do you know where Lisa is?
Gah! I need coffee so bad. Thought I’d blog first and whine a little. How’s that for dedication? (dedication to blogging or whining? You choose.)
Yes, I’ve been up all night – which is something I’ve been doing a lot of lately. Did I mention that I need to hire a designer?. I do. I do!
As a matter of fact, I think I’ll hire two , at this rate. So . . if ya know someone who knows someone . . .
PS – Bananarama – Cruel Summer is what’s playing now.
You’re getting very very sleepy…
I just heard what I believe was Dr. Hook; Sylvias mother said,..Sylvias leaving” How about that for a song in your head. That is a throwback to the early 70’s.:razz:
Starbucks is calling for Lisa!
I have about 20 minutes left before I totally zonk out. I can make it!
ithinkican ithinkican ithinkican
As one of my clients said to me this morning: “I hear the Starbuck’s barista calling. I should go see what she wants”
Dedication to blogging. Definitely dedication to blogging. :roll::razz::mrgreen:
Awww,, I read this and feel bad as I realize that my bill from you came through very early in the morning but at the same time I am all excited about getting a makeover for my blog,, poor Lisa,, I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you hire a designer soon so that you can catch a break and take some time to sit back and enjoy that Starbucks sip by sip , not just chug it down in order to not fall asleep on your keyboard.
Of course, this is why I made the post. To make my clients feel guilty.
Tara, Starbucks would be heaven right about this moment – honestly 🙂
I’m excited about doing your blog! Hawaiian, tropical – – just what the doctor ordered for this Wisconsin gal trying to emerge out of winter!
astro – what can I say? I blog just so I can see what comes out of your smart mouth next!
Let me tell you Lisa if my new digital camera didn’t just get delivered I would be counting the minutes till the design of my blog came through,, but I have the camera to keep me busy so I won’t be bugging ya or pacing my living room waiting for an email from ewebscapes :grin:,, this camera does so many things it will take me a year to learn all of it. But what fun it will be to learn it all
Tara – a new digital camera sounds more fun than a cool, tropical new blog design any day!
Are you going to be blogging your new photos taken with the new toy?