What to do if you're Spam Attacked?
Send a desperate letter requesting assistance to Geoffrey – I crown him the BlogSpam Slayer. Hmmmm…..BlamSlayer? Geoffrey, by the way, very graciously helped me a great deal – – and it was out of the kindness of his heart, not because he likes my boobs. (Although, is a self-admitted eye candy slut) Thanks, Geoffrey xoxox Make sure you have MT-Blacklist installed — it makes for extremely easy deleting of silly, bored, idiotic, asshat spam comments! Track the IP’s of each of the postings — Ban the IP’s – – Ban them all. Add them to your IP Deny Manager if […]
Some one is really fucking bored, hey?
Wendy? Yes Lisa?
Build your own comic strip online. Found via:
Number One
Being number one was never all that important to me. Just as long as I’m healthy, happy and wise – I’m good to go. However, Chelle pointed out my number one Google rankings today. Someone’s gotta do it.
Ok – enough blogging for this morning. I’m thinking really super big cup of steamed milk with a quad shot of espresso (that was just for you Vinny) and then get dressed in all my warm winters and head out to the ski hill!
AIM – Instant Gratification
I tried that Instant Gratification – get an IM anytime someone visits your blog” thing. I have to say that it drove me absolutely bonkers! I thought it would be a fun thing to try. I’m always up for trying out new blogging features, add-ons, tools and other thingies and toys. So, I tried it and it drove me nuts…I deleted the code off my site and won’t regret seeing it go bye bye. I just have to say – – anyone who is that tied to their blog traffic needs to get a life. lol I have the referrers […]
Re-Design Done
Not sure I’ll stick with this – – but I’m done for now. I’m under orders – – I cannot re-design this template again until I’ve completed our business website over at West Bend Web. Yea, if you click the link – there’s nothing there. I know. I know. I’ve been lax. I had forgotten that the last time I redesigned this blog, Chris said “You cannot redesign this site again until WBW is completed!” And, at the time, I agreed. Whoops. Color me forgetful ::blush:: I guess I know what I’ll be doing for the next day, or so! […]
I’m feeling a new design brewing. Why oh why can’t I just keep those fingers still and just deal with what I already have? Call it a design bug – – but it’s brewin’. Oh yes it is.
Template hell
I haven’t blogged in a few days here because I’ve been drowning in templates for MT! All of the sudden, I had a burst of requests for MT coded templates from my other site – – which is always a good thing, especially when it means a few $$ in my pocket right before Christmas! But the requests all came at once! It’s funny how that happens. I’ve been running a small graphic design business on the web for about 6 years now and it always, always goes in spurts like that. I’ll go a month with nothing — then […]
Ok – Vinny is having an absolute cow over on his blog. Not without good reason, mind you – – but a cow, nonetheless. Go over and give him a big hug, would ya?