Yea, I know – – up late, causing trouble. I seem to be on one of my late night kicks — which generally means a run of a few weeks of staying up until gawd awful hours of the morning . . . and waking up at horribly early hours of the same morning. I go through this every now and again . . I blame it on night shift nursing. I worked the graveyard shift as a new nurse fresh out of college – and I’ve never been the same again. That’s when these late night kicks started . . have never been able to delete the late night kick cache from my system.
Woe is me. Are you crying a river for me yet? Save your tears . . . I actually thrive in the early morning hours. 🙂
So . . anyways – was just taking a look at my trusty little weather script over there – – and at 3:45AM, here’s what it says:
I realize no one else realizes the significance of this, except me – – however, it’s getting colder and colder as the days go by. Admittedly, our days have usually been running in the tropical 60’s (sometimes 70’s) still – – but a real good indicator of winter are those cold nights!
Snow soon, dammit!
I remember those cold mornings of fall in Wisconsin, except for me it meant school was going to start up…LOL. I was little, but you never forget. 🙂 It’s actually 8 degrees colder in my little ‘burb than my weather script would indicate, so it’s 55 degrees here. It’s nice to be able to wake up at 6 a.m. and not have it be 75 degrees outside! I love fall!
Oh good! Someone else who enjoys the cold and snow like myself! 🙂 Highs only in the 60’s here until Friday, and then in the 40’s. WHOHOOO!!! 🙂
Cold is anything below 75 and what is this whole “snow” idea?
😎 ::: basking in the 90 degree Florida sunshine while dodging hurricanes :::
Apart from the odd hurricane or two, the weather in FL is pretty nice year round. It’s about 87 today, with fat, puffy white clouds. The grey clouds of mosquitoes from the standing flood waters will come later. Then they’ll go away as the Snow Birds from points north start flocking to the beaches.
The last time temperatures reached freezing here was in the 60s. I hope it stays that way. Leaving the cold and snow of New England and the Upper Mid West was one of the smartest things I’ve ever done!
The weather in Flordia (sans hurricanes) is beautiful, to say the least. But I’d simply go crazy living in an environment without a proper fall and winter!
Besides, I’m a downhill skier – – what would I do in Flordia in January?? I shudder to think about it! lol
You could take a vacation then, Lisa to a place with snow 😉
Oh yes! It’s getting downright nippy here in California, too. I think in the 60s at night. Brrr.