I’m sick – – I may have mentioned that.
Have I? Well, I am.
One minute I’m dizzy. The next I’m fine. The next minute I’m nauseated – – the very next minute I’m starving!
So, I think that the ‘starving’ sensation must mean that I’m getting better, right? My body is ready to take in nutrients to feed its starving and dehydrated cells?
Wrong. Ok?
I had some kind of virus or bug or something–not the flu, but bad enough in its own way–last week. You have my deepest sympathy.
Take Tylenol for the fever. It’s like magic.
Will do. Tylenol. Plenty of fluids. Rest.
Thank you, Jeff. 🙂
hope you feel better soon. don’t worry about working on my project. it will get done when it gets done. i’m not in any rush.
Thank you, Melissa 🙂 But what better thing to do then to work on your stuff while I’m laid up in bed? In between sleeping and…er..bathroom trips….I’m making progress 🙂