Dave, over at ViewPoint Journal contacted me for a full re-do. He is the newest member of our Blogs About community. He had been using pMachine and was interested in moving off pMachine onto WordPress. So, we imported all of his posts over into a new WordPress blog on our servers, and finished up his design yesterday. Go visit. Say hi!
Gina is a seamstress over at Sew Eclectic. With an image she provided of the dress makers dummy – we skinned her new blog with the pink hues she wanted. She was on Blogger – but we migrated her off and imported all of her posts into her new WordPress blog, onto her own domain. Go on over and visit – and, of course, say hi!
Enough work for now, I think – – time to enjoy the weekend! TGIF!
Fantastic work, as always!
Thank you Aurorealis! 😀