

My thoughts are with everyone down in Florida – – I hope everyone remains safe and sound. It’s gotta be some scary stuff down there today!

Officials warned about a million residents and tourists Thursday to get out of the way of Hurricane Charley, saying parts of Tampa’s downtown and nearby areas could be submerged by the massive storm surge likely when the hurricane strikes Florida’s central gulf coast on Friday.

“It does have the potential of devastating impact. … This is a scary, scary thing,” Gov. Jeb Bush said.

The evacuation zone stretched along Florida’s west coast from Key West to north of Tampa.

Fla. Warns 1 Million to Evacuate

Though, I ‘ve been told that the hurricanes named after women wreck the most devastation. /shrug

How are Hurricanes Named?
The Art of Naming Hurricanes

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9 thoughts on “Charley”

  1. Ya my sis is hanging out down in Florida.. fun fun.
    One year I was living in Va Beach they skipped Hurricane Rachel and changed it to Roberto or something… probably a good thing. THAT would have been a goooooood one.

  2. I just got electricity within the hour (live in Orlando.) This is my first comment since rejoining civilization :-). I will be posting more about my experience on my blog….later….when the air conditioning finally catches up.

  3. Wow, Randy – I totally forgot that you lived down there! I’m MORE than happy to hear that everything is OK and electricity was the only thing to go!

    I’ll check your blog and see your post about your experience down there.

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