Coffee Break Time


So, I’m procrastinating having a quick coffee break. Believe it or not, I am STILL going through all the wedding pictures from last summer and assembling my wedding album. On June 24th, we will be married exactly a year – – and I’m STILL not done with the wedding album! Procrastinate much?

So I’m going through these pictures.. and I find two ‘pre-wedding’ pictures of me, taken while getting my hair/makeup done and waiting for THE moment. I look at them now and wonder exactly what was going through my head at the time? I have to ask — am I about to get married here… or am I planning on attending my own funeral?

Pensive doesn’t quite cut it… I’m looking a little worried.. concerned….scared, maybe? Plus – I was obviously drinking like a FISH! I do remember being VERY nervous. I think in this first picture, I’m looking out the window – watching it pour down rain just a mere hour before our beautiful OUTDOOR ceremony. We had beautiful paper chinese lanterns and umbrellas in the trees that were just MELTING before my very eyes with all the rain. I think that’s it.

At least.. that’s my story and I’m sticking to it:

wedding, bridal, pre-wedding jitters

pre wedding nerves, drunk bride

Although, in the end – I’m looking MUCH more relaxed.. but still drinking:

post-wedding calm
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6 thoughts on “Coffee Break Time”

  1. You know, I think I prefer these photos from that day more than any of the others, especially the bottom one. It’s just so “Lisa & Chris” to me. Still regret not being able to make it.

  2. I wish you guys would have made it, too! At least YOU broadcast your wedding via webcam.. all we have to offer are pictures 🙂 Although, with all the rain that day – there’s no way we could have pulled off the web cam anyways.

    Chris read this post and he said, “you look scared shitless” lol

    He, of course, was cool as a cucumber, right?

  3. That really seems longer than 2 1/2 yrs. ago for us less than a year for the two of you. I’d have to agree with Chris. 😉 How often did both of us loudly proclaim we would never feel the need to be married ever again? And then what did we do? I was so scared before our ceremony that the only things I remember are the conversation his sister and mother had with me that afternoon about, “Are you sure you want to marry my brother? Do you know all of the bad things he’s done is life?” and meeting his dad face to face and being completely thrown off guard by his exact facial features and voice being the same as his son’s only he was shorter than his son and I could look him straight in the eyes. I think I downed my second glass of wine rather quickly at that point.

  4. Ha – you’re talking to the girl whose LONG time motto was always:

    “Forget love – I’d rather fall in chocolate”

    The only pre-wedding warnings I got from his family was from his sister. And that was, “Are you SURE you want ME as a sister-in-law??” lol

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