I talk with my hands. I do – I’m very expressive when I’m talking . . my hands are always moving. Even when I’m on the phone and no one can see me – my hands are still going as I talk.
I never noticed it much before – until Chris brought it to my attention this morning. Then I became real conscience of it – and tried to stop. I can’t believe how stifled I felt by trying to keep my hands at my side as I talked. Claustrophobic, even! It a very short period of tim (ok – a few seconds ) my hands were moving again . . . even though I was trying to make a concerted effort not to move them as I talk.
I’ve since learned that it’s impossible for my hands to stay still while I’m talking. I guess it’s fine – as long as I don’t hit anyone.
Lisa I do the same thing! You can forget about trying to stop it now that you know about it. It won’t happen.
I am in good company:wink:
Good company, indeed, Pam! Ditto 🙂
I talk with my hands too. When I was younger I was discouraged from doing it. Then I switched to talking with a finger. Now people enjoy my moving hands.
Same thing here. I’m not nearly as bad as mrs. knight, who I can make almost silent by holding her hands if she starts talking.
That’s exactly what happened, astro! I didn’t move my hands. . . and my mouth didn’t move either.
Hey… don’t anyone let Chris in on THAT secret!
Jay I have gotten compliments as well. Astro- be good! But my husband tried that and I could not concentrate to speak! Ugh what a mess:smile:
I don’t move my hands, but I pace like there is no tomorrow… I even insisted on a tile pattern in the kitchen so that I could follow it while I talk….
I wonder if that’s an extrovert trait? I mean, I move my hands some, but I don’t HAVE to move my hands. Hmmm.
Pam – I’ve tried being good, but I’m much better when I’m bad!!!! 😈
I do the same damned thing! Hey, at least it’s not Tourette’s! xoxo
Girl, you must be a latino, or at least your roots were Italian or Spanish. Don’t bother, I like it. For sure you must be spicy.
Not even close, Ronald. 🙂
Irish gal here
Scots/Irish, here.
You know, not all hot-blooded women are of Latin descent. 😀
Scotch Irish as well!:mrgreen:
Don’t you wish you had 4 arms so that you could flail wildly while you typed with the other two?
Preston! A man who FINALLY understands me!
Yes, yes I do
Geeze, this must be quite the place for the Scot – Irish. Yet another here!
definitely better than talking with a lot of spit… hands are fine.. you’re not hurting anyone!
You should not feel self conscience for “talking” with your hands. It just means that you are pasionate about what you are speaking about. 😉
Danyel- someone told me that once. I also think that way when someone brings it to my attention.
I talk with my hands, too, though I like to wear sock puppets when I do just to make sure I’m not misunderstood.
I’m the same way. I can’t talk without using my hands. We’re just more animated than other people.
I only talk with my hands when driving. Well, not so much hands as a couple of fingers.
I talk with my mouth.
better than talking out of your ass