Blurfing of an Insomniac


It is 4:16am and I can’t sleep. It amazes me to no end how guys can just totally be zonked out, snoring and drooling on the pillow almost 2 minutes after high intensity, hot, sweaty sex. I wish I could do that. I, on the other hand, am awake from the adrenaline rush – – fully relaxed, but still alert and awake.

That’s always how it goes. I’m not complaining at all – – because, damn – it was fucking incredible. But here I sit with a tall glass of cold water, coming down off my rush. The room is silent and I have VH1 going quietly in the background.

Ever watch VH1 at 4 am? They actually play music vids – believe it or not! And wow – I just flipped over to MTV, and they are actually playing music vids too. I guess you have to tune in at 4am to finally see music videos on the music video stations….just an FYI for those of you who like to see them once in a while.

Flipping back to VHI because I’d choose Norah Jones and Tori Amos over hip hop, any day.

So I’m sitting here – – quietly relaxed and glowing….figured I’d do some early morning (late night?) blurfing. Some of my usual favorites — and an attempt to see if I can find a few new blogs that interest me. So here we go — Insomniac Blurfing:

Usual favorites:

Uptown Girl did a very cool post about The Cure – complete with a discography of her favorite album, “Disintegration”. Plus she does some great round ups entitled “A GW Thing” – where her visitors share reasons why they will vote to re-elect GW Bush..she even featured Moi in one of them. Head over there and give her your reasons!

Goldie tells the story of the twenty-year old girl who sold her virginity for $20,000+ on E-Bay. Because of that posting – I’ve decided to send an invoice to my ex-boyfriend who got my virginity for free on Prom Night in 1985. I figure I’ll bill him for a cool $100,000 — I mean, interest accrued and all that, right?

Chelle bravely blogs about her battles with SAD – she’s taking a break for a week or two until the storm blows over. She knows I’m here if she needs to rant irrationally at me.

Kate has added a twist to her snarkage.

Hopefully, the anti-war peace activists will keep an eye out for Todd during their next march. It would be in their best interests.

Lori is pretty in pink.

New Blurfings (read: Blogs I’ve never read before tonight):

Kelley at Suburban Blight gives insight as to why smoking pot gives you the munchies.

Dax doesn’t think GW will win in November, at all. Just Damn!

Eric is trying to figure out how any can lust after Marge Simpson – but readily admits he lusts after Jessica Rabbit. Now that’s a man with taste!

Les Jones lists the 10 most corrupt world leaders. Hey, these must be the guys who have endorsed John Kerry?

Rob makes a truly nauseating post.

Whew – well I think I’m done for the morning. My tall glass of water is all gone. The candle I’ve been burning has successfully given a pretty stink to the room. VH1 hasn’t let me down with good vids from Evanescence, Sarah, 3 Doors Down, Creed, Tori Amos and Norah Jones. Chris is still snoring and drooling – and I’m still wide awake.

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11 thoughts on “Blurfing of an Insomniac”

  1. you know what’s funny? I’d jus responded to your comment saying you should invoice him for more due to interest accrued *grin*. psychic twins!

  2. goldie – that IS something. I just read your response to my post on your site….that is creepy! GMTA, baby.

    Pinetree – – it’s true. At 4am, it’s definately true, I can vouch for it.

    Eric, you’re welcome.

    UG, you’r welcome, too 🙂

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