and most of all real the link attached to it for the real verbage on what was actually going on… it’ll make you sick. And in my opinion it’s criminal. And then we listen to these idiots… yes idiots, who are selling this crap and defending it, it’s enough to make you vomit. Anyway, there are always going to be the ones who see the light and others that will be part of the problem, nothing we can do about it. NASE does have a great sales pitch and great sales training… but that’s the problem. They create good sales people… but lousy insurance agents! And you can’t even do a comparison between Assurant Health and NASE. It’s not the same ballpark, my god it’s not even the same sport. Hopefully this guy Mark will see the light, if not…. there will just be more NASE plans out there to be replaced. Hopefully not that many people will get hurt by them in the process.

  211. Hi Mr C!

    I’m saying all this with a big smile on my face but
    I was delighted to read your last, very calm, post because you seemed so (understandably) upset in your other one….addressed to Mark… that I feared you might just have a heart attack or something . Of course, you’re not insured thru Megalife, so you won’t end up losing your health AND your house in the same year!

    I mean…is that good or what?????

    Poor Mark….it’s tough being a Mega agent and having to justify your behavior every day, and in every way. And he gets so nasty when he posts here!! “Liar, liar pant on fire” and all that.

    Not that some of us don’t get that way too when being an insurance agent means having to listen year after year, to client after client, telling HORROR STORIES, compliments of Mega Life and Death, thank you very much!

    I do so much health insurance that a week doesn’t go by that I don’t end up with some poor soul, almost in tears on the phone…because they THOUGHT, they had insurance when they bought Mega…..until the day came along when they really needed it and found out it wasn’t even close to enough, depending of course on the particular disease or accident they were unlucky enough to get.

    Cause when you hit the max on that procedure or that inpatient admission….or that type of service or another, there’s nothing to do but beg Mega/Nase/MidWest, et al, for a little “non contractural” help. Which, as we know, they’ll sometimes actually give, depending on how many investigations they are currently the subject of, and how much bad press they’d like to avoid in the future.

    But “contracturally” (something that the normal consumer can’t decipher or compare without assistance), they don’t have to pay another cent, even if it means the insured loses every dime they’ve worked their whole lives for.

    It all kind of jades you…. and the mere mention of that company, makes me, any many of you….see RED.

    But Mark….he’s either still wearing those rose colored glasses that he got on his first day at Mega, along with the Mega Brainwashing Manual….or he’s a really bad dude who you wouldn’t want to meet in an alley somewhere.

    I take it back. I’d WAY rather meet him in an alley than across a kitchen table where he, and others like him, continue to take advantage of people whom they’ve charmed into trusting them. Snake oil venders one and all.

    Hope you’ve all had a good Thanksgiving. Turkeys are in such abundance this year, don’t you think? Stuffing and roasting brings great satisfaction. I think we should invite Mark next year .

  212. Ok guys, it’s obvious that I am severely out-numbered here so I am a dolphin swimming with sharks. I will not post here again, but I just want to clear the air a little.

    First I want to apologize for the previous post. I have been with NASE/MEGA for over 13 years, so I know all the tricks that the brokers use to sell, which most are illegal and certainly immoral. I’ve never had to do that to sell my product.

    I still have many, if not most of the customers that I enrolled in my first few years. The vast majority of those have never used their policy for anything serious. If they had the increases you mention, they would not have stayed this long now would they. I also have many customers that have had very serious illnesses and have filed many claims, but are still with us because the claims were paid as stated in the policy without the rate increases the “broker” companies have after claims.

    We could stand here in this pissing contest forever, but again I choose to let my policy do the talking instead of the illegal tactics such as sending prospects to bogus websites.

    I think we can all agree that there are some bad people out there, but to insinuate that they all end up at MEGA is ridiculous. I hear the same stories from my customer about all your companies. The ultimate responsibility rests upon the customer. Would you buy a house or a car or anything for that matter based solely on what some salesman told you? This is way to important to not do your homework!! No insurance policy is perfect; they all have holes that will cause problems with certain situations. And ALL companies have less than honest people working for them. It’s up to the customer to look deep in to the policy and find the one that best fits their needs and concerns.

    Lastly, as I mentioned I have been with MEGA for over 13 years. Earlier this year I had to spend some time in the hospital for a series of illnesses that involved many expensive tests and procedures. In March of ’98 my wife was diagnosed with life-threatening cancer. After all the claims and the fact that she is now a cancer survivor, we are still on the plan at the same rate as everyone else my age. The claims were paid as they should have and no individual rate increase. The Ins Co has no idea that I’m an agent and treats me no different. I am on the exact same plan that I sell to my customers. And I thank God every day that we are on this policy now that we are uninsurable. That is why I am so passionate about this. So again, forgive me for the name-calling, as it is not my style. I sleep very good a night because of what I do for my customers and look forward to meeting them on the street or at the grocery store years later without worrying about how their claims were handled or how much their premium is now.

    Believe me, I get calls every day from your companies trying to recruit me to sell their products. That alone should tell the real story about integrity. I would challenge any of you to compare books of business and I would wager that very few of you have customers that have been there for 10+ years.

    So you guys can continue to use your illegal tactics to sell, but I will continue to sell on the merits of our policy.


  213. That’s a nice post Mark and I certainly never posted that Mega agents were “bad.”

    One problem with blogs like this is we don’t know each other. I was with Mega – for a while actually. I won contests, awards, trips, etc…

    Mega never denied a single claim filed by any of my clients. They always paid as the policy stated. That being said, I’ve been independent now and I’ve never had any company I represent fail to pay a claim.

    It’s not really about “good vs evil.” That’s a silly notion. For me is was about leaving so I could offer my client’s more choices.

    There is a myth out there that any who leaves Mega is a “failed agent.” One of my better friends was a former division manager – he’s certaily not a failed agent.

    And you should be honored when you get recruited by other insurance companies. It means they seek out and value your talents as an insurance agent.

    Mega Life to me isn’t “good or bad” just like Ford isn’t good or bad. Ford is Ford. There is also Chevy, Chrysler, Toyota, etc…

    If any car company “sucked” they’d be out of business. Every car company has had recalls, all have had their problems. What it comes down to for me is if someone’s shopping for a car I’d rather be able to show them all makes and models then just one company.

  214. Hi Nina,
    This guy Mark is alittle different type of animal. He says he’s been with NASE for over 10 years….. BAD NEWS!

    To Mark,
    Please please please! Let’s get it straight… you mention bogus websites?????? My god man, go to any one of the departments of insurance complaint sections and just read what they say. And I don’t think they are bogus. That’s where our information comes from. All the rest of the posts here are from alot of agents who started with companies like NASE who actually did their homework and left to become good insurance agents and not insurance salesmen, there’s a huge difference. Are you so brainwashed that you won’t even look at the news. Delaware was the first in an over 30 state investigation to hand down their ruling. You can find the link to that news flash earlier in these links. And you’re right, every company has slugs that are nothing more than advance commission junkies working for them. But none, and I mean none can match the magnitude of that problem that exist with NASE. Just open your local yellow pages, go to the insurance section, call any one of those agents or agencies listed there and ask them their opinions of NASE. Do you know what you’ll find???? You’ll find that NASE agents are as close to be HATED as you’ll find. Do you want to know why??? Because we as REAL insurance agents know that they are trained to lie. Don’t you know that why NASE hires new people who aren’t even licensed, so they can train them the way they want. Another thing to ponder… you’ll find many agents who started at NASE and went to other companies. You’ll never find the opposite. And yes, virtually every plan has it’s good and bad points. But there has to be disclosure for any weaknesses that a plan may have. And I know you say that you disclose evrything to your clients, and you’re up front, and you’re honest blah, blah, blah….. we’ve all heard all that before from NASE agents on this blog. All of you have the same song and dance, just like you have the same song and dance when you’re sitting in front of someone selling them your high cost, limited health plan. And don’t get me wrong… limited plans may have a place if the customer can’t afford anything else, but for the cost of ANY NASE plan, anyone can get a way more comprehensive policy for less money. And as far as compary plans with anyone here>>>>> my friend you’ll get shaked and baked. Every independant agent or client can go to any one of several company websites and get a full description of coverage as well as rates to virtually any plan they sell. It’s again called disclosure. So Mark… where do I go to get the same access from NASE???? It doesn’t exist! If you only knew what picture you just painted of yourself stating that you have been with NASE for that long… my god man, how can you look in the mirror. And as far as having all your clkients for that long….if your not lying… you’re right… it’s because thtey haven’t used the plan. And the only reason you’ve received recruiting calls is because recruiters know that NASE agents are trained to sell, and they generally do a good job of it. I for one do recruit NASE agents who are ready to leave within the first few months. If I run into an agent that has been with MEGA for longer than that I know that agent is a whore, and I stay away from them. If you’ve truly been with NASE that long you are definetly part of the problem, and again how can you look in the mirror????? And as far as recruiting someone like you, I thing you’re way beyond salvation. So keep writing that crcap and if you would post your clients here. I’m sure there would be many agents thanking you for more clients.
    So Steve and Nina… did I miss anything???

  215. Mr C. Only thing I’d add is we can have a copy of the plan certifcate (that’s the actual insurance policy Mark, in case you didn’t know) in somebody’s email box within minutes if requested for any plan for any company we sell. Mark sells for just one company, and getting a copy of the certificate from an Mega/Nase agent is near as I can tell, impossible.

    However, I do get to pick one up this week when I deliver my new client their policy and they give me the Mega/Nase one. If you actually read the posts you’ll see I’ve saved this family $378 per month with a MUCH better plan with true out of pocket maximums. I will then go to work on my side-by-side comparison. It’ll take a while but when complete, I’ll forward it to all who want it.

    Mark, why do you tell your agents not to return the phone calls of insureds that are going through your underwriting process? And, why don’t you return calls when those insured are calling you wondering when they were accepted and why their checking accounts have had transfers without them receiving an approval letter and then verifying they want the insurance? BYW, the agent on this case has been licensed with MEGA/NASE since 2002, looked him up on the OCI website.

    Mark, you mentioned we can continue to sell on our illegal tatics and you will continue to sell on the merits on of your policy. First, could you email us your policy certificate? Second, could you please provide a sample of an illegal tatic you claim we use?

    I’ll take you up on the merits of the policy thing, let’s compare your policy with any of mine, side by side? How do you want to proceed?

  216. Mark,

    You also wrote this:

    “I hear the same stories from my customer about all your companies.

    Your customer? Sounds about right, you may have slipped up here and the truth came through subconsiously when you defined the complaints about our companies coming from just one customer. Statistcally, that’s about correct, just one customer of yours has complained to you about bad insurance companies.

    Really Mark, after reading your last post, I know damn well you were lying while typing it unless you actually believed what you were typing. If that’s the case, god help you and your clients.

    Here’s a challange for you….not even knowing what state you are in. If your clients are so happy and have been with you so long, you probably wouldn’t mind me coming in and showing them other options and plans, right? Let’s do it. And you can come in and show my individual clients your plan and rates. We’ll sit side by side at each appointment so we can hear what the other is saying. Let’s choose 5 clients each, none with medical conditions that can’t be switched, standard written contracts only to keep it fair. How far away are you? I’d be willing to take off a couple of days to drive to you and meet with 5 of your Mega/Nase clients to show them alternatives if its close enough. You up for it? If you’re to far away, just let the rest of the group know, I’m sure one of us is close to you and can do this experiment. What do you say? You talk the talk, let’s see if you can walk the walk. Still waiting for a copy of your certificate (from YOU!).

  217. You guys all need to get a life. You sound like a bunch of jealous school girls who really actually want to work for MEGA/NASE but can’t get a job there. :((:((:((

  218. Yeah – their hiring criteria is pretty strict. Basically if you’re not in a coma you got the job. And actually, if the guy in the coma had $240 to pay UGA he’d be their next agent.

  219. To Kevin,
    Please tell me that was some type of a joke. Even if I wanted a job at NASE they would never hire me….. want to know why???? because I’m a licensed agent and I would know what I’m looking at, and I might question them as to the limits of their high cost piece of crap in front of a room of newbies that they hire, (can you say boiler room?)and then I just might ask them about all of the negative press, all the lawsuits and all of the Dept of Insurances disciplinary actions against them. HUMMMMM…. that might be the reason but then again who am I to say that…. I’ve only been in the business for 19 years, represent 100 companies for life, health, property and casualty, have acquired a block of business totaling 6 million per month, and I’m only an insurance instructor who runs a very successful insurance agency and insurance school….. yeah… I teach this crap. But again, who am I to question an agent who’s been in the business for a few months, represents one company, and is so brainwashed he won’t do his homework because he’s quickly becoming an insurance whore who is only interested in an advance commission. You do the math.

  220. Mr C – For someone who claims to have so much going on in life, you seem to have a lot of time to do this kinda thing….something tells me you still live in your childhood home (maybe you have moved into the basement) and all day long you chat with your cyber friends because you don’t have any real ones.

  221. Kevin,
    That’s the only real problem with the internet… is that people can be anything they want to be. I’m going to try not to take any real offense to what you just posted because you’re not in front of me, and if you were…. believe me you would not say anything near what you just posted. That being said, there are several agency owners on here that know me personally, and who have actually spoke to me, and know the magnitude of what I have done and am doing. The primary reason for posting on here is to try to protect those individuals who have inferior health plans and to inform those new agents who don’t know what they’re doing yet. There have been several new agents that I’ve recently hired from NASE who are great guys, but they didn’t know the way, and were hurting people without knowing it. So Kevin what’s your story?????? Are you a Mega Agent, are you licensed yet????? And if you are a Mega agent, do your homework, and stop listening to some guy standing in the front of a recruiting meeting telling you your going to be a millionaire.

  222. Well….I’ve done a lot of reading, studying and soul searching and have still been able to find a place for the MEGA and MIDWEST products. I’ve appointed myself with the other insurance entities but may offer the Mega plan when appropriate….with full disclosure as always.

    I did corner my managing agents on a few thing and witnessed quite a bit of irritation on the subject of how our insurance compares. I’m an “ANAL”ytical by nature and would really like some things in writing concerning the caps on chemotherapy, ambulance and some others but still believe the Premier plan is not as bad as some here have stated.

    I’ve seen it work beautifully but I’m also aware enough to admit the holes that may appear.

  223. Chris???

    Maybe I misunderstood you? You said you are analytical in nature but you haven’t seen the Premier caps on chemo, ambulance and the other limits IN WRITING? I’m not familiar with this plan so I’m just going by what you said (unless I am reading you wrong).

    Aren’t the caps listed in the benefit summary? They get that with their contract, don’t they? How is it that you still haven’t seen it?

    How can you sell a plan, EVER, with caps on Chemotherapy when it’s the most common treatment for cancer and runs thousand of dollars PER treatment?

    I’m so confused. You say you’ve done soul searching so why wouldn’t you simply sell folks the lowest deductible, true major med policy they can afford (even if that means a high deductible), but a plan without internal caps on major stuff like this?

    I thought we’d really gotten thru to you before but now I’m not sure.

  224. Chris….
    You’re speaking in circles…. you’ve done souls searching and you’re still going to offer Mega???? Come on man! First, Mega won’t allow you to offer other products in the same breath as theirs because they will lose every time. They are a captive organization…. and they are that way for a reason. And why would you sell a per incident deuctible with a plan full of limits (that could render it worthless) to anyone when there are many major medical plans out therre that will actually protect people? If you are truly an independant agent now, with multiple carriers and are looking to truly do the best for your clients Mega has NO and I mean NO place in your portfolio. I welcome comments from evryone on that one.

  225. Nina,
    Nothing came through. But here’s some interesting reading…
    Do a google search for:
    PBS Mega Life
    USA Today Mega Life and..
    Delaware Department of Insurance Mega Life…..

  226. Let’s try that again…

    If you Google “NASE”, Lisa’s web page comes up fourth?? Pretty neat for those of us who wonder why we bother spending our time here. On on that first Google page is also the Rib Off site, along with other websites about lawsuits involving NASE/MEGA/MID-WEST.

    If you google Megalife or Mid-West, the Rip off report comes up as well along with other sites trying to protect consumers.

    So then…just to be fair… I tried googling Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Aetna, Kaiser, Healthnet, Assurant and even Time, that someone mentioned….and there’s NOTHING…not a single website devoted to warning folks about any other company. Just the usual company websites.

    I can’t imagine why? I mean, if we’re all just “picking” on NASE for no reason at all, as their agents have said….you’d think the internet wouldn’t be FULL of similar sites on all the companies.

    Where there’s smoke there’s fire. Beware folks! Do your homework….or just do yourself a big favor and walk away when a NASE, Megalife or Mid-West agent comes around.

    Does anyone know the name of that other association that Mid-West agents use. It’s no longer NASE. Probably trying to get away from all the bad press.


  227. So I have an appt with the NASE Rep to go over the paperwork on Friday. Now you people have me freaked out. I’m self employed but need to get coverage for my family cause it’s been long enough without it. I hate gambling with the fact that we have been healthy for a while now and don’t want to push my luck. The problem is that when I read comments like these I feel I can trust insurance agents as much as used car salesman. Seriously some of you should run for office. I’m in AZ and I’m just trying to cut through the BS and get some straight answers. There are a few things that I know absolutely. Here they are in no particular order.

    1. All insurance plans are flawed in some way. Some fit certain people better than others

    2. There is not an insurance company on the planet that likes to pay out money if it doesn’t have to.

    3. For the most part, people are idiots and don’t understand most of what they hear and only bits of what they read. Insurance policies included.

    I understand the Mega policy that I was shown and I understand that there are serious holes and caps to the plan but is there really a plan out there that fills in the gaps and uncaps that caps? I was quoted just under $400 a month for the NASE membership bennies and the Mega health insurance, dental discount plan and vision which I designed as follows:

    Care One Plan,

    $2500 in net deduct
    $4000 max co-ins
    co-ins level is 70%
    Per Drug Rider, out patient rider yada yada.

    I have a family of four, we are all healthy, no issues at all.

    I want health, dental and vision.

    Anyone out there that wants a shot at my business before friday?

  228. Hi JB,

    I’ll do better than that for you. I’m not an Arizona agent, but will gladly research the local plans for you. Since I have nothing to gain, you’ll be getting an unbiased opinion, but from someone with 25 years of health insurance experience.

    Let me know if anyone is a smoker and I also need your age, your wife’s age, your zip code. I assume you have two children? Without those things, no one can give you quotes. If you want, you can also email me privately if that makes you more comfortable (

    Also, I don’t believe Megalife has ANY plans that would compensate for all the gaps and limitations with an out-of-pocket maximum. Especially when they make you add riders (for things like out patient care) when any normal health insurance plan has no such limits or special riders because virtually all necessary medical care is covered…period.

    If you want to fax me their proposal, I can check that out as well. It’s good to let others know what you are thinking of buying. It NEVER hurts to get a second (or third or fourth) opinion.


  229. Nina,

    If you are willing to do that it would be sweet. I would own you a great big smooch.

    No smokers here. I’m 33, 5’9″ 170lbs. She is 27 5’6″ 115lbs. Kids are 6 and 2, Female and male respectively. Not having any more kids and no one here is sick or has been sick for any reason.

    In the sea of confusion I am very interested to hear what you find.

    Thanks a ton in advance.

  230. HI JB,

    I’m licensed in AZ and would be glad to get you a few plans and rates. Here is all I need:
    1) What is your Zip Code?
    2) What do you do for a living?
    3) When was the last time you were insured, and
    4) With whom?

    That’s all I need.


  231. Hi bob,

    1. Zip: 85234
    2. Self Employed: I consult as a network engineer, and have an tile and stone service.
    3. About 1 1/2 years ago, had a full time job then.
    4. As far as provider goes, i can remember for the life of me but avesis was the vision and dental side of that.
    5. The same big smooch I promised Nina does not apply here 🙂

  232. Hi JB,

    Smooches are always appreciated:-)). But I still need your zip code. And Bob, I think, had some other questions and he’s licensed in AZ so we can compare notes. Kewl.


  233. Hi JB,

    I took a peek, (ok..more than just a peek) so you’d have something to compare MegaLife to before Friday.

    Another one of my incredibly long emails….:-)

    United Health Care/Golden Rule’s Plan 100, has a $2500 annual deductible, but pays 100% thereafter up to a $3 Million max, so your “out of pocket max” is only your deductible. There are only 2 deductibles per family BUT, I’d want to check this out more thoroughly with regard to the size of their network, and their actual contract, as the price is so low that I’m a bit wary.

    I tend to look at the Blues first. In Arizona they are still non-profit (one of the few in the country) and I know that makes a difference. It certainly does here in WA.

    For $320/month, you can get a perfectly decent Preferred Provider BC/BS of Arizona plan for you and your family without the infamous MegaLife caps and without any “out of the ordinary” limitations or exclusions, all of which are listed clearly on their summary of benefits, here:

    Their network is their full preferred provider network (and Bob can correct me if I’m wrong), but this should be the vast majority of MD’s and hospitals in AZ.

    I’m not recommending this plan above others at this point, but I wanted you to see how little you have to pay for a REAL major med plan, from a “regular” company that doesn’t have a bunch of websites warning you to stay clear of them!

    In network benefits:

    Deductible: 2500 per person per year (2 per family max)
    Out of Pocket Max: $4000 (4 per family), doesn’t include deductible
    Coinsurance: 80/20 after the deductible
    Lifetime Max per person: $3,000,000

    On the plus side, it has some “up front” benefits where there’s no deductible, including:

    1) Regular office visits for sickness or accident, covered for a $30 copay as long as you go to internists, pediatricians and family docs. Specialist are covered AFTER the deductible at 80%
    2) Lab work at free standing labs has no deductible, and is covered at 100%.
    3) Preventative care (annual physicals, etc.) have no deductible, just the $30 copay
    4) Urgent Care Centers: $50 copay, no deductible (emergency rooms are after the deductible AND have additional copays as a sort of “penalty”. All companies do this as it costs them a fortune when you go into an ER)
    4) an eye exam for $15, no deductible

    On the minus side:
    1) No maternity coverage-they cover complications only (but that seems to be typical in my quick glance of some of the other companies too)
    2) High co-pays on drugs, but they ARE covered with no caps

    Another plan through them is $480, and it’s called “Blue Preffered”. It has a better drug plan, and more benefits that have no deductible (including specialists). I’m not sure it’s worth an extra $160 a month though. Here’s that link:

    This should help you decide if you even want to keep that appt this Friday, or do some more research. There are over 100 decent plans to choose from in AZ from 7-8 companies. I promise you that MegaLife doesn’t hold a candle to any of them.

    To check out all available plans, and to get familiar with what a true major medical plan should look like, go to, although I don’t suggest you apply thru them. I’m sure Bob has the same quotes available on his website so check that out too.

    You need the advice of an experienced broker who is familiar with lots of different companies in order to really compare and contrast. Put in the time. Talk to a few brokers. It’s worth the extra effort to really LEARN about health insurance. It’s not that hard and you are about to spend thousands a year on this stuff so PLEASE, kick the tires first!

    And there are no additional charges for letting a broker work with you. The rates are the same, even if you go direct to the company.

    It’ll be interesting to hear what Bob’s favorite AZ plans are and what you think of all this.

    I briefly glanced at Lifewise, Aetna, Healthnet, and Humana and they are all in the mid $300’s and look somewhat comparable. Some have lower out of pockets than BC/BS, and in some cases, more pre-deductible benefits as well as better drug coverage.

    But again, I generally prefer the non-profit Blues, though I don’t necessarily have a problem with some of the others, except, of course, for MegaLife.


  234. Hi JB

    Here is what I found:
    1) $2,500 in net deductible (per year, not per occurence).
    2)$0 Max co-ins
    3) co-ins level is 100% (you pay 0%)

    Similar Dental/Vision plan to Mega

    4) $3,000,000 lifetime max per person (What is Mega’s?)
    5) No inside limitations per illness,like $250,000 max on a transplant (Does Mega have any “limitations” per illness/occurance?)
    6) No per year max on Rx (What is Mega’s?).
    7) No per Max on Surgery (What is Mega’s?)
    8) No application fee (What is Mega’s?)

    Finally, if you add $30 a month, the most you’d pay for anything that happens accidently (like a broken bone, stitches, ER visit, etc) would be $100 (not $2,500).

    There are several other things on the plan but hopefully this will do for now.

    The total is for under $210 a month.

    If you WANT to spend $400 a month, you could get a ton of bells and whistles. We have 300+ options from which to choose.

    If you are a relatively healthy family, though, it might make sense to:
    1)Get a plan that is a few million dollars better than MEGA
    2) Get a plan that is much, much more comprehensive than a MEGA plan(especially if something “big” happens)
    3)SAVE yourself $2,200 a year over a Mega plan, which is plenty of money for when you are sick and go to a doctor office or have to go to the dentist or eye doctor (because no plan pays 100% of anything until you hit a deductible).

    Make sense?
    What do you think?

    Having sold 3,000 plans to different families, including my own (3 kids plus my wife and myself).
    I’d either get the above plan or a $3,800 Family deducible then 100% HSA for under $240 a month.

    I personally have had the HSA/MSA family deductible since my kids were 10 months, 2 & 4 (now they are 7,9,11).

    The Tax benefits are great and the money in an HSA is very flexible (can be used for what you really want/need when it comes to medical, dental, vision. Also, if you don’t use the money in your account, it rolls over to the next year).

    Hope this helps and feel free to call me.

    Take care,


  235. Hmm, sounds good Bob thanks for the info. Nina, your a sweetheart for doing all that digging for me. Bob I’m going to call you tomorrow. Hopefully we can make something work.

  236. Nina,

    Golden Rules (UHC) Plan 100 is solid in their contract. Out of pocket is deductible only, everything else is 100% to plan maximum of $3,000,000 or $5,000,000 if you upgrade. Only thing to add is $100 Copay if not admitted to Hosptial in ER visit, standard in the industry and a $300 annual max for routine physical, also fairly standard. I’d quote the HSA plan for JB though, he’ll get the federal deduction and possible state deduction for contributions and can use his funds to pay for dental/vision expenses. I’m not a believer of individual dental or vision insurance, it’s a waste of money in my opinion (17 years of insurance experience). Discount cards are fine, but not true dental/vision as an individual (group is different), you’re better self-funding and especially using an HSA.

    JB, Bob will take care of you, I’m in Wisconsin and have read and emailed with Nina and Bob, both good people from what I can tell. Check out the link I posted above from an individual that just made our local news in Madison, Wisconsin. He would of been lucky if he found this site like you did before he purcahsed his policy through Mega.

    Nina, Bob, everyone…I picked up a certificate for Mega today from a client that I saved…$350 per month by switching them to another ins company with BETTER benefits. Anyhow, after going over the certicate several times during lunch (yes, exciting reading), I noticed something major…nowhere do they list or mention out of pocket maximums! Nothing noting your total out of pocket is mentioned. That’s a red flag right there. Also, I could not find where they cover outpatient physcian office visits, anywhere in the policy. I plan to scan it and I’ll be glad to email it to you all when done. I’ll let you know in this forum.

    Congrats JB, you’ll be well taken care of, and by the way, we are not like used car salesman, we are fidcuaries regulated by each of our states insurance departments and are licensed with them. Any industry has “bad eggs”, I’ll put my client first over a sale or commission any day of the week. I volunteer nationwide for the uninsured helpline, where I basically just help people who can’t get private insurance get onto a gov’t program. This is through the National Association of Health Underwriters. I don’t do this for the money, since there isn’t any available. It’s a way to give back and to also show people that national healthcare is not needed, as most states have great gov’t programs to act as a safety net for those that may fall through the cracks.

    I think you can see from Nina & Bob’s work for you already, and by our previous postings that we put our client’s first.

    Best to all….Steve

  237. Hi JB,

    First, all the AZ plans that I studied yesterday are true Major Medical plans that are heads and tails above anything Megalife offers….and apparantly much cheaper!

    So now it’s a matter of picking amongst the available planss. I’ve read the limitations and exclusions of both the BC/BS of Arizona plan ($320/mo), and the Golden Rule plan(part of United HealthCare) which is $211/mo.

    Comparing only those two plans, I MUCH prefer the BC/BS plan. While Golden Rule is ok, it’s got some exclusions and limitations that the BC/BS plan doesn’t have, and I’m happy to talk to you on the phone, in detail, about the differences if you want to go over them…I’m at 425-820-1203 on the West Coast. You should definitely read them for yourself. They are only about a page long.

    I don’t think it’s worth going down to $211 a month, tempting as this is, when virtually ALL the other companies charge around $300-$350 and I think that tells us something.

    I realize that both Bob and Steve are ok with the Golden Rule plan, and these are two very experienced agents whom I greatly respect. The plan benefits are really great….certainly comparable to BC/BS plan, and actually better when it comes to the out of pocket max, HOWEVER they DO have more “limitations and exclusions” and if I had to pick between the two for myself and my family, I’d definitely go with the BC/BS of AZ contract.

    While your family is healthy….it really doesn’t matter, but since you can’t change companies if someone gets sick, and the whole reason for buying insurance is in case someone gets sick…the decision you are making is very important.

    The Golden Rule plan summary, exclusions and limitations are here:

    The BC/BS of AZ plan summary and exlusions/limitations are here:

    Whatever you decide, you have done a VERY, very good thing staying clear of Megalife.

    By the way, I TOTALLY agree with what Steve says about dental and vision coverage.

  238. Hey JB,

    I’m assuming that NASE left you some kind of summary of benefits? Unlike every other company, theirs is not available online.

    Can you forward that via fax or email to me? They have different plans in different states and here in WA they actually DO have a true major med contract (the state of WA forced them into it but as far as I know, they don’t sell it anywhere else). And even though it’s a major med contract, it’s a horrible plan and costs nearly twice as much as ANY other WA company.

    So I’m curious to see what they’ve actually offered you for $400 a month, in AZ…and especially what they are (and are not) including in their so called “out of pocket max”.


    Fax: 1-775-878-5414

  239. Hi JB,

    This post may be a duplicate but I noticed my other post hasn’t gone thru…maybe because I included some URL’s? Trying it again…without the URL’s.


    Hi JB,

    First, all the AZ plans that I studied yesterday are true Major Medical plans that are heads and tails above anything Megalife offers….and apparantly much cheaper!

    So now it’s a matter of picking amongst the available planss. I’ve read the limitations and exclusions of both the BC/BS of Arizona plan ($320/mo), and the Golden Rule plan(part of United HealthCare) which is $211/mo.

    Comparing only those two plans, I MUCH prefer the BC/BS plan. While Golden Rule is ok, it’s got some exclusions and limitations that the BC/BS plan doesn’t have, and I’m happy to talk to you on the phone, in detail, about the differences if you want to go over them…I’m at 425-820-1203 on the West Coast. You should definitely read them for yourself. They are only about a page long.

    I don’t think it’s worth going down to $211 a month, tempting as this is, when virtually ALL the other companies charge around $300-$350 and I think that tells us something.

    I realize that both Bob and Steve are ok with the Golden Rule plan, and these are two very experienced agents whom I greatly respect. The plan benefits are really great….certainly comparable to BC/BS plan, and actually better when it comes to the out of pocket max, HOWEVER they DO have more “limitations and exclusions” and if I had to pick between the two for myself and my family, I’d definitely go with the BC/BS of AZ contract.

    While your family is healthy….it really doesn’t matter, but since you can’t change companies if someone gets sick, and the whole reason for buying insurance is in case someone gets sick…the decision you are making is very important.

    The Golden Rule plan summary, exclusions and limitations are here:

    (you may need to look this page up yourself, or ask Bob, or look it up on ehealthinsurance, or I’ll email it to you if you email me privately)

    The BC/BS of AZ plan summary and exlusions/limitations are here:

    (same as above…)

    Whatever you decide, you have done a VERY, very good thing staying clear of Megalife.

    By the way, I TOTALLY agree with what Steve says about dental and vision coverage.

  240. i just did an interview with NASE/Uga and was impressed with the bonus checks the manager showed me for that office. but i’m the sckeptical sort and decided to go online to see what I could find out about the company.Thanks to all for your comments, they really opened my eyes.

  241. All I can say is run, run , run. Don’t even attempt to try and purchase this insurance. I had to contact the attorney generals office in my state to make the insurance company pay for medical claims.

  242. I am really glad I ran across this website while researching NASE/MEGA/UGA (just to name a few names the do business under), because I have an employment interview next week with them. EEKS!!! All I can say after all that I have read about them.

    Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences. You have saved me some time and sounds like money as well.

  243. To Steve or Nina…..
    I started a pretty good telemarketing operation and I’m looking for the best list company I can find…. any suggestions on a decent list companY?

  244. Hi Mr. C,

    I personally, haven’t used a list for sales purposes in 20 years. But I made a call and there are three companies that a close associate (who has been buying lists for over 15 years), recommended:

    1) Ask for Francis and tell her that Tom Marchisotto from CA referred you.

    2) He also said Equifax does a good job

    3) And he recommends a company called “Home Owner’s Marketing”.

    Best of luck!

  245. Great article at the link Steve gave us regarding the NAIC’s multi-state investigation of NASE/MEGA/MIDWEST:

    I didn’t realize that Washington’s Insurance Commissioner, Mike Kreidler, headed up the NAIC committee that was responsible for this investigation. Makes perfect sense because this guy is WONDERFUL. First, NASE/MEGA/MIDWEST aren’t allow to sell their “normal” policies in WA. They were stopped in 2005. Instead, they are trying (and badly failing) to compete with true Major Medical policies, because it appears they can’t sell “they real thing” and make any money.

    So their price is exhorbitant and the benefits are lousy and I’m sure they won’t survive. The only folks who buy it don’t know any better and don’t shop …. or they’d be flabbergasted if they’d only bothered to compare before buying. They can get close to twice the benefits at half the price!

  246. And one more “Attaboy” is due for Mike Kreidler, Ins. Commissioner in WA State.

    Aside from NASE policies, my other “soapbox” (for the last 5 years), has been about companies that sell what they call “Health Plans” under various names that the link below will reference. These are not health insurance policies at all. Instead people are being sold lists of providers that promise some sort of discount.

    Well, our wonderful, consumer oriented insurance commissioner just stepped in and stopped these guys too! I didn’t know he could do that since they aren’t even insurance companies. But I guess if you pretend your are (when on the phone with a prospect), that’s enough to get a cease and desist order. For the WA Dept of Ins’s News Release on this called “Health insurance Scammers Ordered to Halt Sales” go to:

    These scams are even worse than NASE/MEGA/MIDWEST’s products. They do mass marketing by email and fax, and when you look at their websites (rather than calling them), they tell the truth if you read the fine print…that this is NOT an insurance plan. But if you call their phone centers, you’ll hear (as I did when I called), “Oh yes, this plan covers you at 70%”.

    Really, what you buying is a list of docs, hospitals, labs, dentists, chiro’s, vision docs, etc who will give you a 10% discount, sometimes more, on products and services you buy from them.

    And here’s the truly AWFUL part. They purposefully charge consumers hundreds a months so that people actually BELIEVE it’s health insurance! And since there’s no “pre-ex” conditions clauses and no health qualification requirements (as they are only selling a list…not benefits), consumers are tricked into thinking it’s insurance.

    And for as long as they don’t try and put in a claim, they aren’t aware of what they really bought, so the months go by and the money rolls in for these companies. Folks with heatlh problems are the most vulnerable because they are so desparate to get SOMETHING at a “reasonble” price ($200 a month or so).

    I hope other states follow suit.

  247. All I can say is SCAM SCAM SCAM! My husband and I are now in the midst of persuing a lawsuit against NASE. We met with their sales agent and he sold us a policy, telling us that it wouldn’t cost much different than the Aetna policy we already had and we wouldn’t have any copays. At no point did he say they were a discount or fee-per-service company. Now, less than a year after having the policy I had severe pain in my right side and had to undergo several tests. So far the tests have turned up nothing but I stopped going to the doctor when the bills starting knocking me off my feet. A nearly $3000 MRI was covered by NASE for a mere $300. The bills for all the tests total nearly $8000 and I still have a pain in my side but can’t afford to keep having expensive tests done. I have an appointment with an attorney and am trying to apply for a new insurance plan with a real insurance company.

  248. I have experience with NASE programs. They offer
    a number of different plans, up to 100% coverage PPO
    plans, Just ask the right questions, know what plan
    you’re signing-up for, and you’ll be fine. The
    network here in PA is outstanding and the coverage
    is as the agent explained. You’ll have all the benfits of group coverage, with stability of
    your rates. You’ll be pleased with the NASE

  249. To Paul,
    Paul, Paul, Paul…..You’re one of two things…. either a newbie, or a part of the problem Just start going back and reading all the posts on here. Then go to the NAIC website, if you don’t know, that The National Association of Insurance Commissioners… read the conduct reports on NASE. Read the lawsuits on NASE. Read about all the fines NASE has been handed down. Stop listening to a manager who is making money off every piece of crap that you sell. Do your homework, and stop hurting people.

  250. Well…I have spent the last couple of hours reading this ENTIRE listing. I would like to throw out an email I received from a MEGA captive agent who has been with them 10+ years and has 365 current policies(giving this info for background purposes). One reason that I’m asking is that I haven’t seen or read anything about the “Preventative Plus Benefit Rider” that he proposes and also feedback on this specific plan. Please don’t give me opinions just the facts. I can make my own judgements. Looking for your expert assessment of the plan. By the way, I think I beat ya Nina on the longest post 😉

    Here is the email:

    It was good to talk with you yesterday. Let’s see how we can make a good common sense plan for everyone or one without you. I would suggest, in your best interest, for you to go with This would be the best approach to ensure you have coverage on meds and any future back issues. The underwriters just don’t like vicadin and I think it would be hard to get you through and your back would not be covered. This would be a better and more usable plan, than Aetna, for Bruce and the kids, and don’t forget about the HRA105.

    Please keep in mind that this e-mail is an overview so we need to discuss the details, limitations, etc., when we meet.

    We enhanced our custom PPO plan with some unique features. These features make this coverage more usable for the client. See below in RED. The biggest change was the addition of the Preventative Plus Benefit Rider (second bullet below).

    To follow-up, the attached documents help further explain the coverage we discussed — it’s unique features, benefits, and how it’s set apart from the competition. Also see my website

    Below I’ve also included a list of tough questions to ask when doing your research or reviewing your current coverage. Use me as a resource and let me help you review your health coverage needs and customize a plan that will provide common sense solutions.

    As we discussed, our plans are custom-built to your individual wants, needs and budget, — you choose your coverage and your premium. The in-hospital coverage at different levels and optional riders — all selected by you — make up the whole plan, so we’ll need to talk to identify the specifics. However, based on the information you gave me so far, I created a cost effective plan that provides the following benefits (this is an abbreviated overview — we’ll discuss the details and limitations when we meet):
    $3,000 deductible for hospital confinement for illness (statistics say the average person is confined to a hospital only once every 17 years, not including births) and lower $150 deductible on the accident rider — these are services a person uses more often
    the Preventative Plus Benefit Rider that is 1st dollar coverage (up to the available balance) that pays for physician office visits, outpatient diagnostic expense not otherwise covered, chiropractor, acupuncture, allergy injections, routine physical exams and related lab testing, pap tests, x-rays and immunizations — medically necessary non-covered expenses or preventative services that are not paid under the plan or any attached riders and it is not subject to any deductible or co-insurance
    a 365 day sickness or injury period of treatment – it starts when you first incur a covered expense and ends after 365 days
    hospital deductible is reduced by 1/2 if hospitalized due to an injury
    daily cancer treatment at co-insurance levels
    the out-of-network coinsurance is now the same as the in-network coinsurance
    annual payment by credit card option and a savings of approx 8% (basically one month free)
    air ambulance
    expense cap that limits your financial exposure
    RX drug $15 co-pays on generics and 50% off name brands
    Direct Benefit plan that pays you $200 per day if Bruce or you are hospitalized and $750 for any broken bone or dislocation (kids too)
    $20,000 in accidental death coverage on the primary, $10,000 on the spouse and $2,500 on each of the kids
    $1,000 of grocery store coupons of your choice per year (that’s $83 a month of real money for diapers or whatever)
    Vision coverage
    Dental discount coverage see attached cost schedule and for providers
    all wellness visits and immunizations for children until they are age 13 at co-insurance levels not subject to deductible
    yearly mammograms and prostate checks in the base plan
    24/7 coverage on and off the job if self employed and anywhere you are without a change in coverage
    Membership to the association, see for benefits and for HRA105 tax savings – see attachment and below
    This robust plan would provide all of you sound coverage at $617 per month ($476 without you), and is my recommendation. It’s about the same monthly cost as Aetna but you have a lot more usable benefits. But remember, we build the plan according to YOUR needs and budget, so the price can go up or down, per your choice of options and deductibles. For instance, by adjusting the level of membership dropping the direct benefit plan, dental, vision and accidental death benefit would lower your monthly premium to only $568 for all and $427 for Bruce and the kids…..and you still have all the important bases covered and the Preventative Plus Benefit Rider but not all the bells and whistles that you don’t need or need to pay for. Somewhere in between is what you probably want or you can higher or lower. It just depends on what you want to do because it’s all about covering the what-ifs.

    Applying the HRA105 tax savings benefit and the $476 effectively becomes $228 if you are in the highest federal tax bracket.

    Remember, ours is the one that covers you 24 hours a day on and off the job if self employed and anywhere in the US. Also, we don’t “pool” our policies and we don’t have open enrollment–this is how we help keep your costs down while providing high-quality coverage.

    This is real coverage — not a plan with a lot of exclusions. I’ll be happy to explain more about why ours is the one to have.

    Important things to consider as you’re doing research: (some tough questions to ask)
    Do they have a Preventative Plus Benefit Rider that is a 1st dollar coverage, up to the available balance, that pays medically necessary non-covered expenses or preventative services that are not paid under the plan or any attached riders and there is NOT subject to any deductible or co-insurance? We do.
    Do “they” pay usual and customary charges (we do) or just “reasonable” or “allowable” charges……..then you can get stuck with the balance?
    You choose your doctors and hospital with us…… they have a network and area that really restricts you? Ask them.
    We cover you anywhere in the US whether on vacation or business……..”out of the network area” isn’t an issue with us. Also if you move, it’s portable so you don’t have to change policies.
    We cover you anywhere in the world for your first 30 days of travel……..vacation in Europe, business in Mexico, whatever…… they?
    We cover you 24 hours a day on and off the job…… they?
    You can’t be singled out for rate increases with us……..many others can and do.
    Your policy is guaranteed renewable……. many others are “conditionally renewable,” so if you have a significant medical expense you may get an increase or a possible decline.
    No pre-admission authorization or referral requirements with us…… they need it?
    We cover all wellness visits and immunizations for kids until they are age 13 at co-insurance levels not subject to deductible…….do they?
    Ours are custom designed to your needs, wants and budget……..are theirs?
    Our higher deductible applies to the hospital stay only……..many times theirs applies to most everything.
    We have lower deductibles for the riders that you select…… they?
    We have an expense cap rider that limits your financial exposure…… they?
    You can change the plan, we cannot (only you can)……..others may be able to change your plan with 30 days notice.
    We are connected to a 600,000 member non-profit association so you get the benefits of large group buying power. Are they?
    There are many small business benefits (including CPA on-line, Tax-talk, Shop Talk 800-Small Business Consultants and The Entrepreneurial Connection available to you at no cost) and tax savings with HRA105 for the self employed from the Association that you may also want to consider.
    Remember………if it doesn’t say it in writing……….you don’t get it!
    Hope this helps you in your search and I hope you call me to buy coverage.

    In addition to quality coverage at an affordable price, you may be able to save money with respect to medical costs through the Association 105â„¢ Health Reimbursement Arrangement, which allows qualified self-employed individuals to deduct 100% of their health coverage premiums AND out-of-pocket expenses for all three categories of tax; federal, state, and self-employment tax. Does (or could) your spouse assist you in the business, even part-time? Or, if you’re incorporated, do you pay yourself a salary? If you can answer “yes” to either of these questions, you may already qualify. Association 105 saves qualifying members an average of over $3,800 and it’s a FREE service to you for the first year. I’d be happy to discuss this further to see if you qualify.

    Lisa, if this makes sense to you, I’d like to help improve your coverage (and tax?) situation. I’m available to meet with you days, evenings or on weekends, according to your schedule. We’d need to sit down for about 60-90 minutes to cover all the options in detail, and to make sure you understand the plan and are comfortable with it.

    Let me know when you’d like to talk and I’ll fit it in my schedule. Also, if you know of anyone else who could use my services, please send them my way. Call me with any questions and let me help.

  251. I have no intention of doing a point by point discussion, as I suspect this posting is just an opportunity to advertise Mega’s products, rather than a serious inquiry. But in case I’m wrong, preventative care is not a rider but an integral part of every plan I recommend. In almost all cases, it’s a “first dollar” benefit, payable without a deductible. As for the rest of the plan, there’s nothing new here that hasn’t already been covered in previous posts.

    But hey…I mean… WOW….Grocery coupons!!! Now there’s a great reason to buy a health insurance plan from Mega!

    Of course, I’ll need those coupons…maybe even food stamps…if I get really sick and have to use all my savings and/or incur debt just to pay all the medical services that are either completely excluded or severely limited in their contracts….like anything over $1,000 per day for outpatient testing. “Oooops! You mean I need MORE than one MRI for this injury?? I guess you’ll have to wait till tomorrow, doctor!”

    What awful sales practices these people use. Trying to white wash their “limited” (rather than “major medical”) health insurance contracts that have gaping holes allowing them to deny or limit payment for services that might be incurred for a significant illness or injury….while making a big deal over supplemental benefits that won’t help you a bit in a true medical catastrophe. YUCK!

    The queen of run-on sentences is once again, signing off. Have a good weekend folks.

  252. Way to go Nina….
    I can’t believe that there are still people that can even try to promote/defend this NASE crap. Every company that I write for offers preventive care as part of the major medical plan….. and they act like it’s something special….. please. No matter what these career criminals (NASE agents) tout, just look at all the decisions that are coming down the pike from the insurance departments…. not agents…… about the NASE plans and practices. These guys should have been put out of business a long time ago.

  253. Hello Nina, Mr C and Steve,

    Can you believe we’re at it again?!

    Any way, to Spirit Within, I assume you are in CO, correct? The state of CO REQUIRES ALL insurance companies to cover certain wellness. Also, it won’t be subject to the deductible (however, much wellness IS subject to co-insurance).

    If you’d like, since I’m licensed in CO, I’d be happy to at least give you a direct comparison with Hunmana, United HealthCare and Anthem Blue Cross.

    All I need is:
    1) the zip in which you live
    2) Everyones age and sex
    3) Ball park heights and weights
    4) smoker/non-smoker
    5) Any pre-x you might have
    6) Any Rx anyone takes
    7) A little bit more about your situation
    a) Current insurance company
    b) Reason(s) you are looking for insurance at this time

    I’m pretty sure we could find you/your family a plan that is quite a bit better for 30-50% less.



  254. What kind of agent would write so much in a email trying to you sell insurance? You mail or email the quotes, sample cert if needed, and then follow up with a phone discussion if it’s long distance, if not, set a time meet.

    Nina, I agree, this isn’t from an potential insured, it’s a NASE/Mega agent. No insured would first read through this thread for over an hour and then read that ridicously long email from an agent and still consider going with them.


  255. Steve,
    I agree… and you know what, it’s getting really bad in my neck of the woods with these slugs…. and yes I said slugs. In this day and age no person can plead ignorance when it comes to what they are selling people , especially insurance products. There is way too much information out there that is readily accessible to anyone who is looking for or interested in selling insurance products. These guys lie, they twist, and basically scam their way into their weekly ra ra meetings. It’s enough to make you sick. And the problem is, they’re good at it. Something has to be done soon before more people loose everything they have because some sleaze ball with an insurance license sold them a piece of junk so he could get his advance check from that criminal enterprise known as NASE!

  256. Hey Bob,
    Could you give me your number so that we can discuss our options? Here’s a bit to start with… I’ve got a family of 5…I’m not able to get coverage except cover colorado…currently the kids(Colin-15, Andrew-9, Sabrina 11 mo) and Bruce(49,smoker) each have seperate policies through Aetna.
    We are paying co pays for wellness($30) no co insurance. No meds ongoing but want a RX plan. They are in good health…yearly visits. No prexisting conditions. Would like to get all of them under one plan. Our Zip is 80923.
    Also wanted to thank you for your neutral response…it was exactly what I was looking for. Someone to help!
    Thanks again~Lisa

  257. Yikes! Sorry about that Lisa. I’m glad you are getting Bob’s help with this.

    We’ve seen people post here and pretend to be something other that what they are, just to “egg” us on, and to defend what is really without defense…so neutrality is sometimes hard to maintain.

    It’s incredibly frustrating on this side of the fence seeing, first hand, the damage that NASE/MEGA/MIDWEST have done to people. I get 2-3 calls a month from NASE customers who found out, the hard way, that their policies were not what they thought.

    At least you did your homework and you’ll be better off for it!

    Good luck with your search.

  258. Nina, Mr. C, and Steve,
    Wow…I was truly shocked by your response, Nina. Especially after reading all of your posts. I saw you as someone that was dedicated to helping others not jumping to judgement or poking fun of the post.

    As for you Mr. C and Steve, your responses really didn’t bother me so much since this is the way that you behave most of the time. Although Mr. C offers some useful information and I tend to enjoy learning
    from him. Steve, you need to lighten up…I’m sure this isn’t the first time that you have heard this.

    As for the comments, I would have liked to have seen you guys address the 105 HRA rule. This interests me quite a bit since we are self employed. I also wanted clarification on exactly what he meant by “Preventative Care Rider”…not, duh don’t you know that this is a standard…statements that teach me what I need to know…

    Here are some new questions that were also in his long letter…I didn’t see any responses through the post regarding these so I expected the “experts” to enlighten me not degrade me. It might seem ridiculous to you that I might even be considering this plan but I do, do my due diligence and once I start, I want to know about things, so I ask questions whether how dumb or stupid they seem to you doesn’t matter so much as the answer to them.

    Here are a few of his questions that didn’t get address that I’m curious about…

    1.We have an expense cap rider that limits your financial exposure…… they?

    2.Our higher deductible applies to the hospital stay only……..many times theirs applies to most everything.

    Like I stated in my first post, I wasn’t looking for opinions, I was looking for an expert assessment of the plan. By the way, I’m not an insurance agent of any sort.
    Thanks for your time~Lisa

  259. Bob,

    I’m curioius…is Anthem Blue Cross easier on health issues than Untied Health Care, Humana and others in CO? I believe they are “for profit”, in CO, no? But I’m just wondering if there is any possibility that whatever Lisa got rejected for, might be acceptable to Anthem. Again…just curious.

    Here in WA, the carriers are required to accept 92% of those who apply, so we are quite fortunate. Of course, this year, the two most competitive individual carriers (out of 4), both had over 20% rate increases. First time there was anything that high in many years. People were mortified, especially those who changed age brackets as well, since their rates went up over 40% which seems “criminal”!

    And now the insurance commissioner is trying to get back his right to control individual rates as he feels the insurance company reserves are excessive. For “non profits”, they are apparantly holding a ton of money. Which of course, they justify, and he disagrees with. Checks and balances. A good thing altogether for consumers, I feel.


  260. Hi again Lisa,

    Looks like our posts “crossed in the mail”. None of your questions are stupid. I only thought you were “one of THEM” because your part of your initial email was so short, and there’s was the bulk of the email. So I thought you were just promoting their plan….and that you were a Megalife agent.

    That said:

    I’m going to leave the Section 105 question to someone else as I’m not totally up to speed on that having heard that it’s not what it’s cracked up to be….though I know it DOES have some value. With HSA accounts available, and the fact that the IRS lets you write off your premiums (as a self-employed person), I’m not sure where they fit in.

    Heres my two cents on the other questions:

    Preventative Care Rider: Preventative care means an office visit (and the tests that go with it), for your annual physical, for well baby care, and for your gyn exams. Unlike an office visit, these exams are not for treatment of any current or past symptoms or disease (like a flu, heart diseast, asthma, injury, etc.). Most have annual limits. Some have coinsurance, and/or copays and some don’t. Each state and each company within that state offer different plans so only a CO agent can tell you what is available. Bob’s point was that in CO, it’s state mandated coverage so it sounds like all ins. co’s must offer it. A “rider” means it’s an addition to the regular contract. True Major Medical plans have few, if any, riders. In part this is because it’s hard to predict what you’ll need in the future since you don’t know what illness or injury is in your future (hopefully none!). So it’s best to get a plan with very few exclusions or internal limitations which is how major medical plans work. You never want anything that limits outpatient treatment.

    Deductibles: All major medical insurance plans have ONE calander year deductible per person, usually wiht a “per family” maximum of 2 or 3 so that if you have a big family, not everyone needs to be out the deductible. In the case of HSA plans, there’s ONLY a family deductible. In most plans, if you meet that deductible in the last quarter of the year, you won’t have to meet it again the following year. You never want a plan with a “per incident deductible” (like most of Mega’s plans), since you can’t accurately predict your potential liability….even with an “expense cap rider” (see below).

    Benefits payable with NO deductible: Look for this in any plan you buy. Depending on what you want to pay, you can readily find plans with no deductible for preventative care, and for regular office visits (for sickness or injury), and for prescription drugs. To save money, you can go with a plan without these benefits (or with only prev care payable with zero deductible). But sometimes, you can take a higher deductible plan (which saves money as well), knowing that at least office visits, prev care and Rx ARE covered with zero deductible, and just a “copay”.

    You’ll still be out the deductible when it comes to lab, x-ray, surgery and the Emergency room (along with the bigger stuff like hospitalizations of course), but if you have a good year, you might not run into it at all. You need to evaluate what you get for the money. MANY self-employed people prefer to keep their premiums low….by taking high deductibles on EVERYTHING. In good years, they money stays in their pockets (or in an HSA account). In bad years, they pay their deductibles and coinsurance up to the “out of pocket max”.

    Even with a high deductible plan, ALWAYS submit the claim to the insurance company since you’ll only want to use preferred providers (see more on this below), and if your MD bills you $150, they might only be “allowed” $100, so that is all you owe them.

    Stop loss (“out of pocket maximum”): No one needs an “expense cap rider”. It’s actually horrible that someone can buy a Mega plan, and choose NOT to have a cap! The “out of pocket maximum” provision is part of ALL major medical contracts so you don’t go bankrupt paying deductibles and coinsurance (the 20%)in case of a catastrophic illness or injury. With the cost of medical care, a badly broken leg can cost 100K to fix! So you don’t want to have to owe someone 20K. Look for the lowest out of pocket max you can reasonably afford. Hopefully…no more than $5-10K….though 2K is a lot nicer.

    Also, make sure the premiums are low enough to justify the higher deductible and/or out of pocket max you are taking on. Sometimes, you’ll find that for just a few dollars more, you’ll have far less risk. Make the insurance company “pay” you fairly (with a lower premium) for the added risk you are taking on. As you begin to compare, this will become self-evident.

    So, with regard to the out of pocket max, ALL major medical plans have a maximum that YOU pay out, after which they pay 100% to the maximum allowable benefit per person (at least 2 million). Even though Mega says they have some out of pocket max’s, the plans I’ve seen don’t apply this to all their benefits. Some of their plans don’t pay office visits at all. NEVER buy something like that. If you get really sick…those kind of limits can really hurt and they shouldn’t be part of any “major medical” contract. Some (most?) of Mega’s plans have yearly or daily caps on outpatient benefits, tests, imaging, etc so that when you reach their cap, they pay NOTHING. Their out of pocket maximums only apply to certain benefits …not to all…so what good is that?

    Exclusions and Limitations: All plans have these, but if you actually read the ones on your standard plans and compare them to Mega’s, you’ll see there is no comparision. Things like plastic surgery aren’t covered on Major Med plans..ever. Services like Physical Therapy, Chiropractic, Accupuncture, Massage Therapy and Mental Health care have limits. Generally NONE of those things will bankrupt a person, and they are only limited because when they aren’t, people tend to over utilize these services.

    But with Mega, there are internal caps…even on room and board…on some (most) of their plans. Nothing important should be part of a “rider” (an addition to the base contract). That is unheard of in a true major medical contract and the minute you see riders on important services (MD’s, hospitals bill, lab, x-ray, imaging, ER, inpatient vs outpatient services)….just walk away. You can’t predict what you’ll need…so instead, get a comprehensive plan (not a “limited indemnity plan”), and control your price (and budget) by picking a higher or lower deductible and “out of pocket” maxium.

    Lastly, Mega’s favorite technique is to find something that every normal company limits (like organ transplants…don’t ask me why), and advertise how THEY don’t limit that. This is one of the few limitations on a catastrphic type event, that is standard in a Major Medical Contract (it’s usually 250K), and I really have never understood why it’s standard in the industry.

    So what does Mega do? They sell a terrible plan with horrible, non standard limitations on MANY, if not MOST normal (and potentially expensive) things, while making a big todo over the transplant issue. Why? Because they have to find SOMETHING in which they are “better”.

    But it’s all smoke and mirrors. They do the same thing with “Usual and Reasonable” or “Usual and Customary”. Most (not all) major medical plans have huge preferred provider networks (HMO’s don’t, of course), and preferred providers negotiate their rates with the insurance companies so YOU don’t have to pay “retail”. So it’s a non-issue unless you pick a plan with a very limited network. They ARE out there…so DO compare. Look up the preferred provider networks and see how many cardiologists (for example), are within “x” number of miles of you.

    As I’m now vying for the “longest” email award, once again, I’ll stop here. I hope some of this helps.


  261. Given that I doubt anyone will read thru that lengthy book of a post (except maybe Lisa!), I want to say one concise thing (or at least try to):

    All individuals (except those who are denied coverage due to health in states that don’t have High Risk Pools), have available to them the exact same type of insurance an employer offers thru a group plan….meaning IBM, Microsoft, Union plans, and plans that cover government workers. It’s ALL Major Medical insurance. The only difference between group and individual is going to be in the size of the deductible you choose, the out of pocket max, and how/if the plan pays for maternity, Rx, and vision.

    But the it’s still the same Major Medical type contract.

    “Indemnity” policies, or “Hospitalization” policies, or God forbid, “Supplemental” policies, are NOT major medical and in my not so humble opinion, shouldn’t be on the market at all. At any price. I’d rather have a 10K deductible per year, on a Major Medical policy, with NO upfront benefits, than to own any other kind of health insurance.

    That’s it. I’m getting off the soapbox now. It’s 2am.


  262. To Lisa,

    I’m going to try to put this thing to bed for you. The reason some of us “experts” seem to get ticked off at the mere idea of NASE is because we do. We watch these guys lie, and scam, and in the name of commissions. And most of the time they don’t even realize that they are lying because they are new and don’t know any better. Ans as far as the 2 questions you need answered… ALL true major medical plans have an “expense cap rider” already built in to the plan.. it’s called a “stop loss” or “out of pocket maximum”. They don’t have to charge you extra for a rider. And virtually all plans have options for 1st dollar doctor visits as well. All for a lot less than NASE. But keep this in mind… you talk about “the deductible is only for major problems… is theirs?” Well, virtually every company out there has a deductible, and it is yearly…. meaning it has to be met once per year. NASE has a per incident deductible, meaning EVERY TIME YOU USE IT! And as far as listening to us “experts”, I’m going to put a list of links on here, everyone from Wall Street to several department of insurance. Read what these “expert” say about NASE. Then do something on your own…… open up the yellow pages, go to the insurance section…. start calling the biggest ads you see from anyone who looks like they’re anyone and just ask their opinion of the NASE plans.
    Hopes this helps you.
    NASE Articles…..

  263. Hi Nina,
    That’s the responses I was expecting from you. Thanks for the clarification. I now understand that there shouldn’t ever be any riders attached to a medical plan. I’ve come across exclusions but wasn’t familiar with riders. The 105 HRA was what got me interested in this plan because I hadn’t heard of this tax benefit before. I like to keep as much money as possible from the government as we’re self employed. No one that I have bought health insurance from before told me about it. I was curious…I did a bit of research on it but wanted to ask if this group could let me know how it works since ya’ll have 50+ collective years in the insurance industry. All I know is that you can deduct 100% of your medical expenses and have to have a 3rd party adminster it. I got that info from the NASE agent. As for the HSA account that is pointless for us to utilize since we are self employed…everything is pre tax dollars. The HRA and HSA are to different animals so to speak…

    By the way~
    I’ll be going in for my 3rd and final successful back surgery on Jan. 30th and probably won’t be checking email for awhile after tomorrow. I’m asking everyone I come across to keep me in their thoughts or prayers during this time.

    Again I wanted to thank you for taking the time to help me out. No worries…:)>-
    Have a Great Night~Lisa

  264. Mr. C,
    I think there is some confusion on what I wrote and what the NASE agent wrote…I only wrote the very first of the post…everything after the smiley and here’s the email is what HE WROTE, not me…every single word is what he wrote…including the questions. The ones that you are referring to in your post.

    I appreciate all of the resources to look at. I’m going to put together a nice email full of information for the NASE agent and let him know what his company REALLY promotes! Thanks for the ammunition.

    Currently we all have insurance…all 5 of us on different policies…mine is through Cobra that expires in March…looking to get the other 4 on one policy. They are currently individually insured with Aetna. It looks like I will have to use Cover Colorado due to my pre existing and ongoing back issues. I’m shopping the market to see what is available and came across NASE in the process. What a can of worms I opened up!

    I’m awaiting Bob’s response since he is licensed here in CO. I probably won’t be able to mess with it too much until I get home from the hospital(see response to Nina).

    Also wanted to let you know that, that was also the response I expected from you. Thanks for taking the time to help out, MR. C.

    Have a Great Night~Lisa

  265. Hello Spirit…
    I don’t know how to take that last comment on… that’s what you expected of me….. If I were shopping for a health plan and was in your position I would gladly welcome the information that I provided you with. It’s all the truth. It’s not coming from “competing agents”, it’s coming from reputable 3rd parties who are looking out for the best interest of the public. And please do give all that info to the NASE guy. If he’s a newbie…. he’ll appreciate it. If he’s a whore, it won’t make a difference. And you can feel safe with doing business with any one of the agents that post on this board. I’ve personally spoken with a few of them and they do put the best interest of their client first.

  266. Spirit,

    I too must apologize, we’ve seen so many posing as potential insured on this list when actually they were Healthmarket Agents.

    You are definately not like everyone else, because very people read or research as much as you do for health insurance, this also threw me.

    I will stand by my comment that your NASE agents email was ridicously long and most people, would have just stopped reading it.

    Good luck in the future, I recommend working with Bob, he understands many different state laws that apply to health insurance. I know in my state, with a back surgery coming up, no individual insurance company (including NASE) would write you a policy, but you would be eligible for our state plan.

    Also, there are many good Third Party Administrators (these are the companies that administer a section 105 plan, and also section 125 plans as well HRAs & HSAs. Nationally, TASC does a good job, but I’m sure Bob has several to recommend to you.



  267. Hi Nina,

    Never answered your question on Blue Cross of CO.
    It is Anthem and a for profit.
    Good company, plans and rates, as long as someone has no pre-x and is a good height and weight.

    Like all companies, though, if someone has a pre-x conditions, the best rates, plans & company can change. All depends on what the pre-x is.

    For example, if someone is taking meds for high blood pressure, I’ve found that Blue Cross generally treats that conditions much harsher (rate up more or sometimes decline) than some other companies. Anthem BC is better for other pre-x conditions, though. Just depends.

    That is why it is always GOOD FOR ANYONE to call and talk with an experienced, independent agent (someone who represents at least 3-5 different companies) who is licensed in whatever respective state.

    Believe me, if someone in Washington State needed info, I would NOT want them to call me. I’d have them call you (Nina).

    Steve is a good source in WI.
    How about you, Mr. C, what state are you in?

    Hope this helps.


  268. Thanks, Bob for those kind words! I just emailed you with the info. We’ll talk in about a week…that should give me time to get my head straight from all the meds 😕

    Thanks again~Lisa

  269. Steve,
    Thanks for the info regarding the 105 HRA, I’ll look into it. Yeah, I agree that I’m not like most people, I take things to the Nth degree especially when my money is involved and potential risk of losing it(medical bills). Thanks again for your help.
    Have a Great Night~Lisa

  270. NASE does have alot of questionable reports on the internet, much more than the average company. I would say do your Homework on whatever company you decide to go with. Working with an independent agent that represents multiple companies is helpful, as they can compare different plans for you, from different companies, and find what most makes sense.

    I know some of you have mentioned the rate increases as being a problem, I work with some companies which lock in rates for 3 years! Again, it’s a matter of having access to multiple product to be able to find what makes the most sense for a given customer.

    I am a Health/Life Insurance Broker and work nationally with many companies. Our brokerage is currently licensed in over 20 states. If anyone here is licensed and looking to get setup with great contracts with 1 year advances, and great commissions, get a hold of me:

  271. Hey John,
    You’re obviously talking about Assurant. Great company,great plans, great rates. But watch the post underwriting. You say you working nationally….could you recommend any “decent” internet leads companies. I’m doing my homework now, and I’m evaluating a couple of them for my agency. We’re doing a lot of web conferencing and writing apps on the net. Let me know.