Whew! Time to give my brain a rest. Martin, you and your blog have drained my brain today! In a GOOD way, though – – it’s always a good thing to be challenged. And let me just say – that three column blog design of yours with all your bells an whistles – – well, it gave the ol’ grey matter a workout, to say the least 🙂
It was a pleasure, though.
Martin and I go back well over a year. He contacted me via email back in the days when Right Voices was called “Boycott Hollywood”. Those were they days, eh Martin? 🙂
He dropped me an email in the midst of all that hubbub when the William Morris Agency sent a scathing letter, trying to shut our site down. Here’s an article I wrote for FrontPage Magazine about that whole sordid mess. And a story that NewMax did about it, at the time.
Amid all the threatening emails of lawsuits and bodily harm, Martin was a beam of sunlight in the center of a storm, at that time – – and though our contact since those months have dwindled some – I will always be happy to call him friend – my favorite American-Capitalist-Wannabe, living in Sweden.
Go give his blog a visit and say hi!
Cheers, Martin!
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