I guess their server upgrade didn’t go as smoothly as they had planned? All day yesterday, my blogrolls got hung up and now today, they aren’t loading at all. I took all of them down off Right Voices (I was running 5-6 of them) because that site just wasn’t loading at all because of them.
Upgrades are understandable. But frustrating. Hopefully they’ll be up soon!
😈 Aha…that explains it. You can ignore my support email. 😀
they’re killing me too. I guess i’ll disable mine until I find they’re back up. by the way, i’ve made a packer prediction for the weekend in your honor, o wise one.
During one of the previous rounds of blogrolling problems I left them and although it does create a little extra work I found that just saying no good policy, they are far to unreliable.
Now this is a skin I’d like to get into.