California or bust


That’s me.

Standing out on the curb with the sign in my hand . . . “California or Bust”

He’s off to the west coast again. I suppose this should get easier each time, shouldn’t it? We’ve been at this for almost two years now – – seeing each other just about every 4-6 weeks. Either he’s leaving or I’m leaving – – – usually it’s him, I’ve only been out there once.

They aren’t tearful goodbyes. Probably because they aren’t goodbyes at all – – they are just “See ya later’s”. He has never ever left me without me knowing exactly when I would be seeing him again – – and lordy I thank him for that.

And it isn’t even so much that it gets harder every time – – because it’s about the same. Knowing I’ll be seeing him soon helps a lot. It’s just that….well, it seems that each time it seems a larger piece is missing.

Dropped him off at the airport – – lots of hugs and kisses . . . watched him go. He called me on my cell once he was all checked in and waiting to board. It’s always like that – – talking to him as I drive back home. He says, “I miss you already, baby girl.” I say, “I feel like my right arm is cut off.” We both get all mushy and smoochy for a moment and just when I think I’m going to be sad – He immediately starts talking about plans for our upcoming trip to Tahoe . . and I brighten considerably.

Things are just not doom and gloom around him . . . ever. They never have been.

Amazing how three weeks can fly by, isn’t it?

So, I came home and cleaned up some stuff. Found a pair of his socks – – put them on….smiled and cozied up into my chair in my office and did mindless surfing around the web until he called when his flight got into Chicago. We chatted a bit – – I wished him a safe flight before he boarded his plane to LA. I’ll wait up – as I usually do, for him to call when he arrives safely – – that should be about 3 am.

It always takes a day or three before I get back into a normal routine around here. I always seem to forget what it is I used to do before he was around. Am I pathetic or what?? YES I AM lol.

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