Vacationing girl


We had a blast – but we were busy! Man – we were busier than I am during a normal work week. We went on vacation with Dan & Tammy (Dan is Chris’s business partner). Tammy happens to be one of those people who can’t relax on vacation and NEEDS to be doing something every minute of the time. Oy! It was fun, though.

Flew into LA on Thursday night – – and the plane didn’t even crash, like I thought it would! But the Valium and martinis worked like a charm. (even though I HATE gin). Friday morning, we drove 4 hours to Laughlin, Nevada. It was very fun there – – it’s like a mini-Vegas, without the prices and crowds.

I came home with about $650 in slot machine winnings! I rock on the “Wheel of Fortune” slot machine – it’s my favorite.

Laughlin is on the Colorado River – and directly across the river is Bullhead City, Arizona – which is nothing to speak of, really. We spent Friday and Saturday in Laughlin – attended a comedy show at the Flamingo and saw Bobby Collins, Scott Angrave and Christine Stedman. All of which were hilarious – – most especially Bobby Collins. He was a riot! We met him after the show and purchased one of his CD’s, which he autographed for us – and he and Chris traded NYC stories for a little while. We also met Scott Angrave and purchased one of his CD’s, too – – and he and Chris traded England stories for a while. Both very nice men and funny, funny shows – – you must catch them if you can.

On Sunday, we drove for an hour and spent the day in Lake Havasu City, Arizona. We spent the day on the lake, which is absolutely gorgeous sitting right smack dab in the middle of the desert.. (were we really there….or was it a mirage?). We rented two three-seater ski-doo’s and spent the next 6 hours tooling around the lake like a bunch of adolescents on speed. It was terrific.

Forget the fact that it was 114 degrees out there and even with 60 SPF sunblock, I STILL got sun burnt (pictures to follow as soon as I unpack). It was great fun!

We woke up every single day by 7:30 – – played hard all day and night…went to bed each night around 2:30/3 am (after downing a few gator bowls filled with 60 ounces of delicious hurricaines)…and tonight, I should be tired and exhausted, but I’m not. But I do have the day off work tomorrow – – because I learned last time we vacationed with Dan & Tammy. That time, I came home more exhausted than when I left….so this time, I was smart. I took the day after the vacation off from work so that I could actually rest before returning to the fray.

Smartie pants, hey? 🙂

It’s good to be home!

4 thoughts on “Vacationing girl”

  1. Sounds like you had a good vacation… Lake Havasu sounds nice, people always talk about it at work. =D I need to take Rachel up there some time… It’s what, 4 hours away? Who knows.

  2. Gary – definately make the trip. It’s beautiful. And, if you like jet skis or ski-doo’s – – the rentals are pretty reasonable for a day rental and they are crazy fun 🙂

  3. You were so close to me dahlin! And can I just say that Laughlin rocks? I always win when I go there too. So glad you had a blast gurly.

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