Lazy Day


Monday’s gone. At least, in terms of my work week — and you know what that means! That means I’m one day closer to my last!! As far as Mondays go – this one was pretty sane. Because my last day is fast approaching – the office hasn’t been giving me any new patients to my caseload. As it stands today, I have six patients on my caseload – – as opposed to my usual 14-16. So, to say the least, the next few days are going to be pretty light in terms of workload. I can’t say that I’m unhappy about that, either.

Today was an office day. Make that a ‘home’ office day. I spent most of the day dealing with some paperwork and doing some phone calling for work today from the confines of my own home office. Tomorrow I’ll go out and see my six patients – – Wednesday and Thursday will be another ‘home office day’ and Friday I’ll see my six patients again. That’s how my last week will go. Not bad…not bad at all.

Today, in between doing some work for my actual job, I finally talked UG into doing the conversion. We’d been talking about it for some months, now – and she finally got fed up enough with MT that she decided she wanted to make the switch. She has finally risen up from the dust of MT and joined the real world – – congrats, girl! You’ll be happier than a fox in a hen house! 🙂

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2 thoughts on “Lazy Day”

  1. Sounds like a nice few last days, I am so glad that did not continue to give you patients. They knew one day they just might need your help again and it is always best to have the employee left on the best terms possible.

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