I loved 2008…and I hated it.
Professionally, it was really a phenomenal year. E.Webscapes did 409 projects in 2008 – that’s more than a project a day. It’s almost exactly double what we did in 2007 – and the profit margins tripled. I also finished another book in 2008 and have another (different) one in the works for 2009 (more about that another day!) I would have to say that professionally speaking, 2008 was my most productive year, to date, since I quit my nursing job and became self-employed back in 2004. I’m pretty proud of that – and proud of the talented team of folks I’ve brought together. It didn’t happen without a few bumps and bruises along the way – – growth always does bring about a certain amount of pain, no doubt..but, overall – I’m very satisfied with how 2008 went, professionally. Looking forward to 2009 in a BIG way.
Personally? 2008 can officially go away now, thankyouverymuch. There is a whole lot that I don’t blog about, as it relates to my personal life – and that is the way I intend it to stay. Why don’t I open up more about my personal life? Mostly because it involves the people in my life who I love and care for and don’t think it’s fair to them to talk about their/our issues on my blog. It’s a privacy thing – – I respect theirs. I’ll just say that if I had 2008 to do over again, on a personal level, I would have to decline. There is nothing in this world that I would not do to support and help out someone I love .. let’s just say that sometimes, that kind of love and support can be very exhausting under certain circumstances. If I had it to do over, I wouldn’t change a thing that I did – I just wish, wholeheartedly, that I could change some of the outcomes for one person in particular (they know who they are). In total, I’m looking to 2009 to be a break out year for this person as they begin rebuilding with a renewed sense of self and purpose. It’s only day 2 into the new year and I’m already seeing some very positive steps in the right direction. That is very encouraging.
I may be a few days behind wishing everyone a happy new year – – but here’s to 2009! There’s something about a new year that feels very clean-slate-ish, isn’t there?
Things coming up this year:
Google gave me a very nice present for the New Year. In their most recent Page Rank update, Google has graced this blog with a PR7. Not sure what that means for a personal blog that doesn’t do any advertising – but I’m sure it’s a good thing, right? Thanks, Google!
WordPress For Dummies – at long last, the book will hit the shelves late January/early February 2009. I don’t have an exact release date, but do know that it will be within the next 30-40 days. Many have emailed about the description on the Amazon.com site – – it still says the book covers version 2.5. Wiley Publishing has submitted the changes to Amazon so that it reflects the correct version – but, from what I’m told, it takes a few weeks for Amazon to cache updates from the publishers database. This latest release of WordPress For Dummies, Second Edition does cover up to WordPress 2.7 — and contains comprehensive information on WordPress theme design, including how to tweak the design on your current, free theme – and information on basic HTML and CSS, as it applies to WordPress themes, in order for you to begin working on developing your own, custom WordPress theme. I’m hoping the description changes at Amazon soon, to reflect the correct information. (just emailed Wiley again today – gosh I hope I’m not being a pest 😉
WordCamp Chicago – we’re still working very hard at organizing this event. Somehow, I got the honor of organizing the venue and obtaining sponsorships for this event and it’s been a challenge so far, to be sure! We’re still looking for interested sponsors to help us put on an awesome WordCamp for the Chicagoland areas – – if you, or anyone you know, is interested – drop me a line! I am also seeking an appropriate venue in the Chicago area – – I have several leads, but nothing solid yet. Not being from the Chicago area, myself – it’s somewhat of a challenge – – any ideas or suggestions would be a great help – I’m all ears 🙂
I have several new sites I’m launching within the next month that I’m excited about wrapping up! Here’s a preview of a few of the ones I’ll be wrapping up shortly:
The end of 2008 saw me working like crazy to wrap up several projects that have been in the works – – and I best get a move on, too, because my schedule is filling up for 2009 fast – it’s nuts 🙂
SXSW Interactive – I will be headed to Austin Texas again this coming March for the SXSW Interactive Festival. I have several things in the works for Austin that I will announce here once I have confirmed that they are a ‘go’. As of right now, I am definitely going . . . though, the surprises I”m working on are still in the works and I will, hopefully, know more in the coming weeks. Are you going?
Another book??? Quite possibly! I know, I know – call me crazy (or something!). The rumors are true, I do have another book in the works. The project in a very, very preliminary stage right now, so I cannot say much about it. I can say that it is not about WordPress this time (a topic that I could write forever on!). Right now, I’ve been approached about it and am in the negotiating stage…will keep you informed as things progress.
Themes – 2009 will see more published, free themes from me for WordPress (and possibly other platforms).  In early 2009, I will be updating my free xMark theme – as well as adding in several other new themes. The themes will be 100% free and GPL – no questions, no grey areas, no doubt.
I’m having a baby in 2009. Just seeing if you’re really paying attention…I’m not really having a baby. Are you kidding? I am SO done on the kid front!
Happy new year everyone!
Heheh. You almost got me with that last sentence.
@Danalyn – I didn’t realize you could be so gullable :p
Good check for attention at the end. (Some of us do
readskim all the way to the end. 😉@Mike – good to know you’re payin’ attention! 🙂 Happy new year!
I was gonna say – I don’t know if I can schedule a baby in for ya /:) . . . don’t you know that you need to approve those sorts of things with me first o:-) ? Happy New Year!!!
@Lindsey – I figured you’d have a minor heart attack on that one lol… don’t worry, all babies will be cleared with you first. 🙂
That’s very good to hear, hope your 2009 will be a good one!
lol. Yeah, I know…I freak out when I hear the “P” word.
I’m feeling the same way Lisa, 2008 was a year that was good but not the best. I have much better expectations for 2009, and it seems that others have the same feeling as well. I look forward to it and wish you the best.
2008 wasn’t a very good productive year. Only hope 2009 brings a better and brighter future for us all.