Doing some guest postings over at Goldie’s while she takes some much needed vacation time — her and her ultra-chic jeans jacket! Have fun, Goldie – we’ll keep the homefires burnin’ for ya!
Vinny’s got a new look. Who knew he was such an artsy-fartsy type of guy?? 😉
I agree, Chelle – sometimes you just gotta touch the monkey
My all-time favorite radio talk show host went and got himself his own national show!. Go take a lookie – cuz he’s darling cute, too 😉
Time to clue Sandy in on the fact with a few tea bags – – a jug-o-water, some bright sunlight and some sugar – she can make her own Sweet Iced Tea with chipped ice!
Everyone is changing, it seems. Maybe it’s a spring thing? De’s got some new digs, too! Time to update those rolls again.
James is trying to be a good blogger. No worries, James – you’re good!
Maybe more later . . .
Who knew I had such artistic friends? 🙂 WOOHOO!
Sorry for the mouse droppings. Just skittering through trying to evade a cat.
Is there a cat chasing you?
Birds of a feather, Vin 😉
Awwww… thanks! And finally a 1-800 number for you to call!!
Wow – I misread that to say ‘1-900’ number and I got kinda worried 😉
You never know, Cam – I may just ring you up one day over at NRA 😉
Sorry to skitter through again, but Miss Kitty is on the rampage and wanting to take it out of my hide.