Well, yesterday, I got over 3000+ pieces of spam from that little monster. He has program that is automated to just keep hitting your wp-comments-post.php every 2-3 seconds, dropping the email in.
WordPress has great comment spam protection – – however, it moderates the spam, which is great when it’s someone dropping one or two spam comments. But, when you have someone who is using a program like Python to automate the spam, bypass the front door of your site and hit the comment post function directly ever 2 seconds and it results in thousands of spam – – it moderates those too. Which means, they hit your blog – get thrown into your moderation queue, requiring you to delete each one – which is a headache. Plus – you still get the email notification that you have comments awaiting moderation.
I have found a cure! Yep – it involves reconfiguring some of your PHP files in two places – – however, when I implemented it last night – the little monster was thwarted at every single turn. His comments didn’t make it through – not even to my moderation queue – – and I stopped getting emails from him either. It doesn’t involve banning IPs or anything like that – – what it does is completely re-directs automated spam programs and it’s so simple.
Pasting in the spam filters that I gave you in the posts below is still helpful against spam in WP – however, this one, in addition to that one, is 98% sure to stop them in their tracks . . they with the automated spam programs.
If anyone wants to know – drop your email in my comments. Doesn’t matter how adept you are with WordPress – anyone can implement this one, it’s that easy.
The little spam monster kept trying to hit my site and leave his comments last night up until about midnight, when he finally gave up. Tsk.
Hit me with the info… thanks!
I’ll have some, please. And instructions for total idiots so that I can install it, too, if you don’t mind.
I checked some of the other files on the support board, but haven’t a clue how to get them from my desktop into a WP folder.
Emails sent to both John and Michael – have fun 🙂
I’ll take a helpin’ of that, ma’am. 🙂
Actually, a few additional comments on my site might actually liven things up…LOL. But, I’d rather be safe than sorry so send the info over, puhleeeeze.
Wow. If I ever decide to leave MT I’ll go to WP because I already know an expert!! Good catch!
Sign me up, too! I have over 200 spam comments waiting to be deleted. 😡
Michael, Stacy and La Shawn – emails sent to you guys too 🙂
Daniel – you’d LOVE WordPress, really – spam monsters not withstanding
Not that I have the traffic any of you do, but send it to me anyway…always good to be one step ahead of the spammers! 🙂
Lisa…could you send me that lil’ tidbit too?
Randy – it’s sent 🙂
Just started getting spammed today… I’ve put in the blacklist program but anything more helpful that you already have would be great as well.
Rob – email sent 🙂
*please* send me the info… the blog I linked is getting increasing numbers of spam by the day and it’s driving me insane! thanks so much.
Please please please send the info!
I meant to resurrect this one, not the other one. Hey, I didn’t know WP had a countdown plug in. Heh heh. I’m now counting down Thanksgiving, Christmas and my next birthday. Lord, help me. I’m a countdown maniac!