Char at Essential Keystrokes does a really nice and helpful feature every week called “Essential Tools” which highlights tools people use for success in their day to day lives that help them with productivity, organization and getting the job done. She’s featured some great people and put the spotlight on some really useful tools.
Char features a new person every Wednesday and if you haven’t read Char’s Essential Tools features – there is no time like the present! Especially because this week’s feature is yours truly – what more reason do you need? Plus – in this weeks feature, I reveal a little known secret about myself…coming out of the closet, so to speak. Just when you thought you knew everything. Heh.
Colour blind? Damn… I thought it was gonna be something far more juicy than that! 😉
Haha – those secrets are for a different blog, I think 😉
Color blindness is pretty juicy for a designer, isn’t it? Ok – maybe not quite so scandalous as all that. :p
I’ll let you off though… I guess it’s equivalent to somebody with no tongue working as a chef – so [Essex Lad Mode: ON] nuff respek to ya. 😉
Thanks for being part my Essential Tools series! You taught me about a few tools I had never heard of. Thank you.