A reader, Bob, has a snarky sense of humor! Considering my most recent post about Bozo – Bob sends in this:
I have since found out that I’m not the only one with an irrational fear of clowns! So there! 😀
A reader, Bob, has a snarky sense of humor! Considering my most recent post about Bozo – Bob sends in this:
I have since found out that I’m not the only one with an irrational fear of clowns! So there! 😀
i HATE clowns. omg. i’d kill myself if one ever came near me. hairy scary!:cry:
Given your irrational dislike for the comedically challenged you should proudly display your No Bozo Zone icon prominently (perhaps under the equally irrational bouncing bloody sheep).
Do you have a spare moment today? I just sent you an e-mail.
If you look at me I am the epitome of the “tough Guy” look. And since I have been in more than my share of fights, my tough guy persona is not wholly unjustified.
If you want to freak me out though – put a clown near me. I can’t stand being in the vicinity of one.
Fred – you got something against sheep?
Does that make you a GOAT?
Jeanette – you’re raping my email too, now? Am I gonna have to file a restraining order?
Jay – a man after my own heart! Down with Clowns!
but, but, i neeeeeed you. bad.
Ok Jeanette – I responded.
As a mother of teenagers – – it’s so refreshing to be needed once in awhile 😉
I hope you received my message as well Lisa. I can’t believe you have teenagers though. You look 18.
Love it!
Down With Bozo!
Oooh! That works on SO MANY levels! *snickersnort*
Jay – how very Eddie Haskel of you 😉
Yeah, I’ve been pretty curious on checking you out Lisa. Where can I find a picture?:wink:
Snatch! Welcome over here 🙂
This is my sanctuary away from the other – you’re welcome here whenever you want to haunt it 🙂
Oh – my picture is here 🙂
Thank you Lisa….
I’ll behave myself over here, don’t worry. Beautiful picture by the way. I’ll bet your teenagers friends at school all have crushes on you.:wink:
Behave over here? Why? No one else does (glance: Redfred). 😉
And thanks – but if my son heard you say that, I think he’d “hurl” lol
Does your good buddy Shiloh ever stop by this blog for tea and crumpets?:grin:
I just brought that up because the post is about clowns so you know…..
lol – nope, not as of yet
Snatch, hands off! Lisa’s mine!!
(And I don’t even swing that way.) Hmph.
Janette, it’d be a lot cooler if you did…:twisted:
Oops Sorry. I promised I’d behave. But me and Lisa are old friends. She keeps me in line.
OO! OO! Cat fight!! 😆
Jeanette – with you raping my ear and all, I thought you mighta swung that way lol
Not even curious, huh? lol
Yeah, The tone in hear is so much better…
Good lookin women all flirtin with eachother…
Now this is cool.
That’ll be a dollar, please. 😉
I will Money Gram it to you next chance I get, okay:smile:
I go away for a few hours and all of this fun breaks out. You are one funny teenager.
LOL! Sheez, I go to watch Dr. Phil on tape and requests for, uhh, alternative activities pop up … (ha ha, I said pop up.)
pop up – Now that is funny.:mrgreen:
(blonde hair twirl)
Popup? I don’t get it 😕
(/blonde hair twirl)
You do get it!
Only the shadow knows 😉
No, not from me she hasn’t.
I think it is a reference to…popping up. My mind is in the gutter. I need to go wash my brain out with soap.:smile:
I am going to bed – night all.
Errrrr… I think I’m gonna leave this one well alone!
T shirt for you…?