The new year brings a new category here. Since 3/4 of my time on the web is spent absorbed in graphic and web design for other sites – I thought it might be fun to link a helpful resource every now and then . . . so I bring you: Web Widgets.
My Web Widget for this week is Cascading Style Sheets. All my sites are purely CSS driven. Generally, you won’t find a table in sight – unless there is some specific positioning thingies I want to do over on the side menue. For example, my tag board is sitting in a table because I want it to. The main content of my sites are simply CSS – right down to the placement of the images, text boxes, etc.
Occassionally, I’ll get lazy and throw a table in just to get things done quicker so I don’t have to tax my blonde head more than I have to, but I’ll usually re-do it at a later date in CSS because it’s generally cleaner in a cross-browser sorta way. Of course, now all those Netscape users out there are gonna email me and tell me I’m wrong – – I could be, because I don’t bother checking compatability for Netscape anymore. In the one year and three months I’ve been doing this blog – I’ve been hit by a total of 2 Netscape users.
Of course, that probably speaks more to my lack of traffic than it does about people’s browser habits . . . but I digress.
Anyhow – here’s my Web Widget of the week:
CSS Reference Table – for those interested in learning more about CSS and how the tags work, this site explains every CSS tag there is and what it’s function is.
I use it a lot – – it solves many of my CSS mysteries!
thankyou you web queen you
What a great resource. Thanks for the link!
Let me pile on and add my thanks also!