It's gotta be a joke, right?


Client: We like your designs very much, but can’t afford them. We found another company with much a much lower pricing structure.

Certain company owner: I’m sorry to hear that. Pricing does vary from designer to designer – I do wish you luck with your project, though. Can’t wait to see it in play!

Client: That’s just it. See, we like your designs so much better so we were wondering if you could send one of your .PSD files to our new designer so they can use it?

Certain company owner: ~~silence~~ …. umm, no.

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15 thoughts on “It's gotta be a joke, right?”

  1. 😯 You have to be kidding.
    Please say you’re kidding….
    However I know all to well you aren’t.
    *shakes head* Isn’t business just a hoot?

  2. I think some clients ask ridiculous questions because it doesn’t cost them anything, just on the chance that you’ll feel obligated to say yes. The one that I hear: Can I get this today? No, I will send it over Thursday. Oh, that’s fine. I just needed to tell my customer.🙄

  3. Hahahahahaha! I understand completely! We had a job just a couple weeks ago where they decided to basically double our work. Then they couldn’t understand why we’d double our price… 🙄

  4. *thinking* I guess it wasn’t me who asked that. Because you would TOTALLY do that for meeeee! Cuz you love meeeee! 😀

  5. There’s a great technique for dealing with this that I’ve learned the hard way. Never give anything away for nothing and always have an up front contract, before (and I mean before you do a design or proposal). I also never leve my design or proposal with a client for them to steal.

    Here’s some good questions to ask, based on the technique of acknowledgement, repeating and using a following question (sometimes known as reversing. Note at no point will I disagree with them. I will always validate their experience or view of the world.

    Prospect: We like your designs very much, but can’t afford them. We found another company with much a much lower pricing structure.

    Certain company owner: Ok That’s not uncommon, you like our designs and can’t afford them, so what were you hoping for?

    Prospect: we were wondering if you could send one of your .PSD files to our new designer so they can use it?

    Certain company owner: Ok, sure, you want us to send us your designs. Why do you think they were better?

    We just thought you’d caught what we were aiming for.

    Certain company owner: Great, we’ve caught the brief, only one problem you can’t afford them. What were you hoping to pay for them?

    We wondered if you could send them over in pdf form for nothing.

    Certain company owner
    Uh huh, you want them for nothing, a lot of people want stuff that we’ve done as proposals from us for nothing, problem is we can’t run a business like that. And it sounds like its not that important for you to get the right design.

    Well no, it is important.

    Certain company owner
    Ok, so it is important, but not that important, because pretty much any design will do. I mean you just want to get something out there for the cheapest price.

    Well no, not the cheapest price, but within our budget.

    Certain company owner
    And your budget can’t be moved so when this project is complete, it’s the budget you/your boss will be looking at not the result.

    Well that’s part of it.

    Certain company owner
    ok, so that’s part of it, but I thought you said that was all of it.

    Well that’s part of it. And I can’t spend more

    Certain company owner
    Before I go as you clearly can’t afford us and I can’t give you a design for free can I ask you one question?


    Certain company owner
    Why do you think we are more expensive and have clients coming back to us year after year

    Because you overcharge

    Certain company owner
    Um, We do charge a lot, but that’s not it

    Because your clients have too much money or too little sense

    Certain company owner
    Uh Huh, we have a lot of well off clients and some have very little sense, it’s not that either

    Because what you do works

    good technique here is to go deaf and ask them to repeat it by saying
    Sorry what did you say

    Because what you do works

    Certain company owner
    that’s it, Now shall we talk about your budget or is this conversation over.

    Ok on you go with reversing or no and ask for a referral.

    Point is if you get someone to see you’re advantage over the competitiion money is never the issue. They’ll always find it.

    Hope this helps

    Stephen D’Aulby
    Integrity, Sensitivity, Precision
    Business Coaching and Team Development

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