1. Do you feel an obligation to your blog and its readership? Or do you just post whenever you feel like it – – even if a day or two…or a week goes by?
With everything else in my life – my mood vary on this one. I don’t particularly feel obligated..because that makes it sound so much like a burden. I like to post everyday, if possible – – sometimes more than that. Sometimes, I’m a blogging maniac and I’ll have 10 posts in one day – – other times a few days will go by before I make a new post. It all depends on what is going on in life at the time. I don’t, however, stress out if I haven’t posted in a day, or two. Hmm….do YOU stress out if I haven’t posted in a day or two? mmmmdidn’tthinkso. 😉
2. How often, in a day, do you say to yourself “Hmm…I gotta blog that!”?
Frequently! Except, my problem is that by the time I sit down to blog about it – – I’ve already forgotten it! Just think – I could have some pretty phenomenal posts on my blog, if only I’d remember the topics I wanted to blog about! I should carry a notepad. Now isn’t that the height of blog addiction???
3. A list of blogs that have made you really think
I left a pretty wordy response in Linda’s post about porn. I’m not the only one!
Lachlan shares an impressive photo gallery of the total lunar eclipse from May 4th.
Casey has had it with hypocritical, mindless barbaric fucks. Can’t say that I blame him, none.
Vinny has something big happening. Problems is, he’s not tellin’ anyone. I bet’cha I know, though! 😉
Lawren graduates today!! Go. Now. Congratulate her – she worked SO hard!
Goldie is STILL answering questions like: “When was the last time you chucked? And why?”. Brave girl, that Goldie.
Rachel makes a touching Mother’s Day post. Go read it. Wish her a Happy Mother’s Day, too!
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Thanks so much for your support. 🙂 (I sound like Bartles and James). HA!
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Why thank you! for the linkage!
Heh…nothing stirs up a conversation like porn. There’s now 13 comments and 3 trackbacks. That’s a record for me!
My answers for RE #4 are up on my page! Thanks!
thanks hon ;). I so badly wanted to share when the incident actually happened, but it was one of those things where you think “hmmm… do people REALLY want to know?” So when he asked, I was finally able to answer. 😉
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