

Three more days to go on the meds. Really, this shit makes me edgy as all get out. Am I whining? Hell yes I am! Still unknowing of what caused this creeping crud to begin with, I’m worried that when I’m done with the meds in 3 days – it will come back – and it will be all pissed off.

My own family has been avoiding me because of the edginess. Not that I can blame them – – poor folk. However, the man and kids went shopping yesterday and brought home a beautiful bouquet of tulips. I adore tulips! Pink, red, white and purple ones. They are beautiful. And they did put a slight dent in the edginess I’ve been experiencing.

So, I redesigned. Keeping myself busy with something that I didn’t really need to concentrate on. Really, my clients did not want me designing for them this weekend – – honest! I’ll restart client work on Monday. I decided to go simple with this design. Got rid of all the other noise (read: the skins and all the superfluous garbage I stuck on my blog over the past year). I apologize up front for retiring the ‘Blue Girl’ skin – and may resurrect her in a different form one of these days. I know of at least three guys who will give me hell about it. Just think of it this way: She’s not gone – – she’s on an extended vacation. 😀

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30 thoughts on “Distracted”

  1. I like this skin Lisa! And I hope you are getting better. My hives are brought on by stress. I am thanfull they only appear to flare up on my arms, but man, it looked like I got scratched by a grizzly 2 weeks ago! I tried Benedyl and that worked for me. If you have perscription meds, I would dare say you will be fine! Take care! You needed the break from the family didn’t you?:wink:

  2. Thanks, pam 🙂 Yea – I think the family needed a break from me rather than the other way around lol

    I wish benadryl worked for me! Three days will tell if I’ve got this thing kicked 🙂

  3. Wow! This is a pretty calm skin considering what you’ve been dealing with the last few days! Very nice. 🙂

    p.s. Tulips! Lucky dog! I’ll be waiting til spring for mine (bulbs)!

  4. I really like the new layout! 😀 You did a great job despite everything you’ve been going through. Although I will miss Geek Girl… she was one of my favs. Glad to know you’ll be back to work on Monday. I’m compiling all the info for my order now 😉 I really hope this medicine works for you and you get to feeling better!

  5. Tulips! I love spring flowers! Unfortunately, when my hubby brings me flowers, it’s usually a big, red flag that he deserves to be whacked over the head with them. Glad you are feeling better and I really like this new skin. Simple is good..think ~calm~..no hives…:wink:

  6. Hardest part is not getting used to the new look – which is good BTW – but getting used to not seeing the ubiquitous Blue Girl every 3rd click on the blog traffic services. Whatever is was you are recovering from, I hope you feel better.

  7. Mum always said if yo can’t say anything nice then say nothing at all.

    Honestly it is the content rather than the appearance that keeps me coming back, but I thought I should at least be honest… Other people seem to like it so ya boo sucks to me…..

  8. Fred – I just can’t please everyone, I guess *deep sigh*

    There is a “Back Home” link at the top of the side column that appears on every page. I could see about putting one on the bottom of the comments, though – – to make it easier on your fingers 🙂

  9. IE 5.5 but they restrict a load of plug ins and stuff, I need a business reason for getting them and Blogging doesn’t cut the mustard.

    Having said all that Today the blog looks to have loaded properly now and it looks a whole lot better, in fact I like it a lot, before all I was getting was a white screen with the posts only, no side bars, no picture and no header.

    I can now join the ranks of the admirers

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