To me.
Reilly has a new toy over there with a brand new meme hosted at her site at Uptown Girl. Reilly and I have been friends for years and years and years – – did I say years? It’s been years. She’s my partner in crime over at Right Voices and a great friend. She just reminded me of something I totally overlooked – – October 28th was my two year blog anniversary. Yep, this blog has been running for over 2 years now – believe it or not. Two years worth of my babble and blatherings. Woohoo me!
Go give Reilly a visit – – play her new game, it should be fun. Thanks Reilly, you’re a gem!
If you say years one more time I’m going to think we are old when I know we aren’t 🙂
Congrats on two years, Lisa!
Pingback: Uptown Girl
yeah I hear ya
Congratulations, Lisa!:cool:
Reilly? weird, my dogs name is Riley, just struck me as odd
Congrats on your blogversary!
Wow, 2 years? Mine’s been up almost a year, but I think that’s the longest any of my sites have been up (and still active).
Thank you, thank you 🙂
nice job. by the way, what the heck is a meme?
well go have a look 🙂 A meme is one of those blog things that go around – – usually a list of questions that you respond to that gives your readers insight into who you are. It’s all about YOU! 😉
Happy Blogiversary! It’s blogcake and blogcream for everyone!
The blogosphere would be very un-cool without you. And you’ve done quite a lot to help your fellow blogger — all the way back to Boycott Hollywood.
Yes, I have been reading you THAT long.
xoxo and bloghugs,
Holy cow, now I feel old! lol
Thanks, Margi xoxox
wow – – boycott hollywood that brings back memories huh, Lisa? lol We are not old!
:: points ::
SHE said it, I didn’t. 😉
2 years Lisa? That is great! Congratulations, and keep up the good work! I enjoy reading you. Always thought provoking… 🙂 And a fantastic guest blogger!
Happy Happy!
Congrats, Lisa!
Daniel – thank you 🙂 I had so much fun guest blogging for you 🙂
Thanks, DeAnna! 😀
Someone is going to carousel today. Can you go here and leave a send off? Spread the word.