Never Thought I'd Say It


I actually handed in my last round of submission for the WordPress for Dummies book last night at 12:30 am! Wow! This was one of those projects that, in your head, you knew that it would eventually come to an end.. but you just weren’t feeling the end coming, if that makes sense? I had set a self-imposed deadline of midnight last night and I typed my very last word at 12:02 am.. not bad for a professional procrastinator, eh?

Melody, my Acquisitions Editor, has been just fabulous. She was the one who so generously gave me an extension of a week when I whined told her that the WordPress MU chapters were really kicking my butt. Melody is also the same lady who is working with Joelle and Kathey on the book they are currently writing, The IT Girls Guide to Blogging with Moxie, which is a brand new line of books from Wiley Publishing and is also due to be published towards the end of this summer, as well. It has been fun, and interesting, to work on WordPress for Dummies at the same time Joelle and Kathy are also writing their book – – the three of us have become a mini support group for first-time authors over the last few months. I owe them a bottle of champagne.

So, I woke up this morning and had that brief feeling of … “ok… open eye lids… hit the bathroom… get some coffee.. what am I writing today?” and then I stood in the middle of my bedroom and brought the house down with a little song and dance that went something like this…..

I don’t have to write todaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
Cuz I’m done… ‘dats right.. I’m d-d-d-d-d-d one.

Hey, I never said I maintained my sanity during this whole process! I think I’ll go get a pedicure, or something… maybe just chocolate. Whew!

16 thoughts on “Never Thought I'd Say It”

  1. Pingback: WordPress For Dummies Is One Step Closer at Lost in Cyberspace

  2. Woooooooooooooooooooo! Congrats! That’s awesome, I can’t wait to get your book. 🙂 We’re on the last leg and I think ours is coming out in October. Eeeeep!

    *pops the cork*

  3. I’m so proud of you! We need to organize a new author “conference”… yeah that involves spa treatments and champagne. Yes…thats the ticket.

  4. Kathy – awww, thank so much. The ‘New Author Conference’ (NAC TM) sounds like a swimming idea! Spa treatments, chocolate and cocktails all around.

    Can’t wait until you n’ Joelle are bragging about being done – it’s a good feeling 😀

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