Open Call for Talented People


Building websites and WordPress blogs ain’t what it used to be, I’m telling ya! As development on several platforms expands and progress – our clients are seeing some great new uses of these platforms all over the place! Not everyone is happy with the typical blog framework anyore of content on the left, sidebar on the right with the usual Recent Posts, Categories, Archives, Blogroll…and navigation menu on the top.

That is sooooo…. early 2000, isn’t it? We’re looking at a new generation of clients who are seeing phenomenal things happening in the areas of CMS developent and progress adn they are thinking out of the box….things like “Well, I saw a WordPress blog overe here (give sample link) and it has this cool thing where it does THIS… I’d like to see if I can do that, but I want to extend those ideas and maybe have it also do this, that and this other thing… Cool??”

Very cool.. but it’s something that requires some custom development – let’s see what we can do!

This is exciting stuff and it inspires us to keep thinking outside of that boring box toward the effort of creating some really cool stuff. And we’re seeing this more and more.. so our projects keep getting bigger and bigger.

We’re finding that we’re bringing in some talented professionals and consultants to help our clients realize their dream to handle some of the overflow on projects to keep them humming along smoothly. Folks such as:

  • WordPress Developers – – these folks can program custom stuff for our clients, maybe the creation of custom plugins to create a user/reader experience that suits their exact needs on what they need to have on their sites.
  • Real SEO Consultants – – helping our clients with search engine marketing and placement.
  • Illustrators/Artists – sometimes our clients are looking for special drawings and renderings of themselves… their cat… their house… their toenail.. whatever the needs of our clients are

The people we’ve been referring to, lately, are very busy, so we need to expand our referral list in these areas. Let me be clear on this – – I’m not seeking designers, CSS gurus or WP/EE/MT themers, we’ve got that part covered!

Simply put, we’d like to put our clients together with experienced and talented professionals in these areas of expertise: WordPress development (custom plugin development), Custom Scripts and programming, SEO Consultancy Services, Illustrators/Artists who can create quality, web-ready artwork and/or vector illustration services. It’s hard to find really good folks who aren’t already so slammed with work that they can’t possibly take on any new client referrals. Good for them… not so good for us and our clients!

Sure, our clients can search these folks out for themselves… however, we’d like to put them together with people who are going to be able to provide the services they’re looking for. Our only benefit: building a referral list of talented folks who can help our clients realize their goals. We will not ask for referral bonuses… just good, quality and dependable service and solid outcomes for our clients.

So, I’m leaving this comment thread open to anyone who fits the bill… or if you know someone… or know someone who knows someone… ya get my drift? 🙂

13 thoughts on “Open Call for Talented People”

  1. I’m extremely interested in this opportunity. I’ve been doing this type of work for awhile now but almost entirely for free. I never call myself a coder but I am definitely very resourceful at implementation.
    Things I have done/can do.
    -Create Themes from mockups and existing sites
    -Create highly customized experience with the use of plugins and theme modifications
    -Plugin selection/installation/customization
    -Porting and converting blogs/websites from other platforms to WordPress(my fav) and other platforms
    -Consider factors such as accessibility, usability, user experience, readership, etc.
    -Stretch the use of WordPress far beyond blogging.
    -Plugin creation (not my favorite thing to do but I *can* do it)

    I have done work on a variety of work on a variety of sites. A portfolio is on my to-do list still, though. I’m not a guru but the people I do work for think I am.

    (» Read Daisy Olsen’s last blog post..Firefox – Loaded)

  2. @Danalyn – thank you for pointing out something that I’ve been trying hard to ignore until such a time that I really care…or have time to deal with 😛

    la la la. 😡

  3. Lisa,

    I think you hit the nail on the head of an issue I’ve been grappling with recently.

    I started a blog to share my research and thoughts on religion and how upgrading our religion (read: bringing more intelligence and compassion into it than it has ever had before) can help us turn it into a force for good. I began a few months ago with a few posts and a few podcasts.

    I’ve found among my readers that there are those who definitely only have time to read posts. Others enjoy the podcasts as well. Still others (who have less experience with the internet and blogs and podcasts and such) have told me that when they visit the site they’re just not sure where to go and what to do.

    On the one hand, I know that this is a user experience issue and I need to sit and think about how I’m presenting my information.

    On the other hand, I can’t help but wish WordPress or any other CMS (I’ve looked into so many) would help me present my information in a better way, something beyond a reverse chronological list of posts or a cluster of static pages whose internal relationships to each other are not easy to define and maintain.

    In other words, I am one of those who sees the simple power of WordPress but wish it had something more.

    So a few questions to you emerge out of all this.

    Where would we go to find out what more can be done with existing plugins or a small tweak? What more can be done with some custom development? And what is the rest that is really a large project unto itself that needs many resources and time and, of course, funds?

    How would you guide a client in drawing these kinds of distinctions?

    What are some of the *other* features and customizations that you could highlight to show what can be done on the WordPress platform?

    Your insight, wisdom, and flair are much appreciated.


    (» Read Rahim Taliesin Snow’s last blog post..Reading, Listening, Cross-fertilizing)

  4. Michael Soriano

    Ahhhh – as if you’ve been speaking to me alone. I am an old school web developer which have gotten used to designing the old fashioned way. I am getting myself up to speed – and have just familiarized myself with wordpress (i started last month…i also just got your book and enjoying it so far).

    As far as ideas – I got plenty. aesthetics and CMS functionality.

  5. Lisa – great to see you doing this! And just like Michael, I really love your book. I’m the creative director for Feisty Aphrodite Media and we design/code WordPress sites, as well as integrate these sites with social media (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube…you name it). I’m also an illustrator. I’d love to talk with you or write with you about referrals (I know you do WordPress – very well I might add – but I’d love to show you my illustration work). Anyway, thanks for all of your great advice, ideas and the book!

    (» Read Nikki Lamagna’s last blog post..We?re getting a facelift!)

  6. Hey Dougal – thanks for dropping by. I do refer to Crowd Favorite quite a bit, actually.. almost all the development work I get a request for gets referred to you guys, Mark or Aaron. The problem, for me and my clients, comes in when all three of those referral sources are booked.

    I have yet to find a WordPress developer who isn’t booked, though – – that’s always the challenge! 🙂

  7. Niki – thank you for visiting and for letting me know about Feisty Aphrodite Media! I would be quite interested in seeing your illustration samples – I visited your site to have a look – but understand you guys are currently revamping, which is probably why I didn’t see samples there 🙂

    Please feel free to drop em a line at: lisa AT lisasabin-wilson DOT com – – let’s chat!

  8. Lisa,

    Yeah, we do get kinda busy sometimes. These last couple of weeks have been brutal! But thanks for the referals.

    Oh, and I forgot to mention in my previous comment — my wife just ordered your book the other day 🙂

    (» Read Dougal Campbell’s last blog post..Upgrade or else!)

  9. Pingback: Ridge View Media’s Blog » Blog Archive » WordPress: Not Just for Dummies Anymore

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