Friday Night for Losers


It’s June. Already. This means that my wedding is eeeeking up on me real quick-like – – how did that happen? All that time I thought I had back in September when he proposed.. all of the sudden, I’m already packing for the honeymoon! Wow!

It seems that almost everything is planned, paid for and set to go – – at this point, if something doesn’t happen the way it’s supposed to happen on our day.. then it just wasn’t meant to be. I REFUSE to stress about this wedding one more day! I’m excited about it – and it’s a good sign that the very idea of marrying this man still brings a big ass smile to my face – – as much, if not more, than the day he proposed. No doubts. No cold feet. Nothing but looking foward to building my life with him.

Caterer. Check.
Florist. Check.
Photographer. Check.
Justice of the Peace. Check.
Decorations and favors. Check.
Honeymoon reservations. Check.

Warm feet as opposed to cold feet. double check.

My ex is coming to the wedding. It feels a little odd — but we’re the best of friends, despite the fact that the romantic relationship didnt’ work out the way we thought it might. I’ve known him for a decade .. or more(?).. and over the years we’ve been friends above everything else. I think somewhere along the line – – for about 4-5 years of that decade, we confused our rainbow connection with something more than what it was. If ever there was a testimonial to how much sex can confuse a good, solid friendship – Tom and I would be living proof. It took us about 5-6 years to figure out that we really make awesome friends… but at least we kept trying and worked at understanding our relationship enough to become good friends today.

Tom is the friend/physician I talk about from time to time on this blog. To explain everything he means to me would take volumes, and I’m sure I don’t have the disk space in order to encompass it all. Having him at the wedding makes total sense. There are some in our lives who think it makes no sense at all. However, the important part is that it makes sense to the two of us. Most important, even above that, is that it makes sense to Chris and that he is encouraging the friendship. Chris and I had a long talk about it – and he welcomes it, which is completely cool. Chris is just cool that way. He’s not intersted in controlling my life, or limiting me in any way , whatsoever. If I tell him there is nothing for him to worry about – then he has nothing to worry about. Trust is cool that way.

Last night, Chris had his bachelor party in Atlanta. It involved more single dollar bills than I’ve probably spent in the last year. Poor guy called me this morning and said, ‘I think I’m sick. I’m having hot flashes, my stomache aches and my neck hurts… you think I could have the flu?” I say, “No, honey – I think what you have is what they call a hangover.. which, by the way – you probably deserve.”

We had a $20 bet. He claims that strippers don’t affect him that way. I told him he was full of shit and said, “$20 says you get wood”.. he says “You’re on”.

When he called this morning he says “You owe me $20 – – and there are about 5 girls down here who want to meet you.”


He’s at our lake home in Alabama this weekend – leaving me completely to my own devices.

I’m thinking male strip joint, eh?

Nah. Instead I made an incredible salmon for dinner — had it with a Ceasar salad and am getting into the first season of “Rescue Me” – do I know how to have fun, or what?

Have a great weekend!

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