Too much work and no play makes Lisa feel sorry for herself. Hence, the break in work last night to go skiing – – which, might I add once again, I did awesome. Not only did I do awesome – – but I owned that damn hill!
Ok, enough about me. I’m sitting back with a hot cuppa and decided to do some surfing and bluring…so here we go:
I’m a Taurus and part of my horoscope this week from Free Will Astrology states, “I’ve always believed that the most useful critiques often come from people who deeply appreciate the subject they’re critiquing. This so happens to be your mandate in the coming week, Taurus: Compassionately assess what needs improvement about everything you love. ” I don’t know – it could just be me . . but Chris might not appreciate that.
I’ve started to take a serious look at this low carb craze that’s hitting the world. It reminds me of the low fat craze that hit, about a decade ago. My only hope is that the low carb foods taste better than the low fat ones! Either way – I have this on order: 500 Low-Carb Recipes: 500 Recipes from Snacks to Dessert, That the Whole Family Will Love. Since I’ve been watching the carbs, I’ve lost 5 pounds. Could be that or the fact that I switched to diet coke exclusively – – or my twice a week skiing adventures that I’ve been doing for the past 3- 4 weeks. Either way – I though I’d give it a whirl.
Tiger has this whole navel gazing thing going on, leaving me with the question, “Do Texas navels grow more lint than the rest of them?”
Geoffrey has the most disgusting “Clark in ’04” campaign poster! I could have lived my whole life without seeing it – – but have to admit, I laughed my bum off!
Chelle has a brand new, sexy look to her blog. Plus these great Audio posts where she shows off her sugary sweet southern accent! Visit now – tomorrow is NOT just another day, Scarlet!
Lawren hopes feminism hasn’t killed off chivalry completely.
Goldie wants to know if your real life friends know that you blog – – and do they read it?
Grumpy Bunny gives a striking good example of why doctors and nurses should actually listen to what their patients are saying to them!
Kate does her own blurfing, alphabet style.
Vinny gives advice on how to spot mad cow disease. Out of all the intelligent commentary that his site offers — this is the post I picked. There’s a blonde fer ya!
DeAnna blogs about the perils of a wet pussy.
Cam is naming body parts.
Remind me NOT to drive next to Lori – – she’ll run me down for being a cell phone driving chick!
Ok – whew. That does it. I blurfed until all my coffee was all gone! There are tons of others out there that are my favorite blogs – – I’ll catch you guys next time!
This is Texas, where ever’thin’ is bigger. We don’t get belly button lint here, we get belly button dust bunnies and the big bellied bubbas sometimes find a tumbleweed or two lodged in theirs!
Linky love appreciated!
Thanks for the answer, Tiger. That’s sorta…er…scary, a little 🙂
Thanks for the plug. I have to admit when i loaded your page to see all of the places my crappy photo shop job got linked to, i had to stop myself from clawing lightly at the screen. Who is that babe on your background? Rar.
She’s sexy, ain’t she? Too bad she’s just a painting
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Well, I’ll just wait a few years and have her cloned then. Drool.