Home Early


Today is the first official day of my switch back to ‘field’ work. I happily took the management hat off . . . dropped it on the floor, and stepped on it (when no one was looking, of course.) I hopped into my car…cranked up my radio and gleefully sipped my coffee as I travelled to my patients all day long.

It’s one of the things I’ve missed most about doing this job…well, really I miss two things. 1.) Seeing patients and 2.) Getting home by 3pm. Some days, the priority rating on those two things switch — but I’m just thrilled to cut the chain off the ball that is my office, day in and day out.

It leaves me more time in the day to do the things I like to do. Plus, it gets me out of sitting around on my ass in an office all day long – out into the fresh air and managing my own time without anyone shoving papers under my nose, a phone ringing off the hook, paper work, paper work, paper work and a boss who doesn’t want to do her own job, so she passes it on over to me. Needless to say, I’m thrilled this day finally came around! I didn’t think it would actually arrive – – I thought I wouldn’t make it…but today, I crossed the finish line and hey, it’s 3pm and I’m home..in my sweats..drinking coffee.

Update on my last post rant – – the person in question sent me a very nice email..setting things straight and clearing the matter up in a very nice way. I just want to say I appreciate it, and thank you. 🙂

Starting tomorrow – I’ll be guest posting over at Dean’s World. His readership is huge – – and he advised me not to worry if I get flamed and not to take any shit. As a good friend always says to me, “Don’t start no shit…won’t be no shit.” I can give and take shit like a trooper…I’m not so worred. Ummmm….should I be? Hmmm….I almost feel like I should be nervous about this. Well, starting tomorrow – – do me a favor and drop by Dean’s World and lend me a word or two of support if you happen to see me taking a lot of shit! 😀

Hmm….It’s 3:20 now – – I’m thinking I need more coffee!

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