This kinda stuff excites me to NO end.
This is the exact reason I could not live in any type of desert climate, or southern climate where the seasons don’t change. If I’m not seeing this stuff in early to mid October – they’d have to put me on prozac..
Frosted Grass . . .
(hrmm.. can one ski on this yet??)
Frosted Cars . . .
Frosted backyard . . .
Frosted Tree . . .
I know what you mean, and great pictures. Not sure what the heck I’d do without seasonal changes. It’s soo cool heading down the driveway in the morning and seeing that layer of fog hovering over the pond, and every now and then there’s a duck or goose in there. Right now I’m just wondering what the heck happened to September. It does NOT seem like it should be a third of the way through October already!
OooooOoo excellent pics! The frost is pretty neat, I’ll give you that. I could really go without squeezing into last years jeans and sweaters though. I will, just for you, enjoy the winter months only because you have so much fun skiing. Just try to remember to take some benedryl before you go, and for goodness sake stay off the fake snow. 😛
I just love that backyard shot!
Wow you have frost already! I’m one of those living in the desert and it is just now starting to cool off for us. I do miss having fall – but I plan to drive up North since that part of Arizona DOES actually get the four seasons.
I live in a desert and get frosted, the rare bit of snow although it melts before hitting the ground. And I can drive north to lots of cold and snow. I can freeze my butt off just fine in a desert. I’d really prefer living near the coast, love the ocean but can’t afford to buy a house there.
Ah, we haven’t had our first frost yet. Part of me can’t wait and the other part wishes it were the beginning of spring.