Smelly Christmas


I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! I did! The gifts from my honey, and my kids, are going to make for a very smelly and relaxing New Year for me! My hair will be happy, I will have happy feet, happy skin and a happy nose.

Merry Feet:
One of foot bath/spa things
One of these foot massagers
Some of this Aveda Foot Relief stuff
A bunch of products from Bath & Body Works TrueBlue Spa – this, this, this and this.

Happy Hair:
About 4 years ago, my local salon stopped carrying the Aveda Salon Products Line, much to my discontent and heartbreak. The closest Aveda store to me is about an hours drive away – so, needless to say, I’ve had to do without my Aveda products. Oh, every once in awhile when I find myself in the area – I stop at the Aveda store to pick up a few things – but I was used to it being my mainstay in hair products. I whined. I complained. Recently, within the past 6 months, or so – Chris and I got into a discussion about it, for some reason. I’m sure it was because I was whining about other things- because my salon made that change about the same time Victoria’s Secret stopped making the Victoria perfume – which I absolutely loved and was devestated when they stopped making and selling it.

Anyways – under the tree this year? About a 9 month supply…
Of Rosemary Mint Shampoo and Rosemary Mint Conditioner and Camomille Shampoo and Camomille Conditioner – – both my favorites! And just for giggles . . Aveda Hand Relief and Aveda Foot Therapy.

He wished me a very Aveda Christmas – to be sure!

From the kids – I got a happy nose!

Fantastic Ginger Peach Candles from Pier One about 12 of them in different sizes and shapes – my favorite! With some nifty pillars in different size and shapes to hold them. And if my nose isn’t happy enough – I got three of these in different scents.

Couple all of that with about 6 new books, a new pair of cozy slippers for the winter and a brand new genuine Turkish Bath Robe – I’m all set for some pampering and relaxation this year!

They all, Chris, Ben and Missy spoiled me MAD this year and I think I’ll be the most relaxed, smelly and harmonic Mom on the block!

I also particpated in the Secret Santa again this year (last year was great fun!) – – and my Secret Santa was revlealed today. She sent me The Big Book of American Trivia. Thank you so much Carrie!.

My Secret Santa should not dispair! I sent mine late this year because I’m a putz. But! It’s on it’s way and should be there by 12/27 – no later!

As for their goodies? Chris got the Magnavox 17MD255V 17-inch Widescreen LCD TV with Integrated DVD for his office – because he loves to watch movies and have them on in the background while he’s working. The kids gave him the Complete Calvin & Hobbes collection – because he’s a big fan.

Ben made out with an IPod and all the accessories. Melissa recieved a cool digital camera from Bushnell and has been snapping pictures of everyone and everything ever since Christmas morning.

Above all the “stuff” – – we’re mostly happy and thankful for another wonderful year together. Everyone is safe, happy, healthy and doing well this year – – and that, above absolutely anything else, is the best I could ask for on Christmas.

Did you have a great weekend? What’d Santa bring you?

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3 thoughts on “Smelly Christmas”

  1. MMMM, all of those smelly presents sound wonderful! You could have a spa day and pamper yourself with all of those yummy products.

    I got a 4-pc setting of Christmas china, 3 bird porcelain figurines and a variety of DVDs. Yay!

  2. Pingback: Just A Girl » Blog Archive » Cilantro

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