Him n’ Her

Travel Update 6

*posted by Shae while I’m on vacation* This will be my last travel update. Lisa just phoned from Denver where she was sitting in a smoking lounge getting her nic fix. It isn’t bad enough that smokers are herded together in a small area, but this particular area has a one drink minimum. She was puffing on her smoke and thought she could get out of there before the waiter spotted her, but here he came. She ordered a diet Pepsi and didn’t even have time to drink it because she had to get to her gate. Is this an […]

Travel Update 5

*posted by Shae while I’m on vacation* Some people! Lisa called a bit ago and I gotta say some people are asses! She and C. were skiing today when she had to stop and was even off to the side when BAM! some maniac crashed into her. The maniac didn’t apologize or even ask if she was OK. Nope, not a maniac thing to do. Instead he cursed at her. Unbelievable. Poor girl couldn’t catch her breath for a full fifteen minutes because the maniac had hit her so hard. She was crying and wasn’t sure if she could make […]

Travel Update 4

*posted by Shae while I’m on vacation* Lisa called to let me know she and C. are having a great time on their ski vacation. She is really catching the skiing bug and has had a few spills. There is one spill she took that is worthy of mentioning. She was swooshing down the slopes, looking very cool I’m sure, when her skis began to part and before she knew it she was face down! Her legs spread wide with huge skis attached… her arms were out to her side with her ski poles straight up in the air. To […]

Travel update 3

*posted by Shae while I’m on vacation No word from Lisa since the other night. Which is completely understandable. I’m sure she is busy doing…………. well, busy! lol I know she and C. were flying to Reno today to begin their ski vacation. Good luck on the slopes!

Travel Update 1

(Entry written by S. while Lisa is on vacation): Today I was talking with Lisa and she was so excited about her trip to spend the next several days with C. She also gave me her account info so I could post “travel updates”… lol So here is the first one… Most of the day she was running around packing this, shaving that, exfoliating, polishing, all the things a good girl does before she sees her man. Let’s not forget to mention she packed all the yummy toys! I think she got everything done and am sure she got to […]

2 days and counting!

Two more days! Work is usually pretty slow – – in comparison to the work I used to do. I usually can find time in my week, during the day, to get done things that need doing. (I.E. Grocery shopping, errands, etc). But of course, this week – – work has to completely fall apart when I am trying to use some of my daily free time to get ready for my trip. Of course! We had 10 new admissions this week and 3 of my 11 patients are crashing and burning. It’s been a crazy week for everyone at […]


C. and I both have a huge move to make this spring. I think his move is bigger than mine – -but still, it’s a big move for us both. We’ve both made the decision that life is awesomely great when we are together – – that we make a great team and we’re happier in each other’s presence. He’s moving here in May. So, naturally, there’s lots to do between now and then. While my place is pretty big now — it’s not nearly big enough to contain both he, I and the kids. Funny how the addition of […]

Hey, my space has changed!

Only 2 weeks and 3 days until I’m with him again – yay 🙂 I fly out to LA Saturday, Jan. 31st and then he and I fly out to Reno on the 2nd of February. We’re spending the week in Lake Tahoe and Reno – – doing some skiing, gambling . . and whatever else comes to our minds. *eyebrow wiggle* I fly back home on February 9th in the evening. I really don’t like flying much. It’s not really a 9-11 thing, because I didn’t like flying before all that happened. . . now I just don’t really […]

California or bust

That’s me. Standing out on the curb with the sign in my hand . . . “California or Bust” He’s off to the west coast again. I suppose this should get easier each time, shouldn’t it? We’ve been at this for almost two years now – – seeing each other just about every 4-6 weeks. Either he’s leaving or I’m leaving – – – usually it’s him, I’ve only been out there once. They aren’t tearful goodbyes. Probably because they aren’t goodbyes at all – – they are just “See ya later’s”. He has never ever left me without me […]

Merry xmas

Today turned out to be pretty awesome, really. I would have to say one of the best holidays I have spent in a very long time. So weird that somewhere in the back of my twisted little mind I had this little tiny feeling that the other shoe was going to drop. Ya know what I mean? I guess over the years holidays have been really kind of disappointing in a lot of different ways, and if it weren’t for my kids – I’d really be quite a little scroogette for the most part. So it’s not really that I […]

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